Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1281 Immortal Astral Sword

Chapter 1281 Immortal Astral Sword
Between the sky and the earth, with Tian Gen as the center, a huge and unparalleled black hole is spinning crazily, getting bigger and bigger.

In that black hole, people from the Death Gate, Sword Clan, Monster Clan, and Spirit Clan were all involved!
Even if all the four major forces are desperately resisting, facing this terrifying devouring force, there is not much resistance. At most, it can only slow down the speed of being swallowed into the center of the black hole and completely annihilated.

Just like the envoy of the Heavenly Dao wiped out ten thousand immortals with one sword, now Tian Geng alone raises his hand to play with countless strong men from the four major forces. It seems that since ancient times, heaven and earth have never tolerated the weak.

The Celestial-Human Alliance, which was originally at a disadvantage, was horrified to see this scene, but at the same time it was completely relieved.

Originally, their alliance of four clans was at a disadvantage because the fairy artifacts in the clan were either stolen or unable to be activated, and the opponent was strong.

Unexpectedly, Tian Geng changed everything directly by himself, and even ended the battle in an instant.

Except for the Celestials and Humans, the other three races are all thankful that they joined the camp, otherwise, in the face of an existence like Tian Gen, how could there be any chance of winning?

"Let's congratulate Patriarch Tian Gen, who has won the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor and unified the world!"

In the next moment, all the four clans of Heaven and Humans bowed down to congratulate Tian Gen, and there was no suspense about the ending, and this world still did not leave the control of the Heavens and Humans in the end.

Facing the surrender below, Tian Gen also laughed out loud as he felt the boundless power in his body.

He didn't immediately wipe out the four dead clans swallowed in the black hole, but bound the countless strong men in the black hole like trophies, and shrunk the black hole into a crystal ball in his hand.

Tian Gen's laughter shook the sky, looking at the countless strong men in his palm that could be killed with just a light grip, he sneered triumphantly.

"Antagonizing my Celestial Race is an enemy of the sky!"

He said with his eyes looking down at the world, majestic and intimidating all spirits: "Now I am an immortal emperor, those who submit will live, and those who defy me... will end like this!"

As soon as the words fell, Tian Gen shook his palm, ready to crush the countless strong men in the black hole in his hand, and use it to warn the world.

But at this moment, his movements suddenly stopped, and he looked up with awareness.

The people below also looked up to the sky with shocked faces, only to see that the fairy gang that had been above their heads had changed suddenly at this moment.

The countless starlights on the celestial gang actually all shifted at this moment, spinning crazily!
The starlight in the sky draws circles of gorgeous arcs on the black night sky, and gathers crazily towards the central area.

Such a scene shocked everyone in the world. They all knew that the countless stars above this fairy gang were actually countless fairy souls!

Then, everyone looked at Tian Gen again, because they saw the vision on the fairy gang, and felt that it was another swallowing vortex, so they all suspected that it was caused by Tian Gen, the immortal emperor.

However, Tian Gen himself also had a suspicious expression on his face. He looked at Xian Gang as if he remembered something, and a look of pain appeared on his face, and he quickly settled down not to think deeply.

"Hmph! This is the celestial phenomenon where I ascended to the Immortal Emperor, don't panic!"

Tian Geng gave a cold snort to everyone in the world, although he justified himself, but now he is not afraid of anything at all.

After all, he shook his palm again, and he wanted to finish the work that was interrupted before, and wipe out the four dead clans in the black hole.

However, at this critical moment, the vision on the fairy gang has evolved to the extreme, and the billions of fairy soul starlights have all gathered in one place, turning into a dazzling sun!

Moreover, the aura emanating from the sun was no weaker than the soaring aura on Tian Gen's body.

Such movement and stillness finally moved Tian Gen a little, the movement of his hands paused again, and he squinted his eyes to look into the sun.

Countless people below were stunned by the aura in the sun, and the rays of light pierced those strong men of the fourth calamity who couldn't open their eyes, let alone look directly at the sun to see what it was.

Only Tian Gen, under the boundless power, could see through everything with his eyes, and saw a figure in the sun.

But before he could see the face of this figure clearly, he found that figure descended from the sky, traveled tens of thousands of miles in an instant, and burst towards him.

A strong man endured the dazzle and used all his cultivation to open his eyes, but saw that the scorching sun on the fairy gang was smashing towards them at an extremely fast speed, like a meteorite!
Not only that, but at the same time as the scorching sun hit, there was only a piece of dark fairy gang left in the sky, which was pulled down by the scorching sun like a piece of black cloth, revealing the real sky.

The whole process seemed complicated and vast, but it happened in an instant, and even Tian Gen couldn't recover from the shock in time.

And when Tian Gen reacted in shock, he saw the figure in the scorching sun clearly.

"Yi Xiaoyao!"

Tian Geng's exclamation also shocked the hearts of all those who couldn't open their eyes to peek.

I saw Yi Xiaoyao turned into a scorching sun descending from the sky. At this moment, he was like a demon god, and his aura was far beyond comparison.

And the celestial scorpion that originally covered the sky quickly condensed in his hands, turning into a black sharp sword!
The scorching sun fell with a sword, but it was strangely silent.

The world was also silent at this moment.

Everyone couldn't help but opened their eyes, wanting to see what happened just now.

And the next moment, their eyes were all filled with shock.

This kind of shock was even stronger than Tian Gen's performance before, and the vision of Xian Gang's appearance was even stronger!

Because in the picture in front of him, the scorching sun has been completely subdued by a figure, and that figure holds a sword of darkness in his right hand and a round of black hole in his left hand.

That round of black hole is exactly the four clans of the Dead Gate who were about to be crushed by Tian Gen a moment ago!

That sword of darkness was transformed by Xiangang just now, and under the sword, Tian Gen's severed arm has not yet landed!
That figure was none other than Yi Xiaoyao!

Everyone in the world was shocked. Yi Xiaoyao had clearly been driven into the Immortal Gang by the Fairy Queen, but at this moment he came out of the Immortal Gang. Tian Gen an arm!
"You are not an immortal emperor."

Yi Xiaoyao took the black hole containing the four clans of the Dead Gate, looked coldly at Tian Gen who was sitting on the throne of the Immortal Emperor in front of him, and said with a sneer: "You are already dead, but you haven't noticed it yet. "

Tian Gen, who was on the throne, was furious because of Yi Xiaoyao's appearance and his broken arm. Hearing these words, he seemed to react suddenly, his face changed drastically and he opened his mouth wide, but he didn't say a word again. , lowered his head feebly.

But at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's expression became truly dignified.


(End of this chapter)

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