Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1093 The Name of Protection

Chapter 1093 The Name of Protection
Yi Wutian took Yi Xiaoyao's arm and led him to sit on the wooden rattan chair.

Yi Tianming could only stand aside with a complaining face, but his eyes were full of joy.

Of course, Yi Xiaoyao would not think about the mutual dislike between the two father and son.

On the contrary, the more you see them like this, the warmer you feel.

Because this is the feeling that family members and relatives should have.

"Destiny, sit down too."

Yi Wutian said lightly to Yi Tianming, seeing the latter sitting aside, he raised his head slightly, his eyes became a little blurred.

It seemed that his thoughts went back thousands of years ago.

"Xiaoyao, you must have known a lot about the great war of annihilation thousands of years ago, right?"

Yi Wutian asked Yi Xiaoyao.

"Well, I know something."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded, and recalled that he saw Mietian and false immortals in Kunyu's body from the one hundred and eight ancient sects in the battlefield of the ruins, and later saw the memory of the ancient demon queen in the forbidden mountain of death of the demon clan. All the knowledge about the great war thousands of years ago has been told.

Hearing this, Yi Wutian's complexion became even more admirable, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Those old friends who fought side by side back then are almost gone..."

He murmured and sighed: "Fortunately, you have obtained the inheritance of the second brother, and you have kept his remnant soul in your body. This is also a gratifying thing."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled wryly, he naturally knew that the second brother Yi Wutian mentioned was Mietian.

"Are you curious, why is there a grandfather like me thousands of years ago? Why didn't I die in that battle?"

At this time, Yi Wutian changed his voice and said lightly.

Yi Xiaoyao's heart moved, and he looked up at the other party. Indeed, this was the biggest doubt he had after learning from his father that his grandfather was Yi Wutian.

"Back then, I was indeed dead."

Before Yi Xiaoyao could open his mouth, Yi Wutian started talking on his own.

"It's just that, hundreds of years ago, I came back to life."

As he said that, he looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "All of this is because of the existence that has been hidden in my bloodline of the Yi clan. It is he who allows me to continue to live in the world and prevents the Yi clan from becoming extinct."

"Is it the sword god?"

Yi Xiaoyao was startled suddenly, what Yi Wutian said was obviously the Sword God, which made him ask: "Grandpa, you mean that Senior Sword God saved you?"

"Is that existence called Sword God?"

Yi Wutian was slightly surprised, and immediately nodded and said: "That's right, your father didn't exist back then, so the existence of that person is hidden in my blood."

"And I fought against the group of false immortals. Although I suppressed one false immortal, I was outnumbered and was eventually killed by the remaining false immortals."

"It's just that, for some reason, one day thousands of years later, that is, hundreds of years ago today, I somehow came back to life, and even discovered that those false immortals who killed me back then have all turned into a ghost. Be some bones beside me."

"Just when I was full of doubts, I heard a voice from inside me."

"The voice said that he saved me, he helped me kill the group of false immortals, he told me about the secret of the bloodline of the Yi clan, and even told me that he will wake up, and my descendants can change it for me. This world!"

"So, I survived incognito, but because of the severe injuries I suffered back then, the blood in my body was almost exhausted, so I tried everything I could to find the heaven and earth spirit treasure that could restore the blood, and it took hundreds of years .”

"In the past hundreds of years, I have met many children who were born unable to cultivate. I brought them by my side, taught them domineering in violation of the ancestral precepts, and established the 'Door of Death'!"

Speaking of this, Yi Wutian paused, and said: "Do you know why it is called 'Death Gate'?"

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly, he was so smart, he could naturally guess the meaning.

He pondered for a moment, and said: "The word "dead door" means the death of a person, and ordinary forces would never use such an unlucky word as an appellation. Presumably, grandpa is to warn himself of the revenge of the Yi clan's annihilation?"

"That's right! I'm the only one left in the Yi family. If it's not the gate of death, what is it?"

Yi Wutian smiled miserably: "So I will never let the Yi clan become extinct on me. In order to restore my blood, my dead door has transformed into the most terrifying killer force in this world. I can kill any door for anyone, at a price It is those heaven and earth spirit treasures that restore the blood."

"After I recovered my blood, I had your father. At that time, I thought your father was the descendant who changed the world, so before your father grew up, he took the door of death and became a hermit from now on."

"But even so, there are too many enemies established by the Dead Gate over the past few hundred years, and there are many ancient seven races among them. To be on the safe side, I left your father in a wild place."

"But later, I discovered that the descendant who can really change the world is not your father, but you who were born later..."

Saying that, Yi Wutian took a look at Yi Xiaoyao, and said helplessly: "Xiaoyao, don't blame your parents, it was I who asked Daba to take your parents away when you were eight years old."

"I never blamed anyone, and now I also understand that you did this, Grandpa, just to protect me."

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, he smiled without complaining at all.

"That's right, there are too many eyes staring at our door of death. You must never have any contact with us, let alone let you stay by our side. That would be too risky."

Yi Wutian patted Yi Xiaoyao's shoulder in relief, and said: "And your parents left you just to make yourself stronger, so that when you grow up, they can better protect you and pave the way for you!"

"Fortunately, Xiaoyao has indeed lived up to expectations and has really grown up."

At this time, Yi Tianming, who was on the side, finally smiled and said: "All these years, your grandfather and I have been in the gate of death, and I have been paying attention to you all the time. We have all noticed you step by step, and it really makes me feel better." Congratulations to my father."

Yi Xiaoyao's heart suddenly warmed up. It turned out that his father and grandfather had been secretly protecting him. No wonder the uncle would show up in time to save him when he killed Hai.

Yi Wutian also thought of something, and asked: "Xiaoyao, as far as I and your father know, you should have cultivated some kind of incarnation technique, and now your avatar is in the demon clan, and even entered the death penalty of the demon clan." Shan, did you encounter some trouble?"

As soon as these words came out, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help being surprised.

Unexpectedly, these secrets of his were not even known to the Celestial Human Race chasing him everywhere, but his grandfather and father knew them all well.

Afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao chuckled and said, "Grandpa and father, don't worry, my incarnation will come to Tianyu soon and bring you a daughter-in-law!"


(End of this chapter)

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