Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1213 Ice Phoenix Sword Soul

Chapter 1213 Ice Phoenix Sword Soul
Yi Xiaoyao had observed the battle between Jian Yi and other people before, and knew that this person was much stronger than Jian Ming, and also knew that this person possessed some kind of powerful flame.

But now, after he really confronted Jian Yi, he finally understood that the reason why the opponent's flame was so powerful was because it contained immortal power!

A person who has not become a fairy, but controls the fairy power, no wonder Jianyi was so confident before, facing any opponent is to mortgage all the victory points, and crush the opponent.

"Hmph! You just found out now, it's too late to regret it!"

Hearing Yi Xiaoyao's exclamation and feeling the astonishment on his face, Jian Yi let out a triumphant snort.

The next moment, the aura of the lava broadsword in his hand increased sharply, and the terrifying sword glow that cut towards Yi Xiaoyao also gushed out a huge wave of lava, as if it was going to burn Yi Xiaoyao completely.

At this moment, even though Yi Xiaoyao didn't dare to underestimate the enemy and directly used the Great Years Sword, he was still crushed by the opponent's lava broadsword that was rolling down with immortal power.

Although the majestic power of time erupting from the Great Sui Yue Sword can erode all the laws of the world, in the face of the power of lava blessed with immortal power, the speed of erosion becomes extremely slow.

As the two powerful sword glows competed with each other, gradually there was an extremely hot lava. Before being eroded by the power of time, it was mixed with sword energy that could burn everything, penetrating the might of the Great Years Sword.

No matter how Yi Xiaoyao poured the power of time in his body into the Bloody Sword, and how he vigorously danced out the sword light of the Great Time Sword, he was still like a flat boat, and was finally swallowed by the endless red light.

Such a scene made everyone in the audience fall silent.

Their eyes turned to the barrier of the ninth ring, looking at the lava filling the entire barrier, as if they had seen through the lava, and Yi Xiaoyao had been incinerated and died.

This made everyone think of Yi Xiaoyao's words when he challenged the battle, and they all showed a hint of sarcasm.

In the face of absolute strength, any greed will turn into nothingness as it is now.

Obviously, Yi Xiaoyao's longing for that special rule, in the eyes of everyone, is this kind of unrealistic and nihilistic greed.

However, just when everyone thought Yi Xiaoyao was dead, Jian Yi's expression on the ring changed from the contempt at the beginning to a little surprised.

After noticing these details, everyone realized that Yi Xiaoyao was not killed that easily!

This can be seen from the fact that Jian Yi never put away his sword moves.

At this moment, Jian Yi's expression was a little dignified, as if he was trying his best to increase the power of his sword move, but the sword that could burn everything like this, was like encountering something indelible, and he couldn't let it fall!

Until the end, a sword cry resounded and resounded, and Jian Yi's figure was also shaken back step by step.

And under his line of sight, a figure holding a red long sword slowly walked out of the still lava in front of him!
Seeing this figure, not only Jian Yi, but everyone present shrank their pupils suddenly.

Because Yi Xiaoyao survived Jian Yi's sword!

Not only that, at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's clothes were cut by sword marks, showing bloodstains, but his aura remained undiminished.

And after a burst of blue light squirmed, even the bloodstains on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

That is to say, in the fight between Yi Xiaoyao and Jian Yi just now, it seemed that Jian Yi completely crushed Yi Xiaoyao, but Yi Xiaoyao was unscathed, only his clothes were torn a little by the sword energy.

"Senior is really strong, but it's a pity that there is no flame in the world that can hurt me!"

Yi Xiaoyao, who walked out of the lava, looked at Jian Yi opposite, licked his lips and gave a lucky smile.

As he said, he possesses the second awakened Heaven and Earth Fire Soul in his body, which can control all flames in the world. Even if he does not use it in order not to reveal his identity, he still cannot be hurt by the flames!
Of course, this is only a relative term. If the immortal power contained in Jianyi's lava sword is more pure, facing that kind of higher-level flame, even the soul of heaven and earth will not be able to control it.

But obviously, Jian Yi has not yet reached that level. Even though his flame level containing some immortal power is indeed higher than that of ordinary flames, Yi Xiaoyao, with his powerful body and the self-healing ability of the world and wood soul , can still barely resist.

Yi Xiaoyao was very satisfied with being able to achieve this step, not only because he had not been forced to reveal his identity, but also because he could feel that Jianyi had used all his strength in that sword just now in order not to give him a chance to admit defeat.

So even if there is no winner at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's confidence has increased a lot.

At least, as long as Jian Yi continues to use that lava flame, Yi Xiaoyao can guarantee himself an invincible position.

"You are really extraordinary. It seems that Jianming lost in your hands, and it is no longer wronged."

Jian Yi narrowed his eyes suddenly and stared at Yi Xiaoyao. Under his sharp gaze, he seemed to have seen through Yi Xiaoyao's mind, and immediately a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"However, even if it is true as you said, the flames cannot hurt you, you still cannot escape death!"

After speaking again, Jian Yi's murderous intent surged out again.

On the lava broadsword in his hand, the flowing lava solidified instantly, and then was quickly covered with a layer of faint blue frost.

A series of sounds of ice condensation and covering sounded, and the lava broadsword in Jian Yi's hand, which had made the entire space extremely hot, turned into a cold ice broadsword condensed by countless ice edges.

At the same time, a faint blue ice bird suddenly rushed out of the ice broadsword, screaming loudly.

As soon as the chirping sound came out, Yi Xiaoyao's expression froze suddenly, because his soul was torn apart by the chirping sound!
"Sword Soul!"

Looking at the blue ice bird floating above Jian Yi's head, Yi Xiaoyao took a deep breath and said.

This is indeed the soul of the sword, and it is the most powerful soul of the sword he has ever seen!
At the same time, a certain doubt in Yi Xiaoyao's heart seemed to be resolved, and he murmured: "No wonder you can control the fire of immortal power. It turns out that you use this cold sword soul to offset the backlash of the fire of immortal power!"

"You still know a lot. Back then, in a fairy ruins, I found a pair of fire phoenixes and ice phoenixes that had been fighting for countless years. I absorbed the fire phoenixes and incorporated them into sword skills, and used the ice phoenixes as sword souls to suppress the fire phoenixes!"

Jian Yi smiled triumphantly, and then burst into killing intent: "It must be a coincidence that you can hold the old man's sword of fire phoenix, but the old man doesn't believe that under this ice and phoenix sword soul, you can still survive!"

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao's expression became more serious.

Because indeed, as Jian Yi said, it was indeed a coincidence that he was able to hold the Fire Phoenix Sword.

And the endless cold power attached to the Ice Phoenix Sword Soul, Yi Xiaoyao can no longer resist the trump card of Wutiandi Huosoul.

But at the next moment, Yi Xiaoyao looked at the other party's Ice Phoenix Sword Soul whose imposing form was rising after being summoned, and seemed to suddenly think of something, and the seriousness on his face turned into a strange smile.

"Then I'm afraid, I'll let senior down again next time!"

Yi Xiaoyao grinned and said, "Sword Soul, this junior also has it..."


(End of this chapter)

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