Chapter 1212

After hearing Jianyun mention the special rules for lower-level challenges, Jianyi was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

"So what, even with this special rule, so what?"

As he said that, Jian Yi glanced at the crowd below, then looked at Jian Yun and said, "Could it be that senior Jian Yu thinks that I will lose to this kid and let him trigger special rules?"

This remark made everyone present shake their heads, and even Jian Yun didn't deny anything.

Because it is, no one would think that such an impossibility would happen.

It is extremely rare to trigger special rules with a difference of one rank, let alone Jian Yi and Yi Xiaoyao, which are nine ranks apart.

Everyone present is well aware of how huge the gap in strength these nine rankings represent.

Therefore, Jian Yun's reminder, not only did not attract anyone's attention, but made everyone look at Yi Xiaoyao more pitifully.

Because Yi Xiaoyao was facing an impossible battle at the moment, and had to fight.

Of course, he can also choose to admit defeat directly, give up the arena he is in, and temporarily suppress Jianyi's revenge to the minimum loss.

And even if Yi Xiaoyao did this, no one would laugh at him, but would think it was his wisest choice.

It's just that Yi Xiaoyao, who was under those pitying gazes at the moment, looked calm and stood there steadily, without any intention of admitting defeat at all.

Not only that, but on his indifferent face, there was an interesting arc at the corner of his mouth.

Because of Jian Yun's reminder that no one cared, he felt great interest.

"Nine times the victory point?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Jian Yi who was showing a sneering sneer in front of him, and said with a faint smile: "Doesn't that mean that I only need to defeat you to become No.1 directly, and the victory points I possess are unmatched by anyone? "

Hearing this sound, Jian Yi grinned with killing intent and said, "Why, it seems that you are very excited about this special rule?"

The more Yi Xiaoyao was like this, the more he agreed with him. He was worried that Yi Xiaoyao would not dare to fight and would directly admit defeat.

"It's indeed a bit heartbreaking."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded seriously, and slowly drew out the bloody sword behind him, saying, "If that's the case, then let's fight!"

As soon as this remark came out, Jian Yi suddenly burst out laughing.

But the crowd below was in an uproar, and everyone shook their heads.

"This Jian Xiaoyao actually wants to fight!"

"It seems that because he defeated Jian Ming, he was too conceited in his heart."

"This Jian Xiaoyao wants to trigger a special rule, I think he is desperate!"

There was a sound of discussion, and even the sword masters on the high platform sighed at this moment.

"Hey! Although this kid is a genius in the sky, but his eyes are high and his hands are low, it is difficult to become a master!"

"Senior Jianyi's strength is the pinnacle of my sword clan. Even if I am in the middle, there may not be anyone who can beat him. It is almost impossible to save someone from him."

"Let him go, he doesn't know how to be broken, even if it's death, he's asking for it..."

Only Nine Swords Master, although he also had some worry on his face, looked at Yi Xiaoyao in the depths of his eyes, but there was a firm trust in it.

Because even if no one believed in Yi Xiaoyao, as Yi Xiaoyao's mother, she had to believe in her son.

And when everyone was talking about Yi Xiaoyao's challenge, Jian Yun suppressed the noise with a dry cough, and announced the start of the challenge.

"Jian Xiaoyao, according to the rules, you can choose whether to mortgage all your victory points."

Before starting, Jian Yu looked at Yi Xiaoyao indifferently and asked, although he thought the question was meaningless.

Because a person who is about to die, even if he has victory points, is useless.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't seem to feel Jian Yun's thoughts, but pondered for a moment on this question.

"The junior still wants to be safe, so he won't mortgage it."

Finally, Yi Xiaoyao smiled at Jianyun.

He has already made plans, even if he loses to Jian Yi next, he still has one more chance to challenge, and the chance of making a comeback with the winning points is even greater.

Hearing this, Jian Yun was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and retreated away, leaving the ring to Yi Xiaoyao and Jian Yi.

"Be safe? Hahaha..."

Hearing Yi Xiaoyao's words, Jian Yi burst out laughing. He stared at Yi Xiaoyao fiercely, grinning and said, "Boy, do you think that this old man will save your life and let you continue to have those victories?" A chance?"

"It's hard to say, not to mention that the victory or defeat is uncertain, even if the junior loses to the senior, he still has the assurance of saving his life."

Yi Xiaoyao smiled back at Jian Yi, as if he never thought of dying in the hands of the other party.

Perhaps no one understands where his self-confidence comes from, but only Yi Xiaoyao knows that without revealing his identity, he may not have much confidence in defeating Jian Yi, but Jian Yi wants to kill the man who has many hidden cards. Him, that is absolutely impossible!
Therefore, in the worst case, Yi Xiaoyao was forced to use some signature hole cards to reveal his identity instead of dying.

Yi Xiaoyao was extremely happy to use such a small risk in exchange for a chance to directly become the number one.

Therefore, amidst Jian Yi's more intense laughter, Yi Xiaoyao's majestic aura erupted, and he was ready to fight.

"Hmph! Boy, you are indeed very good at defeating Jianming with the cultivation base at the peak of the second calamity, but in front of this old man, even if you reach the third calamity, it's not enough!"

Sensing the fighting spirit from Yi Xiaoyao, Jian Yi stopped laughing instantly and snorted at Yi Xiaoyao.

In the next moment, a dark red broadsword condensed directly in his hand, like flowing lava, exuding frightening heat.

When Jian Yi's words came out, the lava broadsword in his hand slashed wildly towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Under this sword, the entire barrier on the arena was instantly submerged in endless lava.

It seemed that he was worried that Yi Xiaoyao would call out to admit defeat at any time, so Jian Yi's sword directly used all his strength, and did not give Yi Xiaoyao any chance to admit defeat, but intended to take Yi Xiaoyao's life with one sword!

Under the terrifying power of the lava broadsword, Yi Xiaoyao also cast the Great Years Sword in an instant with the Bloody Sword in his hand.

Two extremely terrifying sword glows collided in an instant, shaking heaven and earth in an instant!
At the very moment when the two pieces intersected, Yi Xiaoyao, who was rushing towards the sword with the power of time, suddenly changed his expression.

Because his Great Years Sword could no longer be crushed like he faced the sword inscription before, and even because the power of time eroded the lava too slowly, he was quickly crushed by the lava sword instead!
Instantly aware of the reason, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help exclaiming: "This flame...contains immortal power!!"


(End of this chapter)

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