Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1205 Confidence Analysis

Chapter 1205 Confidence Analysis
This battle with Jian Ming was of great significance to Yi Xiaoyao.

Not only because if Yi Xiaoyao wants to take back the Sword Clan, he must win this battle and win the position of a Sword Master.

Moreover, this is the first battle after the fusion of Yi Xiaoyao's main body and clone. If he loses, no matter how high Yi Xiaoyao's state of mind is, he may have a lot of knots in his heart, and even turn into a demon, which will affect his future breakthrough.

Therefore, for this battle, Yi Xiaoyao must win!

Although he also has the certainty of victory in his heart, but if he really wants to achieve this, he still needs to work hard.

After all, without revealing his identity, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't use too many powerful abilities, and couldn't exert his full strength.

And his opponent, Jianming, is not a simple thing.

Just because Jian Ming won the four challenges against the reincarnated ancestors of the sword clan, it was enough for Yi Xiaoyao to take it seriously.

Right now, under the terrifying aura of the sword inscription, Yi Xiaoyao's bloodbath sword shined brighter and brighter, as if he was competing with each other, and he couldn't hold on to the opponent's inscribed golden sword for a long time.

When the two swords met, Yi Xiaoyao felt the power of the opponent's sword, and couldn't help but secretly surprised.

Because on the sword of this sword inscription, there are countless inscriptions flashing, and each inscription seems to contain a kind of sword intent.

At the same time, the inscribed golden sword, which contains countless sword intents, is actually rapidly changing its main sword intent according to the power of the Blood Ripping Sword in the process of contending against the Blood Ripping Sword.

In just a short time, the golden sword with the inscription adapted to the power of the blood-dithering sword, and under the rapid reorganization of the inscription, it transformed into a sword intent that restrained the blood-dithering sword.

All of a sudden, the golden sword with the inscription in Jian Ming's hand began to counter pressure and slowly gain the upper hand!
"As expected of the sword inherited from the previous great sword master, its power is really impressive!"

Sensing the transformation, restraint, and overtaking of the opponent's sword intent, Yi Xiaoyao grinned at Jianming while moving his eyes.

If it were someone else, facing such a strong swordsmanship, it would indeed be a headache, and they would never even be able to take the initiative.

But Yi Xiaoyao is different. There are nine Nascent Souls in his body. Even if he doesn't use the power of devouring and destroying, he still has the seven most basic attributes between heaven and earth.

These seven basic attributes, when reached to the extreme, can mutually generate and restrain each other, and can change in thousands of ways, which is enough to deal with the opponent's sword of change.

In the next instant, the power on the Bloodletting Sword changed, and it also instantly changed the power that was originally restrained by the opponent, and turned into another power that countered the opponent, and regained the dominance.

Under the radiant light, the Bloodletting Sword slowly pressed the golden sword with the inscription in front of the sword inscription.

Yi Xiaoyao followed the sword's momentum and continued to smile: "It's just a pity that this extraordinary sword is only a low-level sword in your hands after all!"


Jian Ming was already extremely astonished in his heart, he never thought that Yi Xiaoyao would be able to compete with him so much, especially at this moment, under the pressure of Yi Xiaoyao's swordsmanship, his heart was like a turbulent wave, and he was terrified.

Hearing that Yi Xiaoyao had always said that his sword was an inferior sword, Jian Ming was furious at first, but then laughed angrily.

"It turns out that you are indeed capable. No wonder you dared to talk nonsense before, and even insisted on coming up to fight with me!"


After a crisp sound of gold and iron clanging, Jian Ming swung his sword forcefully, shaking off the counterattack of the Bloodbath Sword, and both of them retreated violently.

The space was silent for a moment.

Everyone present looked at the two figures on both sides of the ring who were facing each other in shock.

Especially when they looked at Yi Xiaoyao, they were filled with more and more disbelief.

Because from the fight just now, everyone could see that Jian Ming didn't have any upper hand!

Even Jianming voluntarily gave up the continuation of the fight just now. In a sense, Yi Xiaoyao won the first sword fight!

Although this was just a sword fight and not the real winner or loser of the battle between the two, this ending still caused everyone to exclaim.

"This guy can really compete with Jianming!"

"With such strength, he should be famous. Why have I never heard of this person?"

"Also, it is said that this guy is only a member of the branch of my sword clan. When did such a person appear in the branch!"

All of a sudden, all the people of the Sword Clan were talking about it.

And Jian Xueer, who had been worried about Yi Xiaoyao before, opened her mouth wide at this moment, her beautiful eyes were full of astonishment as she looked at Yi Xiaoyao with a spring smile on the ring.

"This guy...could it be true what he said before?"

Thinking of the words Yi Xiaoyao said to herself before, Jian Xueer couldn't help but her heart beat for a while, but she shook her head subconsciously the next moment.

"Impossible! If that's the case, he wouldn't let brother Jianming bully him that day."

Jian Xueer tried to explain to herself, and more and more thought that she was right: "I must have used all his strength just now, and Brother Jianming just underestimated him too much."

But even so, her brighter eyes were still staring at the arena nervously, and she even secretly hoped that Yi Xiaoyao hadn't lied to her.

Of course, Jian Xueer can think of the reasons for these explanations, and others can naturally think of them too.

Just as the crowd was discussing in astonishment because of Yi Xiaoyao's performance, a sneer of unwillingness suddenly came out.

"You all think too highly of Jian Xiaoyao. This person is just a mere peripheral person, how can he be compared with Jianming who has the orthodox blood of my sword clan!"

The person who said this was none other than Jian Ji. He was surprised by Yi Xiaoyao's performance just now, but seeing Yi Xiaoyao being bullied by Jian Ming and being unable to fight back that day, he absolutely did not believe that Yi Xiaoyao could really fight against Jian Ming. Ming contends.

Therefore, after regaining the gazes of many people around him, Jian Ji continued to sneer.

"You have also seen the battle between cousin Jianming and several reincarnated seniors before. In comparison, it must not be difficult to see that cousin Jianming used only [-]% of his strength against Jian Xiaoyao just now."

Hearing this, the people around reacted and couldn't help nodding.

If they are convinced that Jian Ming is not as good as such a no-name, even low-blooded little man, they are more willing to believe Jian Ji's analysis and explanation.

"But I'm sure that Jian Xiaoyao used all his strength to achieve the effect of seemingly gaining the upper hand just now!"

Jian Ji saw that his master believed in him deeply, and there was a strong confident smile on his face, and he concluded: "So next, as long as Brother Jian Ming is a little more serious, then Jian Xiaoyao may have to kneel down and beg for mercy." !"


(End of this chapter)

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