Chapter 1243
At this moment, more than a hundred big figures of the Sword Clan gathered in Yi Xiaoyao's main hall were completely moved by Yi Xiaoyao's words. Their last words obviously recognized Yi Xiaoyao and promised to support him to become the official grand master. Sword Master!

You must know that each of these characters is the most respected ancestor of the Sword Clan. Even the old sword masters before have obeyed Jian Yun's words, which is enough to show that they have the right to speak in the Sword Clan.

With their support, most of Yi Xiaoyao's goal has been achieved.

However, no one in the Palace of the Second Sword Lord on the opposite side knows what happened here.

Especially after Jian Ming learned that these big men from the Sword Clan had entered Yi Xiaoyao's palace, under the nervousness and suspicion in his heart, he had a strange feeling of winning again.

He believed that it was impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to get the support of such great figures as Jian Yun, and to invite these great figures would have consumed all of Yi Xiaoyao's background, the purpose was just to compete with him.

Those who attended the banquet in front of him also had the same thoughts, and they all spoke to comfort Jian Ming in this way.

Under everyone's words, Jian Ming became more and more convinced that Yi Xiaoyao was bluffing against him.

Therefore, the desire to win reached its peak in an instant, and immediately sent out more loud voices to report to Yi Xiaoyao's palace with louder voices, trying to crush Yi Xiaoyao's momentum.

All of a sudden, the entire Sword Clan was shaken by the deafening calls, and Yi Xiaoyao's hall was even more like thunder.

Hearing these voices, Yi Xiaoyao, who was talking with Jian Yun and others, frowned slightly, and a sneer appeared in his eyes.

Immediately, he looked at Jian Yun and the others in front of him, and added: "Thanks to the love of all seniors, but Xiaoyao has an ugly thing to say beforehand. Although I intend to make contributions to the Sword Clan, it is not enough I am so kind, to help those who have nothing to do with me, and even those who intend to oppose me."

When Jian Yun and the others heard this, their complexions changed slightly.

They naturally knew that what Yi Xiaoyao meant was that he would only seal the souls of those who supported him and eliminate the immortal seal to avoid the worry of reincarnation, so if Jian Yun and others want to benefit more people from the Sword Clan, they must come forward and use Their reputation calls on more people to support Yi Xiaoyao.

At this moment, the voices from Jianming Palace are still going on, Yi Xiaoyao also knows some of the names, and many of them are descendants of Jian Yun and others.

Therefore, his eyes moved slightly, and he continued to smile at Jian Yun and the others: "I may not be qualified to take care of some people, but I still hope to help the descendants of the seniors."

These reminders made Jian Yun and others nod their heads one after another, not to mention that they had already been disturbed by the sound of Jianming Palace's shit.

Immediately, Jianyun and others jumped into the air one after another, exuding a powerful force, shouting angrily at the opposite Jianyun Palace.

"Noisy! Shut up!"

As soon as this sound came out, those loud voices who reported the sword inscription all vomited blood one after another, fell to the ground with serious injuries, and the world also returned to silence.

Jian Ming was also panicked at that time, he didn't expect that he would actually offend those big shots, although he is now the Second Sword Master, but for some reason, he absolutely didn't want to provoke them.

if not……

Just when some kind of worry arose in Jian Ming's heart, that kind of worry really came true next.

After stopping the news from Jianming's side, Jian Yun and other big figures of the sword clan did not stop there, but looked at the figures who were sitting at the banquet in the Jianming hall from a distance, and once again uttered Shout out.

"Hurry up and come over here, what are you fooling around in there!"

Before these voices fell, the descendants of Jian Yun and other important figures, as if struck by lightning, jumped up one after another, directly abandoned Jian Yun's banquet, and came towards Yi Xiaoyao Hall in unison.

They are able to participate in a banquet of this level, naturally they are figures with high profile in each line, or the master of a line, and there are many people from all lines following behind them.

Even those members of the Sword Clan who are not the descendants of Jian Yun and others finally couldn't sit still, they also stood up and cupped their fists in apology towards Jian Ming, and left the table.

All of a sudden, countless figures poured out of Jianming Palace like a tide, more imposing than before.

And their direction is surprisingly Yi Xiaoyao's main hall!
In just a short moment, the main hall of the Second Sword, which was originally crowded with people, was already empty, only a few people who were hesitant and considered whether to stay or not were left.

In Yi Xiaoyao's main hall, because only a hundred people banquet was prepared, those who came stood without a seat, but they were all respectful.

Seeing such an effect, even Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but secretly startled. It seems that his choice was indeed right. The great figures of the Sword Clan like Jian Yun, after the replacement of the new and old sword masters, the power of summoning the Sword Clan is simply terrifying !
However, he didn't care about those people who had no seats and stood inside and outside the hall. If they stood for a while, it would be the price of choosing a wrong judgment, and it was already the lightest punishment.

What's more, in the current situation, Yi Xiaoyao's plan has been completely successful, and the official position of Great Sword Master is also a foregone conclusion, so there is no need to worry about anything.

Next, after Jian Yun and others signaled to their descendants, many high-ranking people congratulated Yi Xiaoyao one after another, expressing their support.

The rest of the people also agreed one after another. Although they didn't know what had happened and were at a loss, they could still see that the general trend was moving towards Yi Xiaoyao's situation.

At the same time, the father and daughter Jian Bingqing, who were stunned by the sudden change in front of them, were hiding tightly in the corner of the wall at the moment, staring at each other with incredulous eyes.

It seems that they experienced a miracle, or entered a dream...

Also having this kind of experience is Jianming who is standing blankly above the main hall of the second sword at this moment.

It's just that apart from this feeling of dream and hallucination, Jian Ming's heart is filled with endless unwillingness and anger.

"How is it possible... how is this possible!!"

Jian Ming roared in bewilderment and despair.

Obviously!It was obvious that the general trend was in his hands, but in the blink of an eye, everything disappeared like a bubble!
Such a fact made Jianming feel as if he had suffered a devastating blow, and his heart had completely collapsed.

In the end, he looked at the Yi Xiaoyao Hall, which was full of people, with resentment, and let out a deep roar: "Yi Xiaoyao!! I will let you repay me double everything that belongs to me! I will let you die! Desperate!!!”

Jian Ming's venomous roar deliberately lowered his voice, and the sound only reached Yi Xiaoyao's ears.

But Yi Xiaoyao, who heard this sound, just glanced indifferently in the direction of the sword inscription intentionally or unintentionally, and didn't care.

Because only the weak can roar.

And the weak are not worthy of his attention.


(End of this chapter)

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