Devouring Sword God

Chapter 1282 Perfect You

Chapter 1282 Perfect You
Tian Gen, who had obtained the power of the Immortal Emperor, displayed such a powerful power, but at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao, who appeared in vain, cut off his arm with a sword, and even a single sentence made him lose his voice.

Everyone who saw such a scene was so shocked that their minds went blank, especially those people from the Celestial Race. A moment ago, they were extremely excited because their ancestors became immortal emperors. In death, there is usually no breath at all, and the whole body is almost instantly bombarded by thousands of thunders.

However, how did they know that what Yi Xiaoyao said just now was actually true at all.

Tian Gen died a long time ago, but he himself didn't know it yet.

Tian Gen himself also thinks like the common people in the world that if he sits on the throne of the Immortal Emperor, he will obtain the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, obtain the supreme immortal power, and then become an Immortal Emperor.

In fact, the throne of the Immortal Emperor is not an inheritance at all, and the Immortal Queen sacrificed herself to resurrect the Immortal Emperor, not to create a new Immortal Emperor!
When Tian Gen sat on the throne of the Immortal Emperor, he had already been swallowed by the swallowing black hole formed by the fairy queen turning dreams into reality.

That is the devouring rule transformed by the immortal emperor. The more Tian Geng is occupied by the devouring rule, the stronger his power will be, until finally he will be devoured into nothing and be reborn as an immortal emperor. This is also the reason why his power has been soaring just now. This is also the reason why Yi Xiaoyao said that Tian Gen was dead in one sentence.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao stared solemnly at Tian Gen who was still sitting on the emperor's throne in front of him, and the sharp sword transformed from a fairy gang in his hand let out bursts of sword groaning.

He knew that the real Immortal Emperor had really been resurrected by the Immortal Queen and was about to wake up.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't take advantage of the fact that the Immortal Emperor hadn't woken up yet. On the Immortal Gang, he devoured hundreds of millions of immortal souls with the Soul Devouring forbidden technique, and learned from the memory of the hundreds of millions of immortal souls that the Immortal Emperor was extremely brilliant. I really admire him in my heart.

If it wasn't for the different paths, Yi Xiaoyao would really not be willing to become an enemy with such a peerless person.

Of course, this is not because Yi Xiaoyao is soft-hearted at the moment, because apart from this admiration, there are other reasons why he didn't take the opportunity to act.

The next moment, under Yi Xiaoyao's gaze, Tian Gen, who had lost his breath, suddenly erupted with monstrous devouring power from the throne below him, and then turned into a black hole and floated behind him.

"Thanks to your reminder, the emperor was able to wake up from the inertia of that body..."

A faint voice came from Tian Gen's lowered head, and he slowly raised his head, looking at Yi Xiaoyao, his eyes were like two black holes.

Seeing that Tian Gen had "come back to life" again, the Heavenly Human Race and the others below immediately lost their original despair, and all of them exclaimed in surprise, and worshiped him in joy.

However, they didn't know at all that Tian Gen at this moment was no longer the patriarch of the Celestial Race, but the Immortal Emperor who devoured the Immortal World countless years ago!

The first thing the Immortal Emperor did when he woke up was to inhale the thin green smoke that floated from the four clans of heaven and man below, and immediately frowned.

"The power of such a thin incense stick is not even enough to squeeze between the teeth!"

A somewhat sullen voice came out of his mouth, and he raised his hand to shake the four clans of heaven and man, and all the countless strong people were swallowed by him into the black hole behind him, annihilated and disappeared.

The clansmen of the four clans of heaven and man, I am afraid that they will not know why until they die.

Yi Xiaoyao watched such a terrifying scene, but did not stop it.

That is the choice made by the four clans of heaven and man, and they are naturally responsible for their stupidity.

After all this was done, the Immortal Emperor's arm that had been severed by Yi Xiaoyao condensed again, and only then did he really look at Yi Xiaoyao in front of him.

"You have the breath of a heavenly messenger on your body!"

Immortal Emperor's eyes narrowed suddenly, he stared at Yi Xiaoyao and sized him up, then frowned again, seemingly puzzled: "But you are not an envoy of heaven, you have more humanity than him, and..."

Speaking of this, the Immortal Emperor's pupils shrank suddenly, and he asked in a low voice: "And you still have my breath on your body! Who are you?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the Immortal Emperor amusedly, seemed to find the other party's reaction very interesting, and said with a smile, "If I say that I am you, would you believe me?"

"Ridiculous! This emperor is the only one in the world, and the only way!"

The Immortal Emperor snorted again, as if he was too lazy to spend much time talking with Yi Xiaoyao, and said coldly: "Just swallow you, the Emperor will know what you are!"

Before he finished speaking, the black hole behind him expanded infinitely, turning the world into darkness in an instant, and the darkness enveloped Yi Xiaoyao, which contained endless devouring power.

Yi Xiaoyao was in the black hole, feeling the frantic flow of the power he obtained from devouring hundreds of millions of immortal souls in the Immortal Gang just now, and he couldn't help showing a trace of panic on his face.

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the panic disappeared in an instant.

"It turns out that this is the devouring rule!"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the darkness around him, but his pupils were full of light, and reflected ancient symbols one by one.

It seems that in his mind, the black holes transformed by the immortal emperor's devouring power are not the endless darkness, but the ancient symbols!

"How can you see through the devouring rules!?"

At this time, the Immortal Emperor also saw Yi Xiaoyao's pupils, and couldn't help but exclaimed, he controlled the devouring rules, so he naturally knew that the ancient symbols reflected in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes were the essence of the devouring rules.

It's just that he couldn't believe that Yi Xiaoyao could see through what he realized after spending his entire life cultivating and even devouring the entire fairy world.

"I said it, because I am you..."

Yi Xiaoyao grinned in the darkness, and immediately the ancient symbols in his pupils bloomed, turning into a round of devouring black holes, and began to contend with the immortal emperor's devouring black holes.

"how can that be!!"

The Immortal Emperor's complexion changed again and again, how brilliant his life was, he was calm and calm in the face of everything, even if the Heavenly Dao turned into a Heavenly Dao envoy to wipe him out, he would deal with it calmly.

But now, facing Yi Xiaoyao, he was shocked like never before.

How could there be two of him?But Yi Xiaoyao saw through the devouring rules at a glance, and even competed with his devouring black hole. In addition, Yi Xiaoyao had his aura on him, which further confirmed what Yi Xiaoyao said was true.

The young man in front of him is him!

The Immortal Emperor's complexion became more and more uncertain: "Could it be that during this period of time when the Emperor and the envoy of the Heavenly Dao were entangled in Chaos, what happened?"

"I am you, but not you."

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao said another sentence that the Immortal Emperor could not understand, but what he did next shocked the Immortal Emperor's already shocked heart to the extreme.

I saw Yi Xiaoyao raised his hand and shot the sharp sword transformed by the immortal gang into the devouring black hole, and the power of the devouring black hole suddenly increased countless times, and directly devoured and crushed the devouring black hole transformed by the immortal emperor mercilessly.

"To be precise, I am a more perfect you!"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the already pale face of the Immortal Emperor, and said with a sneer, "It seems that in this devouring rule, mine is complete, and a small part of yours is still missing."

The Immortal Emperor devoured the fairy world to complete his devouring rules, so that he could compete with the envoy of heaven, but the envoy of heaven forcibly left the fragments of the fairy world under his feet from being swallowed by the other party, which is the immortal gang of later generations!

The Immortal Emperor failed to devour the fragments of the fairy world, so the devouring rules are not really complete, but Yi Xiaoyao has truly achieved completeness by integrating the sword transformed from the fairy gang into his own devouring rules!

As for Yi Xiaoyao's identity, the Sword God had already told him everything in the Immortal Gang just now.

According to Sword God, he was the envoy of the heavenly way and the immortal emperor when they were in chaos. The envoy of the heavenly way took advantage of the immortal emperor to devour the incomplete rules to occupy a trace of the dominance of chaos, and passed their chaos into the blood of the people of the Yi clan. The awakening of the bloodline gave birth to Yi Xiaoyao.

That is to say, Yi Xiaoyao is indeed the senior sword god he saw when he was young, he is both the envoy of heaven and the immortal emperor!It is also the chaos of the fusion of the heavenly messenger and the immortal emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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