Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1242 You Are Qualified

Chapter 1242 You Are Qualified
The appearance of the Nine Sword Masters made all the big figures of the sword clan present more convinced of the effect of the seal of sealing the soul and eliminating the immortals.

Because if the seal of sealing the soul and eliminating the immortals is what Yi Xiaoyao said, then the Nine Sword Masters have already used it, so he will appear here instead of being reincarnated like other old sword masters.

And then, seeing everyone's expressions like this, Nine Swords Master nodded with a light smile and said, "That's right, I didn't reincarnate because I used the Immortal Immortal Seal, and it's been a while."


The expressions of Jian Yun and the others became a little urgent, as if they were eager to ask something.

Before they could ask any questions, the Nine Swords Master continued to laugh and said, "Even if you seniors don't believe Xiaoyao's words, at least you can believe my words, right? I swear by my own identity and reputation, what Xiaoyao said is true, and now the fairy soul in my body, It has almost been erased by that talisman!"

As a result, Jian Yun and other important figures nodded in confidence.

Although the Nine Swords Master is Yi Xiaoyao's mother, she is also someone who cannot betray the Sword Clan. How can everyone not believe her words?

At the same time, Jian Yun and the others all showed ecstasy, because in this way, they no longer need to use the reincarnation method of the Celestial Human Race, and there is no need to waste the three years of reincarnation.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Yi Xiaoyao's face.

Of course, it was only the first step to make these big figures of the sword clan believe him. Next, he still needed to convince them, and through them, the entire sword clan's approval!
Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao did not relax immediately, but continued to say with a smile: "Seniors, are you satisfied with this gift?"

"Good! Good! Of course I am satisfied!"

Jian Yun and the others laughed loudly, applauded again and again, and carefully put away the talisman in their hands like a treasure.

But then, they quickly woke up from this surprise, and all looked at Yi Xiaoyao with a flick of their eyes.

"However... this is just our personal satisfaction, and it does not represent our other wishes, or even contact with the Sword Clan."

Jian Yu said seriously: "We won't take such a generous gift for nothing, so this time we brought some treasures from the immortal ruins. I believe the Great Sword Master can understand what we mean, right?"

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, he just smiled lightly.

He had guessed about this a long time ago, and naturally there was no surprise at this moment.

Of course, Yi Xiaoyao can completely cancel the other party's plan to exchange by not accepting the other party's gift.

However, the gifts sent by Jian Yun and others were all related to immortals, so precious that Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but be moved by them, and it was even more difficult for him to refuse these gifts.

Moreover, there is no need for Yi Xiaoyao to do this, otherwise, all his plans will be in vain.

Therefore, after hearing Jian Yun and others' statement, Yi Xiaoyao nodded and said, "This junior accepts the gifts from the seniors."

"So, do you agree with us?"

On the contrary, Jian Yun and the others were very surprised by Yi Xiaoyao's answer, as if it was strange that Yi Xiaoyao agreed so easily.

After all, this is Yi Xiaoyao's best chance to gain the support of their big figures from the sword clan!

"How could Xiaoyao violate the meaning of the seniors?"

Yi Xiaoyao still smiled lightly, with a sense of self-confidence, and said: "This seal of soul and immortality should be considered as Xiaoyao's contribution to the sword clan. After all, what happened to the three emperors before can be regarded as a contribution to the sword clan." The clan caused quite a bit of trouble."

These words made Jian Yun and the others quite gratified, and even looked at Yi Xiaoyao differently.

And they were short-staffed, so they laughed and said, "I don't think you did anything wrong about that matter."

"That's right, the actions of the Celestial Clan didn't take my Sword Clan seriously at all. You let the Three Heavenly Emperors lose some face, and this old man is quite relieved!"

"Well! The Great Sword Master is so young, but he has the strength to shoot down the Three Emperors. It really amazes us old guys!"

Amidst the voices of praise, Yi Xiaoyao always smiled faintly, his expression was neither arrogant nor impetuous, which made the big shots present secretly love him.

If it weren't for Yi Xiaoyao's special status, I'm afraid they would have all supported Yi Xiaoyao to take charge of the sword clan.

It is precisely because of this that Jianyun sighed and said: "Perhaps, the alliance between the Sword Clan and the Dead Gate is indeed a better choice, but in this way, the Celestial Human Clan will be angry with the Sword Clan, which will trigger a war. We don't want the Sword Clan The clan was involved in the war prematurely..."

"The worries of the seniors, Xiaoyao, are understandable. However, with the general trend of the world, war will happen sooner or later. It is better to make a decision early, so as to seize some opportunities."

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly and he said: "For example, the juniors of the Sword Clan under the seniors will face the problem of reincarnation sooner or later. If they can seize the opportunity to avoid the three years of reincarnation, then the Sword Clan will only Become even stronger than now!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Jian Yun and the others all changed.

Because the meaning of Yi Xiaoyao's words couldn't be more obvious. If they support Yi Xiaoyao to become the great sword master, Yi Xiaoyao can save all the sword clan members from the process of reincarnation!

This is a great temptation and benefit for the entire sword clan!

"You mean, you can come up with more of this kind of seal of sealing souls and eliminating immortals? Even benefiting the entire sword clan?"

Immediately, Jian Yun and the others couldn't help asking Yi Xiaoyao.

After all, they were overjoyed to get the Immortal Immortal Immortal Seal, but there are still many juniors who will be reincarnated behind them, and they still have to face the reality of reincarnation.

If Yi Xiaoyao can come up with so many seals of sealing souls and eliminating immortals, the Sword Clan will be three years ahead of other forces!
For this, Jian Yun and the others were naturally extremely eager, and they couldn't refuse in public or private.

But in this way, they can no longer afford enough to exchange with Yi Xiaoyao like today, and they have only one choice, which is to fully support Yi Xiaoyao and become the official Great Sword Master of the Sword Clan!

Seeing the moving faces of these big shots, the faint smile on Yi Xiaoyao's face finally became stronger.

"If you don't have some unique abilities and contributions, what virtue and ability can Xiaoyao have, let the seniors recognize it?"

He opened his mouth and replied: "Although these seals of sealing souls and eliminating immortals are all I can come up with at present, as long as I am given enough time, I will definitely realize what I said today."

Hearing this, the excitement on the faces of Jian Yun and others could no longer be relieved, they had already considered the pros and cons of the next decision countless times in their hearts.

In the end, they stood up one after another, nodded solemnly and said: "Okay! For those of us old guys who are only dedicated to the sword clan, those who can lead the sword clan to the top are naturally qualified to become official great sword masters!"


(End of this chapter)

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