Devouring Sword God

Chapter 219 Shangguan Jingyun

Chapter 219 Shangguan Jingyun
Everyone below raised their heads and looked at the majestic dragon covered in black scales in midair.

Each scale of this black giant dragon was transformed by sword energy, and the flames flickered under the black scales, exuding an extremely hot and destructive aura.

But at this moment, the flames in the mouth of this Sword Lin Yanlong were roaring towards the Shangguan Tianjian in the distance with Yi Xiaoyao on top of it.

"Yi Xiaoyao, he...he just defeated four top experts in the fifth stage of the Nascent Soul!"

"As expected of being the first genius of my Great Shang Dynasty!"

"Now, he has killed six of the seven Nascent Soul Realm of Huayun Sect."

"Yi Xiaoyao went to Shangguan Jingyun, can he really defeat Shangguan Tianjian and destroy Huayunzong?"

Everyone was amazed at Yi Xiaoyao's strength, looking forward to Yi Xiaoyao's destruction of Huayunzong.

"Sure enough, Xiaoyao is really killing the people of Huayun Sect one by one." The master of the black robe nodded with a smile.

Elder Xing behind him was also shocked after seeing Yi Xiaoyao behead the six Nascent Soul Realm members of Huayun Sect one by one.

"It's the old man's mistake. This kid really can't be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people." Xing Lao said, suddenly thinking: "But those old guys from Huayunzong haven't shown up yet, it's really possible Hold your breath."

The master of the black robe smiled: "It is useless to come out. With the nine puppets of the Nascent Soul Ninth Layer, I am afraid that those old guys will not dare to come out."

"That's true. It seems that this kid has not used his puppet all this time, and he is also guarding against those old guys." Elder Xing nodded.

At this time, the King of Shang was also looking at Yi Xiaoyao who was riding the flame dragon towards Shangguan's shocking cloud, and he was full of surprise: "I think Yi Xiaoyao will definitely become the second Cangtian Xing who will stir up the world in the future!"

When the old man behind King Shang heard the words, he didn't have the slightest objection, his cloudy eyes sparkled brightly: "This Yi Xiaoyao, the kind of thought he is exuding right now is sword intent!"

King Shang also reacted to this reminder, and was shocked.

Sword Intent!

It is a level that can only be comprehended by a very small number of sword geniuses in the Nascent Soul Realm. No one in the Great Shang Dynasty has ever been able to reach this level. Even in the Great Xia Empire, there may not be many people who can master sword intent.

As for Yi Xiaoyao, he was able to grasp and perform...

"Sword Intent!"

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao shooting towards him, Shangguan Jingyun exclaimed.

Shangguan Jingyun only felt that the young man standing on the Flame Dragon in front of him was like a sharp sword that would destroy everything, wanting to chop him into countless pieces of dust.

Shangguan Jingyun naturally knew that the reason for this feeling was that Yi Xiaoyao had already reached the level of sword intent.

This kind of talent made Shangguan Jingyun frightened, he couldn't imagine how far Yi Xiaoyao could grow if he was given some more time.

But Shangguan Jingyun was very clear, if he didn't kill Yi Xiaoyao today, then he would never have another chance to kill him in the future, this is the last chance!

Therefore, no matter what the price is, he must kill Yi Xiaoyao!

Otherwise, even if Huayun Sect still exists today, sooner or later it will disappear with Shangguan Jingyun.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Jingyun's eyes turned cold, he directly pulled out a golden long sword from behind, and rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao who had already appeared hundreds of feet in front of him.

"Yi Xiaoyao, you will die today!"

Accompanied by a roar of anger and murderous intent, countless golden sword beams burst out in front of Shangguan Jingyun in an instant, forming a huge golden sword net, and shot out violently.

Yi Xiaoyao squinted his eyes, and then jumped up on tiptoe, and the sword Lin Yanlong under his feet swayed his head and rushed towards the golden light sword net that was like a net.

The two collided together, and in an instant, two huge forces erupted crazily at this moment.

The picture above is like a giant black dragon swallowing flames, trying to break through the golden lightsaber net in front of it.

The entire void was trembling, terrifying power splashed wildly, and flowing flames and sword energy flew all over the sky.

Amidst the continuous roar, the golden light sword net began to dim rapidly, and the sword Lin Yanlong was also quickly cut by the sword net, and finally both of them disappeared into the void.


Yi Xiaoyao was slightly taken aback, it seems that his current strength can compete with the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, which is already the maximum limit.

Yi Xiaoyao was just surprised, but Shangguan Jingyun was extremely horrified.

"How is it possible! I, I used all my strength to cast the Golden Gang Sword Net, but I couldn't even hit him?"

"He is only in the first stage of Nascent Soul, but his strength is so terrifying?"

Shangguan Jingyun was right to be worried before, it seems that Yi Xiaoyao retained a lot of strength when beheading the previous Huayunzong elders.

"Sword intent, the sword intent he comprehends is not ordinary sword intent, and his spiritual power is also several times stronger than the normal Nascent Soul Realm."

Shangguan Jingyun immediately discovered the root of the problem from the fight just now.

But he could only feel incredible, because he didn't know that Yi Xiaoyao not only mastered the Sword Intent of Destruction, but also possessed the Dual Nascent Soul.

"Your strength is indeed good." Yi Xiaoyao's voice suddenly sounded, he was staring at Shangguan Jingyun coldly and sneered, "But you are still far away from killing me."

Shangguan Jingyun squinted his eyes. In fact, he was completely under Yi Xiaoyao's control. If there was any further delay, and Yi Xiaoyao manipulated the powerful puppet to kill him, it would be over.

Must fight fast!

But Shangguan Jingyun also understood that with his current strength, he was still far behind in killing Yi Xiaoyao.

Then Shangguan Jingyun showed a ruthless look on his face, and said coldly: "Hmph! How much strength is left to kill you, I will make up for it!"

As soon as the words fell, the person immediately took a blood-red pill.

The next moment, Shangguan Jingyun's cultivation suddenly dropped, but immediately after, his cultivation unexpectedly rose again.

In a blink of an eye, the breath of the eighth layer of Nascent Soul came out from his body.

When everyone below discovered this, they were all in shock.

"What kind of elixir is this, it can actually improve the cultivation level of Nascent Soul Realm?"

As we all know, generally, the elixir that temporarily increases the cultivation level can only increase the cultivation level by one level at most, and the higher the level, the smaller the effect.

Almost no one has heard of the elixir that can improve the cultivation level of the Nascent Soul Realm to the second level.

"It's a sacrificial spirit pill. After taking it, sacrifice part of your spiritual power. How much cultivation you sacrifice will be temporarily returned!"

"It's just that after the effect of the medicine is exhausted, the cultivation bases sacrificed will never be restored after they dissipate. The more cultivation bases Shangguan Jingyun sacrifices, the more cultivation bases will drop, and even more so in this life. It can no longer be improved.”

Among the crowd, there were naturally well-informed people who recognized the pill.

When everyone heard the words, they all sighed in their hearts. Shangguan Jingyun was so cruel to him that he almost cut off his own escape route. It seems that he must kill Yi Xiaoyao today.

But at this time, Shangguan Jingyun exuded a powerful aura of cultivation, staring at Yi Xiaoyao with eyes that wanted to breathe fire.

"Yi Xiaoyao, in order to kill you, I sacrificed my cultivation to the eighth level of Nascent Soul, which is enough to respect you, and you can die proudly!"

As soon as the words fell, Shangguan Jingyun suddenly raised his sword, and the golden sword god, like a huge scorching sun, directly slashed at Yi Xiaoyao angrily.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes froze, and there was no time to react, so he could only unleash a sword with all his strength to meet the terrifying golden sun sword glow.

But just for a moment, at the moment when the two sword lights met, Yi Xiaoyao's flaming sword light immediately collapsed.

"Not good!" Yi Xiaoyao immediately put the sword across his chest, and used the defensive sword formula to block it urgently.

There was a loud noise, and then Yi Xiaoyao retreated in an extremely embarrassing figure, spurting out a mouthful of blood and turning pale.

"Oh? It's not bad to be able to survive my sword, but I didn't use all my strength for this sword."

Shangguan Jingyun showed a surprised and cruel smile, and then raised his sword again.

"Next, I will do my best, and I will definitely use your blood to sacrifice the dead soul of my Huayun Sect!"


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(End of this chapter)

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