Chapter 1094
Hearing Yi Xiaoyao's words, Yi Wutian and Yi Tianming felt relieved.

"Haha, I've heard for a long time that Xiaoyao has a fairy-like little girlfriend by your side, but I have never had the chance to see her as my father. If you bring her back, I will give her a big gift for my father!"

Yi Tianming laughed loudly, and then said: "In the past few years, you have caused many earth-shattering events in the Killing Sea, and you are very proud of your father. You are worthy of being my Yi Tianming's son!"

"What is worthy of being your son? It should be said that he is worthy of being my grandson!"

Yi Wutian stared at Yi Tianming and shouted.

"Father, isn't my son your grandson?"

Yi Tianming smiled helplessly and said, "What's the difference between what I said and what you said?"

"The difference is huge! Xiaoyao is like his grandfather, not like his father!"

Yi Wutian snorted and said: "I thought you were the descendant that the sword god said to change the world, and named you Yi Tianming, but in the end you couldn't even change your own life, and even paid you a few Senior brother’s life was the only one that changed your life!”

Yi Tianming nodded repeatedly, unwilling to continue bickering with the old man, he knew that if he continued, he would be the one who would suffer.

Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but find it quite funny looking at the relationship between the two.

He couldn't help but quietly asked Yi Tianming: "Father, grandpa seems to have a big opinion on you?"

"That's right. Back then when I was practicing in an accident, your grandfather led the Dead Gate to destroy Ziyun Palace and sacrificed several of your uncles in order to obtain a kind of heaven and earth spirit treasure to save me."

Yi Tianming sighed: "Since then, your grandfather has blamed me for the deaths of your uncles, and I can only admit it."

After hearing the reason, Yi Xiaoyao nodded in understanding.

Of course, he naturally knew that his father and grandfather didn't really have a grudge, but a kind of hatred for iron and steel, and regret for the deceased uncle.

"You have the nerve to mention this! And you also said that I am a group of dead people who kill innocent people indiscriminately in order to lose the enemy!"

Yi Wutian glared at Yi Tianming again, and shouted: "If it's not for Xiaoyao, I won't beat you to death!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Yi Xiaoyao and said: "Xiaoyao, don't listen to your father's nonsense, that Ziyun Palace is the lackey of the Heavenly Human Race who betrayed the Qiankun Sect back then, and it is only natural to destroy them!"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded knowingly, and he didn't want to remind the two of them of the sad past, so he quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, grandpa, my body will stay here from now on. I practiced domineering energy with Senior Yi Xiu in the ancestral home of the Yi clan. I just mastered the domineering energy initially. Now I hope to practice hard with my grandfather and father."

Yi Xiaoyao said thoughtfully, since he saw the aggressiveness used by Babo, he realized that his mastery of aggressiveness was far from enough.

Of course, it wasn't because Yi Xiu was incapable of teaching, but because of the tight schedule at the beginning, and his lack of cultivation had too many limitations.

"Senior Yi Xiu? That's your grandfather!"

Yi Wutian scolded with a doting smile, he had already learned about the ancestral land of the Yi clan from Yi Xiaoyao, and he was quite surprised by the situation in the ancestral land in his heart.

As he said, Yi Xiu is Yi Xiaoyao's grandfather and Yi Tianming's grandfather.

Who would have imagined that after the Yi clan suffered the catastrophe of extermination that year, the four generations of grandparents and grandchildren in the clan, separated by thousands of years, could actually meet at the same time.

If Yi Xiu could come here, then the only remaining four generations of grandparents of the Yi clan would be gathered together.

Therefore, Yi Wutian then said to Yi Tianming: "Tianming, next you go to Killing Sea personally, and transfer my Yi clan's ancestral land and your grandfather here."

Yi Tianming quickly agreed, and then smiled at Yi Xiaoyao: "As a father, I want to remind you that you will suffer a lot if you practice after your grandfather."

When Yi Xiaoyao heard this, he looked at his father in surprise. He could see many hidden stories from his father's palpitation-filled eyes.

"Don't scare my grandson! Do you think my grandson is as stupid as you?"

Yi Tianming scolded Yi Tianming angrily, and the moment he looked at Yi Xiaoyao, a smile appeared on his face and said: "Good grandson, grandpa will definitely cultivate you into the most domineering emperor in the world!"

While the grandparent and grandson were having a lively conversation, Yuanba had already walked in with a tank of fine wine, which seemed to fill the whole hut in an instant.

"Just now I heard outside that Xiaoyao's incarnation is still in Yaozu, do you need me to go there?"

Yuanba has long been accustomed to bickering between Yi Tianming and his son, so he put down the wine jar indifferently when he came in, and asked Yi Xiaoyao with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Yi Tianming and Yi Wutian also reacted, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao with worried faces.

"Don't bother Uncle."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly and said, "I'm part of the monster clan, and I still have some trivial things to deal with myself, and I'll come when I'm done."

"But I heard that you were bullied by that Qingjiao kid in the demon clan. If I hadn't heard the news that you appeared in Tianyu recently, I would have asked Daba to kill that Qingjiao!"

Yi Wutian still looked at Yi Xiaoyao worriedly, and Yi Tianming also said: "Yes, Xiaoyao, the Yaozu is not a safe place, the big deal is to go to the Yaozu for father, and bring you and your daughter-in-law back!"

"Father, grandpa, uncle, don't worry."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled warmly in his heart, and immediately looked out, as if he had passed through the void and saw the place where the monster clan was.

The next moment, his voice turned slightly cold, and he said: "Next, the first small thing that my Emperor Chu avatar will do in Yaozu is to kill Qingjiao!"

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's murderous intent was revealed, as if there was a real dragon roaring in his body.

In the past year, how had he ever forgotten the hatred that Ling'er was almost killed by Qingjiao?
Sensing the change in Yi Xiaoyao's state at this moment, the other three people in the house couldn't help but move their eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

At the same time, the worried look on their faces disappeared instantly.

Because they have all noticed that Yi Xiaoyao's vocabulary to describe the killing angle is just a "trivial thing".


At the same time, in the Forbidden Mountain of Death within the realm of the Yaozu, thousands of miles away.

The figure who had been sitting cross-legged by the blood lake for a full year opened his eyes in vain!

This figure is Yi Xiaoyao's Emperor Che clone.

"Brother Xiaoyao, are you awake?"

On the side, Yun Mengling seemed to have woken up a long time ago, and immediately asked with concern.

At the same time, she also knew what it meant for Yi Xiaoyao to wake up at this moment.

So Yunmengling smiled and said, "Congratulations to Brother Xiaoyao for successfully awakening the Soul of Heaven and Earth again."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly without denying it, stroked the long hair of Qianying beside him, and stood up.

"Ling'er, it's time to leave the mountain. There are still some old accounts waiting for us to settle..."


(End of this chapter)

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