Devouring Sword God

Chapter 218 Sword Lin Yanlong

Chapter 218 Sword Lin Yanlong
Yi Xiaoyao frowned, and looked at Shangguan Jingyun who was full of cold light and murderous intent.

"No, Shangguan Jingyun, I will save you until the end to kill, so you don't have to rush to die now, let's just watch how I slowly destroy your Huayun sect."

Yi Xiaoyao's tone was full of playfulness, it seemed that the other party was just a target for revenge and toy.

But at this moment, the disciples of the Huayun Sect below were being chased by more than 400 Yin corpses who were at the peak of Jindan Realm, screaming and fleeing in the entire Huayun Sect, which made Shangguan Jingyun want to kill Yi Xiaoyao quickly.

Therefore, facing Yi Xiaoyao's words, he had never heard of them.

"Yi Xiaoyao, do you think you can survive to the end? I will now avenge my disciples and elders of the Huayun Sect, as well as my son Shangguan Tianjian!"

As soon as the words fell, Shangguan Jingyun immediately drew his sword and was about to strike with billowing hatred.

"Stop for me!"

Yi Xiaoyao squinted his eyes, and following his loud shout, the nine bronze-bodied corpse puppets who were standing by at any time suddenly exuded the coercion of the Ninth Layer of Nascent Soul, and came towards Shangguan in shock.

Shangguan Jingyun's body suddenly stopped, he was so startled by the mighty coercion around him that he broke into cold sweat, although his eyes were full of anger, he didn't dare to take half a step forward.

"Shangguan Jingyun, don't forget, I am giving you a chance now, I said I will save you until the end, so you have to obediently stay until the end!"

Yi Xiaoyao stared at Shangguan Jingyun coldly, the more he saw this person was angry and aggrieved, the more the corner of his mouth curled up.

Then, Yi Xiaoyao asked again and again: "Who will die next?"

"Hmph! Yi Xiaoyao, Elder Wang just underestimated the enemy just now, which led to you killing him with all your strength. Do you really think you are capable?"

Beside Shangguan Jingyun, a man in white robe sneered and stood up.

"Even if the suzerain doesn't make a move, it's more than enough for me to kill you!"

Immediately, the man with disheveled hair exuded his aura of cultivation at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul, turning it into coercion and oppressing Yi Xiaoyao.

Under this coercion, Yi Xiaoyao's expression was calm, and he just smiled faintly when he heard the other party's words.

"Oh? It seems that you are going to go all out? Then I want to see how many tricks you can survive under my hands."

Yi Xiaoyao's indifference and contempt made the man with disheveled eyes stare at him. He is a majestic fifth-level Nascent Soul, and it would be embarrassing enough to go all out against a person in the first-level Nascent Soul, but even so, his opponent actually How can he not be angry if he doesn't care.

"Boy, next, I only need three moves to deal with you!"

The man with disheveled hair shouted angrily, and immediately burst out with all his strength to attack.

But within three moves, this person was directly bombarded by flames and sword energy and disappeared completely.

"Three strokes? You are too overestimating yourself."

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the figure of the man with disheveled hair disappearing into the flames of sword energy, smiled lightly and shook his head.

After witnessing the death of the second Nascent Soul Realm in the hands of Yi Xiaoyao, the people below could no longer control their hearts, and suddenly there was an uproar.

"My God! This is too exaggerated! This Yi Xiaoyao is really a monster!"

"He killed two strong men who were several levels higher than him in a row, all of which were done in a crushing manner. I don't think Yi Xiaoyao has used all his strength until now!"

"From this point of view, it is not impossible for Yi Xiaoyao to kill the entire Huayun Sect by himself?"

While everyone was discussing, they heard a voice that made them want to vomit blood.

"The elders of your Huayun Sect are still at the Nascent Soul Realm, so why are you so vulnerable?"

With a smile on his lips, Yi Xiaoyao looked at Shangguan Jingyun and the others, who were looking increasingly ugly, and deliberately provoked a chuckle from the other party.

But these words not only stimulated Shangguan Jingyun, but also stimulated everyone present.

Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses were the top powerhouses who could walk sideways in the Great Shang Dynasty. Any one could start a sect, but was said by Yi Xiaoyao to be vulnerable?
Although in the two kills just now, the two people who died seemed vulnerable, but the real reason was that Yi Xiaoyao was really too strong!
Immediately afterwards, another life-threatening magic sound came from Yi Xiaoyao's mouth.

"Next, who will die?"

When this sentence was heard for the third time, those Nascent Soul Realm members of Huayun Sect were silent for a while, and no one dared to take a step forward like before.

You know, the hairless man that Yi Xiaoyao killed just now was at the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

And at this moment, the remaining four Nascent Soul Realm, except for Shangguan Jingyun, the other four are all Nascent Soul Fifth Layer Realm.

They didn't think that they were much stronger than the man with hair, and they didn't think that they could survive Yi Xiaoyao's hands.

Everyone witnessed the scene of Yi Xiaoyao beheading the man with shaggy hair. They couldn't make three moves and were completely crushed. It was clear that they didn't use all their strength. They really did what Yi Xiaoyao said, and they were sent to death.

Even Shangguan Jingyun, who was in the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, felt a little uncertain, because he didn't know how much strength Yi Xiaoyao had retained.

Seeing this, Yi Xiaoyao was slightly taken aback, raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Oh? Don't you guys want to kill me? Now that I'm giving you a chance, why doesn't any of you dare to kill me?"

Immediately, everyone below burst into laughter, and sarcasm continued to spread to the ears of Shangguan Jingyun and the others.

"In that case, then you four, come together."

Yi Xiaoyao pointed impatiently at the four Nascent Soul Fifth Level Realms except Shangguan Jingyun, and then waved.

The expressions of the four people changed, and they glanced at each other, all very hesitant.

"What? None of the four dare to go up? The Huayun Sect is indeed a coward!" Yi Xiaoyao sneered.

The people below laughed again, which made Shangguan Jingyun furious, and shouted at the four people: "What are you still doing? Go and kill him!"

The four of them nodded heavily, no matter how strong Yi Xiaoyao was, he was only at the first level of Nascent Soul, how could he face four of the fifth level of Nascent Soul at the same time.

With this thought in mind, the four rushed forward together.

Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes, and when facing these four people, he was no longer as relaxed as before, and his complexion became serious.

The next moment, the four of them quickly surrounded Yi Xiaoyao, and after a moment of eye contact, the sword tactics they displayed had a strong sense of mutual echo.

"Sword formation?"

Yi Xiaoyao was surprised for a while. Obviously, the four opponents were using some kind of sword formation technique, and the strength of the four could be increased through the formation, and the power displayed was far greater than the combined power of the four.

"Hmph, Yi Xiaoyao, the gangyuan sword formation of the four of us is an extremely powerful defensive sword formation. No matter how strong you are, you will be exhausted by us sooner or later, and you can only let us slaughter you Already!"

The four of them smiled viciously, each of them turned offense into defense, with the intention of fighting with Yi Xiaoyao to consume their spiritual energy.

"It's interesting." Yi Xiaoyao smiled coldly, and immediately went up to him.

The terrifying fire light mixed with the sword light erupted, and the other party relied on the sword formation, the four of them seemed to become a whole at this moment, and they received Yi Xiaoyao's attack steadily.

Next, Yi Xiaoyao rammed again and again, but the four opponents were at the fifth level of the Nascent Soul, and their combined defense was as unbreakable as an iron bucket. No matter how Yi Xiaoyao attacked, they could not break through the opponent's defense.

"This sword array is really amazing." Yi Xiaoyao was quite surprised.

He can easily kill any of the four opponents, and even if the four join forces, under normal circumstances, he can calmly face them and defeat them individually.

But now the four of them used the sword array, and they easily resisted all his attacks.

"Haha! Yi Xiaoyao, you just wait for death in the Gangyuan Sword Formation!"

The four people grinned excitedly, the more Yi Xiaoyao attacked, the faster his spiritual power was consumed, and what they were waiting for was the moment when Yi Xiaoyao's spiritual power was exhausted.

But Yi Xiaoyao smiled coldly when he heard the words.

"Waiting to die? I think the one waiting to die is you!"

As soon as the words fell, a sword intent to destroy everything suddenly emanated from the long sword in Yi Xiaoyao's hand.

Under the intent of destroying the sword, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly slashed out with a sword. In an instant, countless sword qi accompanied by flames quickly gathered in one place, forming a fire dragon clad in sword qi scales.

This move was used once when Yi Xiaoyao defeated Bo Yuanhong. It was his fusion of fire and swordsmanship. It was a move he created himself, called Jianlin Yanlong.

But at this moment, under the destructive sword intent, this Jianlin Yanlong looked like a real Yanlong, with a layer of destruction in the eyes of the flames, and its power was much higher than before.

"Sword Lin Yanlong! Break the formation for me!"

With a low shout, the sword intent soared to the sky, and Jianlin Yanlong slammed into the light curtain of the gangyuan sword array of the four people.

The terrible roar shook the world.

Afterwards, this majestic dragon directly crushed the opponent's layer of sword formation defense to pieces.


The four people who cast the sword array spat blood wildly because the sword array was broken. When they flew upside down, their faces were full of disbelief.

But without waiting for them to think too much, Jianlin Yanlong circled in mid-air, swallowed all four of them into the huge mouth of flames, and roared towards Shangguan Jingyun in the distance.

"Shangguan Jingyun, now it's your turn!"

Yi Xiaoyao stepped on the head of Jianlin Yanlong directly.

This scene was like a demon king descending, stepping on a demon dragon, holding a demon sword in his hand, pointing directly at the last remaining Shangguan Jingyun.


(The third update, the chapter with half more words than usual, please recommend~)

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(End of this chapter)

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