Chapter 1089
By this time, Yi Xiaoyao's plan had been completed.

He came to Tianyu because Qing Yuaner and others were taken away by the Celestial Clan, but at the same time, he also understood that it was impossible to compete with the Celestial Clan with his own strength, let alone take his friends away from the Celestial Clan.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao's first idea was to find the gray-robed man in a bamboo hat who had rescued him from all the ancient clans by Killing Sea.

Because the man in the gray robe with the bamboo hat said at that time, let him go to Tianyu, and told him that there is his destination there.

Yi Xiaoyao has always been curious about his destination, and what is the relationship between the man in the bamboo hat and the gray robe and the Yi clan.

So he took this opportunity to make a plan in advance.

Yi Xiaoyao made a big fuss about the Celestials, destroyed a large number of teleportation arrays, and deliberately fought against Tiansu to chase them all the way, which was part of the plan.

Although doing so, the sensation caused will attract the pursuit and killing of the current celestial and human race.

But at the same time, since the Celestials could get news of Yi Xiaoyao, the man in the hat and gray robe would naturally know that he had arrived in Tianyu.

To be on the safe side, Yi Xiaoyao also came to the Spirit Clan on purpose, and used Ling Zhan to enter the Tongling Mountain. In fact, it was also to delay for a while to ensure that the man in the hat and gray robe could arrive in time.

But speaking of it, although Yi Xiaoyao's plan was quite meticulous, it was also extremely risky.

He completely entrusted his life to the gray-robed man in a bamboo hat who he only met once, and he firmly believed that the man in the gray robe would be able to save him from the hands of the celestial-human race.

Of course, after so many years of wandering around the world, Yi Xiaoyao is no longer the reckless brat he was back then.

He made such a decision to gamble with his life with great confidence.

First of all, the man in the hat and gray robe killed a strong man of the second calamity with one finger, and his strength is naturally beyond doubt.

What's more, this person's domineering aura is superb, probably related to the Yi clan, and he said that he met Yi Xiaoyao when Yi Xiaoyao was born, which is enough for Yi Xiaoyao to trust him.

In the end, if the man in the hat and gray robe didn't come to help Yi Xiaoyao even in today's situation, then Yi Xiaoyao probably wouldn't need to find the final destination that the other party said.

Of course, Yi Xiaoyao also considered the worst plan.

If the plan fails and the main body is killed, then he still has the Emperor Chu clone alive, and he still has the capital to make a comeback.

But fortunately, the black-robed man in the bamboo hat really appeared right now, and the figure who just swung Tiangang down directly was exactly this man!
As soon as the gray robed man in the bamboo hat appeared, everyone present was shocked by his hand.

Those spirit race people who watched from afar seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

After the sound of sucking in cold air, the whole world erupted into a roar.

" is this possible!!"

"That's Tiangang! The third powerhouse!"

"It was actually swung down by this gray-robed man!!"

"My God! Who is this person?"

The expressions on everyone's faces were extremely exaggerated. They couldn't help being shocked at the strength of the man in the hat and gray robe, and even more horrified at who it was that dared to attack the strong man of the Celestial Race.

Not only them, but even the eight spirit marquises of the spirit clan, Tiansu and other Tiangang generals stood there in shock, staring at the gray-robed man in a bamboo hat with uncertain eyes.

It seemed that after seeing the man in the gray robe with the hat, something came to their minds.


The mountain below was knocked down, and the Tiangang turned into a golden beam of light, soaring into the sky from the billowing dust and rubble.

He appeared above the void in an instant, staring at the man in the gray robe and hat in front of Yi Xiaoyao with endless anger.

"It's you!"

Unlike the others, Tiangang recognized the man in the hat and gray robe, and even after shouting this sentence, a strong look of fear appeared in his eyes.

If it were someone else, Tiangang would have already fought.

But at this moment, facing the man in the hat and gray robe, Tiangang forcibly suppressed his anger, and said in a deep voice: "My Celestial Race has never had anything to do with your forces, why do you want to stop me today?"

However, Tian Gang's words did not receive any response.

The man in the gray robe with the bamboo hat didn't seem to hear it at all, and he didn't even look at Tiangang.

He turned around and looked at Yi Xiaoyao under the bamboo hat, with a sense of relief through the layer of black veil.

"The subordinate is late, and I hope the young master will forgive me!"

The next moment, the gray-robed man knelt down on one knee towards Yi Xiaoyao, cupping his fists and bowing.

Such a scene caused the already shocked crowd to change their expressions suddenly and exclaimed.


"This person's strength is so terrifying, he actually called this emperor the young master!?"

"What is the identity of this Emperor Che?"

Everyone present, including Tian Gang, had their pupils constricted sharply.

Even Yi Xiaoyao was taken aback suddenly after seeing the words and deeds of the gray-robed man.

"Senior, you are..."

Yi Xiaoyao looked confused, why would this man in gray robe call him the young master?
Could it be that the other party is really a member of the Yi clan?

However, even so, he is also Yi Xiaoyao's senior, let alone call him that...

"If the young master wants to know something, he will go back with his subordinates, and he will naturally know everything."

The man in the gray robe with a bamboo hat smiled and spoke, not paying attention to the strong men around him at all. The free and easy way of coming and going as he wanted attracted countless people.

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help beating violently in his heart.

He remembered what the other party said, his ultimate belonging.

At the same time, I am more curious about belonging.

"Hmph! Do you really think that you can take him away today?"

At this time, Tiangang finally couldn't help but groaned angrily.

He is a majestic strongman of the third tribulation, but he is ignored by the other party at this time, and he even dares to say in front of him that he will take away the person he wants to kill. How can he bear it if he is not taken seriously?
"I know who you are. It is a great kindness for the Celestials to tolerate you until today. If you really dare to challenge the majesty of my Celestials, you will disappear from this world!"

Tiangang threatened in a cold voice, in the end, he still didn't have the confidence to defeat the gray-robed man, so he could only move out the Celestial Human Race to suppress him.

The gray-robed man slowly got up, turned his head to look at Tiangang, and said with a sneer, "Even the emperor of your Celestial-Human Race might not dare to say such a thing. What qualifications do you have to say such a thing?"

This kind of extreme contempt made the corners of many people's mouths twitch. After all, in this world, where would anyone dare to ignore the Celestials like this?

Then, the gray-robed man suddenly punched the void in front of him, and the space sank directly, turning into a vortex.

The man in gray robe led Yi Xiaoyao directly into the whirlpool.

Before disappearing, a majestic voice stayed behind.

"Go back and tell your emperor, now that my young master has returned, let him stop those useless thoughts!"

This voice resounded throughout the void.

And everyone who heard this voice changed their expressions drastically as if they had heard something extremely terrifying.

"Death... the gate of death?!"

"No wonder that man has such strength, he is actually a man from the dead door!!"

"And Di Che, is actually the Young Master of the Dead Gate!?"

There will be a commotion in the world at that time, as if the word "Death Gate" has a great shocking power for them.


(End of this chapter)

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