Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1206 Ancient Inscription Myriad Magic Sword

Chapter 1206 Ancient Inscription Myriad Magic Sword

Under the arena, the commotion among the crowd gradually quieted down, because above the arena, the two figures made new movements.

I saw that after Jian Ming separated from Yi Xiaoyao, his figure flashed again and slashed at Yi Xiaoyao with a dazzling sword light.

At the same time, his faintly frightened voice came out along with the sword chant shaking the air.

"No wonder, no wonder. I just said how can there be such a stupid person like you in this world. Now it seems that you are not as stupid as I imagined."

Under this sound, Jianming's sword moves became more and more fierce, and the power contained in the sword energy was stronger than before.

And when countless dazzling sword lights enveloped Yi Xiaoyao in an instant, he sneered sarcastically: "But, in my eyes, there is no degree of stupidity, even a little bit of stupidity is enough to make you pay Great price!"

Swish swish!
The sword falls like rain, sometimes elegant, sometimes extremely fast, sometimes fierce, containing all kinds of magic.

Jianming's sword seems to be able to restrain all power, or in other words, all power can find a key to be restrained in his sword light.

Seeing such a scene, the crowd in the audience held their breath.

Such profound sword skills are enough to make them, who are members of the sword clan, completely conquered by the sword inscription, and it makes them even more convinced that the analysis of the sword discipline just now is true.

But immediately after that, the reverent gazes, followed by another sudden change.

Because they saw that Yi Xiaoyao held the blood-colored long sword under the light of the sword inscription, slashing horizontally and vertically, opening and closing, and actually took every move!

Amidst the intersecting sword lights and the sound of the sword, there was no sign of Yi Xiaoyao's rapid decline that everyone expected.

On the contrary, the two of them fought more and more fiercely, and Yi Xiaoyao even inexplicably took the initiative again, suppressing Jian Ming with his sword!


Those reincarnated ancestors who had no interest in this kind of "no suspense" battle, finally couldn't help but looked over together, with a touch of shock on their faces.

Even the nine sword masters sitting firmly on the high platform looked solemnly at Yi Xiaoyao, whose sword crushed the sword inscription.

"This sword move is simple and unpretentious. It is not a mysterious sword technique at all, but it has infinite power, as if born with divine power!"

"Not only that, but the attributes in his sword are changeable and have multiple attributes of heaven and earth. Although it is not as varied as the ancient inscription Wanfa sword in the sword inscription, it is still the same with the ingenious fusion of several attributes of heaven and earth. With the most simple sword moves, you can contend against or even crack Jianming's peak swordsmanship inherited from the previous generation of great sword masters!"

"This young man is really a genius in the world! Even if he is a member of the side line, he can be included in the direct line in the future and focus on training!"

Several sword masters all praised Yi Xiaoyao for a while, and they suddenly noticed that the nine sword masters on the side were frowning slightly and kept silent all the time, so someone asked: "Nine sword masters, could it be that you don't like this kid?" Like it?"

Only then did Nine Swords Master withdraw his gaze from staring at Yi Xiaoyao, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As Yi Xiaoyao's mother, how could she dislike her son?
Just now several other sword masters recognized and praised Yi Xiaoyao, in fact, the nine sword masters were also very happy and proud.

However, the more so, the more worried she became.

"My father's ancient inscription Wanfa sword is a peak swordsmanship created by combining countless advanced swordsmanship of the sword clan. Even though this sword inscription is too young to truly master it, its power should not be underestimated."

Nine Sword Masters sighed lightly and responded to several sword masters beside him: "If Jian Ming made that move, let alone me, I'm afraid that few of you have the confidence to take it easily, right?"

Hearing this, the sword masters were all taken aback for a moment, as if they had thought of some kind of scene that made them afraid, their pupils shrank together, and then they all nodded silently.

"That's right, the Guming Wanfa Sword, even compared to Immortal Art, doesn't give in too much. It is true that the sword inscription is invincible in this competition."

A green-robed sword master said: "However, that's fine, if the side-blood kid really wins, maybe he really has a chance to win the sword master's seat."

"Well, although the position of sword master is won by the strong, it's still a bit inappropriate for someone with a side line to get it!"

The rest of the sword masters nodded and said yes, although they liked Yi Xiaoyao's talent very much, they still didn't want anyone outside of the direct line to win the position of sword master.

Sensing the meaning of these sword masters, although the nine sword masters did not reveal anything, they still couldn't help but look slightly cold.

Because she knew that even if Yi Xiaoyao defeated Jian Ming, he might encounter other obstacles.

While the nine sword masters were discussing Yi Xiaoyao's performance, the battle on the stage was extremely fierce.

As they saw, although Yi Xiaoyao was unable to use the Immortal Extinguishing Sword Technique, but relying on his domineering practice and the endless physical strength endowed by the power of the true spirit, combined with the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the attributes of the nine Nascent Souls in his body, his sword moves were fierce but not lost. Changing, easily deciphering the extremely mysterious swordsmanship of the sword inscription.

This is the so-called one force breaks all laws!

Of course, this seems simple, but in reality, apart from Yi Xiaoyao, there is probably no other person who can do this.

Dare I ask, which human being in this world has a body as powerful as a monster, a power as powerful as a true spirit, and so many attributes of power that can be transformed into each other and mutually restrain each other?
Only Yi Xiaoyao!

Therefore, even without using the powerful cards that accompanied him all the way to the peak, the perfect Yi Xiaoyao fused with the main body and the avatar can still be a strong man against the third catastrophe!
If Yi Xiaoyao didn't care about his identity, why would he need to go through so much trouble to solve the sword inscription that was fighting with him now?
Of course, once his identity is exposed, even if Yi Xiaoyao defeats all the strong contenders for the position of sword master present, it is impossible for him to gain the recognition of the sword clan and become the sword master.

So he could only choose to use this slightly aggrieved way to defeat these powerful competitors and obtain the seat of sword master.

However, although it sounds aggrieved, the situation under Yi Xiaoyao's sword light dancing at the moment is not the same.

After a fierce fight, Yi Xiaoyao had already suppressed Jianming to the corner of the arena, and was about to knock him down from the arena to win this victory!

But from the discussion of several sword masters just now, it can be known that the final ending cannot be so simple.

Yi Xiaoyao, who had been reminded by his mother, also understood this point, so under the next roar of Jian Ming, he retreated suddenly following the power of his sword that had increased in vain.

"Jian Xiaoyao! You really didn't disappoint me!"

I saw that countless sword shadows around Jian Ming danced wildly with the inscriptions all over the sky. The long sword with the inscriptions in his hand pointed at Yi Xiaoyao. killing intent.

While the golden sword with the inscription was mobilizing countless sword shadows around him, the sword inscription approached Yi Xiaoyao step by step, and continued to speak in a low voice: "You are proud of being able to push me to this point!"

As soon as the words fell, the sword shadows and inscriptions around him suddenly began to frantically converge towards the golden sword with the inscriptions, accompanied by a low growl: "Ancient Inscription Wanfa Sword!"

"Are you finally going to use your hole card?"

After landing firmly in the center of the ring, Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly without being surprised: "Just so, I also want to try my new hole card that I have never used against anyone else."


(End of this chapter)

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