Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1088 Final Goal

Chapter 1088 Final Goal

Outside the mountain gate of the Spirit Race, above the void, there are many strong men gathered.

Leaving aside the eight spirit marquis of the Spirit Race, among these powerhouses of the Celestial Race, there are five powerhouses of the second calamity, and there is even one of the third calamity!
But at this moment, after the name of the third robbery powerhouse was pointed out, many people from the spirit race who came to wait and see all showed surprise on their faces.

"What? He is Tiangang?"

"Among the 36 Tiangang generals of the Celestial Race, there are three generals, and Tiangang is one of the three generals, and it is the second-ranked existence!"

"This person has reached the third catastrophe. I have never heard of him making a move for so many years. I didn't expect to come forward in person today to kill Di Chu!"

Under the sound of astonishment, it is enough to show the prestige of Tiangang.

Everyone has already decided that Yi Xiaoyao is bound to die today.

After Yi Xiaoyao learned the identity of the other party from the bursts of voices, his heart sank slightly.

However, facing such a formidable enemy, he did not feel desperate, but glanced around, as if he was looking for something.

Because from the very beginning, Yi Xiaoyao already had a complete plan in his heart.

Although the appearance of a strong third calamity like Tiangang was somewhat beyond his expectations, he was not out of the plan.

As long as Yi Xiaoyao can proceed according to his original plan and expectation, then he will not be in danger.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao would not obstruct the conversation between the spirit servants and Tiangang, and what he had to do now was to delay the time.

"Friends of the Spirit Race, I have also noticed the battle between you and this emperor just now. If this is the case, then you and I are all on our own."

Tiangang turned his head to look at the eight spirit marquis, and said majesticly, "So, you spirit race, you must not stop us from killing people in the spirit realm, right?"

After all, this is the spiritual realm, no matter how strong Tiangang is, it is impossible to indulge in the territory of the spirit clan at will.

Although they didn't intend to return without success when they came here, at least they had to say hello.

"It doesn't matter, the life of this emperor is up to you to take."

The elder Spirit Marquis said, "However, please leave his body to our Spirit Race."

The eight spirits also knew that no one would be able to stop the Celestials from killing Yi Xiaoyao today.

And what their spirit clan wanted was the ancient true dragon blood in Yi Xiaoyao's body, so they had to get Yi Xiaoyao's body.

Hearing this request, Tiangang frowned slightly.

He also saw the vision of Tongling Mountain before, and later he noticed the battle between Yi Xiaoyao and the eight Linghou, even if he was stupid, he could guess what the spirit clan wanted Yi Xiaoyao's body for.

Although it's hard to believe, the fact is that the ancient real dragon's blood was awakened by Yi Xiaoyao!

The Celestials naturally don't want the Spirit Race to get this kind of blood, but at the moment they are in the Spirit Race territory, and they can't control the overall situation.

"it is good!"

Therefore, Tiangang nodded in agreement after pondering for a moment.

The next moment, he ignored the eight spirits and looked directly at Yi Xiaoyao.

"Then it's time to take your life!"

As soon as the words fell, Tiangang's head suddenly lifted, and it swung up towards the void, and then turned into a dazzling beam of light, shooting directly at Yi Xiaoyao.

The eight spirits watched with cold eyes, and even hoped that Tiangang would kill Yi Xiaoyao, so that they could get Yi Xiaoyao's body and take his ancient true dragon blood as their own.

As for the strong Celestials, Tiansu and the others except Tiangang didn't make any moves, they just quietly swept aside.

From their point of view, killing Yi Xiaoyao by Tiangang is already a big deal, so why should they do it.

Sure enough, seeing Tian Gang attacking him, Yi Xiaoyao unleashed all means unreservedly, surrounded by the shadow of a real dragon, fully unleashing the four major domineering auras, but there was still no room to contend.

Endless flames splashed across the entire void, and quickly gathered into Yi Xiaoyao's appearance.

However, at this time, Yi Xiaoyao's figure retreated violently, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Oh? Not dead?"

Looking at the retreating Yi Xiaoyao and the reappearance of Tian Gang from the golden beam of light, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Logically speaking, his blow just now was enough to kill Yi Xiaoyao directly.

After all, the gap in cultivation lies here, even if Yi Xiaoyao can fight against many strong men of the second catastrophe, he is by no means an opponent of the strong men of the third catastrophe.

However, in the end, it was only to repel the bombardment.

How could such a result not surprise Tiangang.

"Sure enough, it's the second awakening of the Fire Soul of Heaven and Earth."

The next moment, Tiangang understood, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao in surprise.

He had heard from Tiansu a long time ago, but he didn't believe it at the time, because he had never heard of a person who had awakened the soul of heaven and earth for the second time so young.

"It seems that you have quite a lot of means."

At this time, Tian Gang had to believe it if he didn't believe it, and at the same time, he was suspicious of Yi Xiaoyao's heavy trump card. Even a strong man like him in the third calamity couldn't help but be moved, which made the killing intent in his heart even stronger.

So the next moment, he came to attack Yi Xiaoyao again, with a sneer.

"I'd like to see how many times you can avoid me with the fire spirit of heaven and earth!"

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao's heart was full of wry smiles and helplessness.

Indeed, it was because of the intangible and indestructible spirit of heaven and earth that he escaped Tiangang's attack just now.

It's just that this kind of intangibility and indestructibility is only relative.

Under the pressure of absolute strength, what is truly indestructible in this world?
For example, just now, Yi Xiaoyao turned into an invisible flame, but most of that flame was extinguished by Tiangang. Even if the flame was condensed into the body again, it was inevitable that he would be severely injured.

What's important is that he still has the power of a real dragon, armor and domineering body protection, all of which are true.

This is enough to show that there is still a huge gap between the current Yi Xiaoyao and the third tribulation powerhouse like Tiangang.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao really didn't have the confidence to survive Tiangang's next attack a few more times.

Maybe, this time the other party realizes that after the second awakening of his Heaven and Earth Fire Soul, he directly wipes out the flames of the entire world and kills him invisible.

"Why... hasn't appeared yet?"

After realizing his crisis, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but glanced around again.

"You have no way out, and no one can save you!"

Tiangang noticed Yi Xiaoyao's behavior and sneered when he charged towards him.

His attack had already descended on Yi Xiaoyao's body, destroying everything with power!
However, at this moment, an extremely ordinary palm stretched out from Yi Xiaoyao's body out of thin air.

This palm passed through Tiangang's terrifying offensive, like searching for something, directly grabbed Tiangang's arm, and then swung it down suddenly.

As strong as Tiangang, under this swing, it directly smashed into the ground below, exploding a mushroom cloud surging into the sky, and a roar of heaven and earth.

Such a scene made countless people present almost want to pop their eyes out.

On the contrary, Yi Xiaoyao didn't have the slightest surprise, instead he let out a secret cry of surprise as expected.

"finally come!"

Looking at the figure standing in front of him at this moment, blocking Tiangang for him, he couldn't help grinning.

Because waiting for this person to appear is the ultimate goal of his plan!

(End of this chapter)

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