Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1090 Meet 1 person

Chapter 1090 Meeting Someone
Outside the mountain gate of the Lingzu, Yi Xiaoyao had already left with the gray-robed man.

But the words left by the gray-robed man before he left still caused this space to boil, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Destroyed Gate! Dare to be an enemy of our Heavenly Human Race, and then wait for the Destroyed Gate!"

Tiangang stood there with a gloomy face, clenched his fists and let out an angry growl.

Meanwhile, Tiansu and others around him quickly gathered around Tiangang, looking at each other in astonishment.

"The Gate of Death... has been hidden for so many years, is it finally about to be born?"

Their expressions were all shocked and dignified, and even their inner fluctuations were more violent than others.

In this Tianyu, if there is any force other than the major ancient clans that people dare not provoke, it is the gate of death.

Because the Dead Gate is the most terrifying killer force in Tianyu.

It is said that there are not many people in this faction, but all of them are powerful people.

According to legend, as long as you can afford enough, the gate of death can kill anyone and destroy any force in this world for you!
The Zombie Gate has only existed for hundreds of years, but it does not know how many powerful people have been killed and how many powerful sects have been destroyed.

And the time when the Gate of Death was truly known to everyone in Tianyu was 20 years ago.

Back then, there used to be an ancient faction in Tianyu called Ziyun Palace.

With the prosperity of Ziyun Palace at that time, many people even thought that they would join the ranks of the seven ancient clans and become the eighth largest ancient clan.

And at this juncture, Ziyun Palace was completely wiped out overnight without a sound!

Later, after investigation, it was discovered that the person who destroyed Ziyun Palace was a killer organization that had existed for hundreds of years, the Dead Gate!

Moreover, some people took advantage of the trend to find out that in the past hundreds of years, many forces had mysteriously perished, and they were all related to the gate of death.

Since then, the name of the Dead Gate has spread throughout the world.

It's just that, at the time when this kind of limelight was in full swing, the Dead Gate had completely disappeared. For decades, there had been no movement or news about the Dead Gate, as if it didn't exist in this world at all.

Therefore, people in Tianyu have gradually forgotten about such a sensational force.

But even so, this mysterious and terrifying pronoun is still hidden deep in everyone's heart.

That's why when the gray-robed man took Yi Xiaoyao away and said the word "dead door" today, everyone had such a huge reaction.

If it is said that the major ancient clans will make people feel awe, then the gate of death will only make people feel fear!
Of course, these are just the dead gates that ordinary people understand, and the reactions they should have in their hearts.

As for Tiansu and even Tiangang, the reason why they react more is because they know more than ordinary people.

For example, after the Purple Cloud Palace was destroyed 20 years ago, everyone in the world was curious, if they paid enough for the Dead Gate, would they also be able to destroy the Seven Ancient Clans?
Although this kind of doubt is completely meaningless to the vast majority of people, although the Dead Gate is strong, how can it compete with the seven ancient clans?

But Tiansu and others know that this is not impossible!
Because of the mysterious existence who controlled the Dead Gate, even the emperor of the Celestial-Human Clan once admitted that there was nothing he could do about it!

This point alone is enough to show that the man in gray robe just said that Tiangang is not qualified to speak out against the Gate of Death, and he was not lying.

If the Zombie Gate really competes with any of the seven ancient clans, even if it cannot be destroyed, it will definitely cause a great loss of blood to one of the ancient clans!
Of course, this is just a hypothesis, because no one can pay the price of letting the dead door do so.

However, if such a force suddenly stood up and was born in this Tianyu, even against the Celestials, it would be enough to cause a sensation in the entire Tianyu, causing the Celestials a headache.

So at this moment, Tiansu and the others were all frowning, wondering how to go back to the business.

Although the matter of the dead door was too big, it was not their turn to be distressed, but Yi Xiaoyao slipped away from them again and became the young master of the dead door, so they had to bear the greatest responsibility.

At the same time, the eight souls of the Spirit Race also showed a sad face after a burst of shock.

"This emperor has such a powerful background, he is actually the young master of the Dead Gate!"

"It's going to be difficult now, the ancient real dragon's blood is in his body, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us, the Spirit Race, to get it back!"

"I have to ask the ancestors what to do about this matter as soon as possible!"

After a while of discussion, several Linghous flew directly into the mountain gate regardless of Tian Gang and others present.

Naturally, Tian Gang and the others didn't intend to stay in the spirit clan as guests, they stopped in place for a while, and then all shot towards the void in the distance.

In this world, there are only those figures who are watching from afar, and they are still in an uproar because of what happened before.

Next, this news will also spread from their mouths, and it won't be long before it will sweep across the entire Tianyu.

And the name of Yi Xiaoyao will definitely reach another peak!
After all, not only did he lose the blood of the ancient true dragon from the Spirit Race, he defeated the eight souls by himself, and he became the mysterious and terrifying young master of the Dead Gate.

But the protagonist of the next sensation, Yi Xiaoyao, is already thousands of miles away from the Spirit Race.

In a secluded world with thousands of miles of mountains, there was a sudden fluctuation in the space.

Two figures appeared out of thin air above a mountain peak.


The gray-robed man stood on the top of the peak, looking at the vast sea of ​​trees below, and said lightly.

"Senior, here is..."

Yi Xiaoyao came behind the gray-robed man, looked around the surrounding world, and couldn't help secretly marveling that there was such a place in the sky.

Because this world is full of strange mountains, and the position of each giant peak seems to have a certain pattern, which makes Yi Xiaoyao feel that there is a kind of great power in the world, because these giant peaks are in motion.

Not only that, even the vast sea of ​​trees below seemed to have an effect of isolating everything because of the great power of the day.

Standing here, he couldn't feel any breath of life in the sea of ​​trees, as if it was a false illusion.

And just now, when Yi Xiaoyao was brought here by the gray-robed man, he found that the other party's route was very strange. He walked east and west for a while. One moment he was still in the spiritual realm, but the next moment he appeared here inexplicably. .

Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help thinking, could this be the place where the man in gray robe said he belonged?

"When you meet someone next time, he will tell you everything."

The gray-robed man seemed to have guessed what Yi Xiaoyao was thinking, and while smiling lightly, he took off the bamboo hat on his head without any scruples in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

It was a simple face with traces of time, but his age could not be seen at all.

Yi Xiaoyao also seemed to be seeing this face for the first time, but then, following the gaze of the gray-robed man, he looked down the mountain, and found a person running from the foot of the mountain, all the way down to the top of the mountain where he was. come.

This person does not have the slightest aura of cultivation, but the high mountain that is as high as [-] zhang is like walking on flat ground under the feet of that person, and the speed is astonishingly fast.

And then when the opponent's face appeared in Yi Xiaoyao's line of sight, it was hard for him to look away.

Because not only did Yi Xiaoyao meet the person in front of him before, but even after so many years, he would never forget him!


(End of this chapter)

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