Devouring Sword God

Chapter 23 Breakthrough in Alchemy

Chapter 23 Breakthrough in Alchemy
All the teenagers of the Tang family looked at Yi Xiaoyao's resolute back, and their eyes changed.

Although they didn't believe it in their hearts, they were actually very eager for Yi Xiaoyao to defeat Jin Lingfeng and give them a sigh of relief.

Yi Xiaoyao took Tang Zhong to treat his injuries, and he was relieved when he learned that there was no serious problem.

He had just walked out of the infirmary when Tang Feng hurried over upon hearing the news.

"Xiaoyao, what happened?" Tang Feng asked.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled ashamedly, and told Tang Feng what happened.

"Hmph! This Jin Lingfeng is really deceiving people too much!" Tang Feng cursed angrily.

"Uncle, I'm all to blame for my lack of strength, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Yi Xiaoyao smiled wryly.

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "I can't blame you for this matter, Tang Zhong did the right thing. As the owner of the Tangjiabao, you must not damage your reputation!"

"In three days, I will defeat Jin Lingfeng and give an explanation to Cousin Tang Zhong and everyone!"

Yi Xiaoyao said with firm eyes.

Tang Feng was startled when he heard the words: "Xiaoyao, don't be impulsive!"

"I have to do this, otherwise I will not only be unable to explain to everyone, but also unable to explain to my own heart."

Yi Xiaoyao then smiled and said, "Uncle, please continue to trust me. When I said I wanted to defeat Tang Ruoxue, didn't you think it was impossible?"

Tang Feng nodded, after all, he had already witnessed a miracle on Yi Xiaoyao.

"However, the gap in cultivation between you and Jin Lingfeng is too great, and three days is too short."

Tang Feng said, frowned and hesitated for a moment, then said: "I think it's time to take you to see that person, he will definitely help you!"

Yi Xiaoyao frowned.

"See who?"

"Your grandfather died because of that person. As for the others, you will know after you meet that person."

Yi Xiaoyao saw Tang Feng's serious expression when he mentioned "that person", and when he heard that that person was related to Grandpa's death, he immediately nodded thoughtfully.


An hour later, Yi Xiaoyao followed Tang Feng and appeared in a quiet deep forest.

The two walked deep into the dense forest for nearly an hour, and it was getting late.

Not long after, the front suddenly opened up, and it turned out to be a secluded fenced courtyard with several thatched huts inside.

"That person lives here, you go alone, report your name, and he will meet you."

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he took a look at Yi Xiaoyao, and then went back the same way.

Yi Xiaoyao stood alone on the spot for a moment, then walked to the gate of the fenced courtyard.

"Junior Yi Xiaoyao, disturb senior."

As soon as Yi Xiaoyao finished speaking, a voice came from the courtyard: "Come in!"

The voice was old and weak, but full of energy.

Yi Xiaoyao was full of doubts, he also wanted to see who this person was, making it so mysterious.

Stepping into the courtyard, the door inside is half open.

Yi Xiaoyao approached the house and saw a big bronze tripod.

Suddenly, a person sat up in the tripod.

"Boy, you are finally here."

The man only poked out his head, and while the cauldron was steaming, Yi Xiaoyao could only see that it was an old man with silver hair, but couldn't see his face clearly.

Hearing the old man's words, Yi Xiaoyao gasped in surprise.

"Senior know me?"

The silver-haired old man did not answer, but asked directly: "Tell me, why are you here?"

Yi Xiaoyao frowned suspiciously, thinking to himself that this person was so weird.

However, he still replied: "This junior is now at the seventh level of Qi Condensation, and wants to break through to the Foundation Establishment within three days, but the Zengling Pill has no effect on me. I wonder if senior can do it?"

"Within three days?"

The silver-haired old man seemed to frowned, and said: "In such a short period of time, the old man can only help you improve your cultivation level by one stage at most."

Yi Xiaoyao's expression brightened immediately. You must know that the higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is to improve.

For ordinary people to upgrade from the seventh level of Qi Condensation to the eighth level of Qi Condensation, even if they take a large amount of Zengling Pill, it will take at least ten and a half months.

And this old man actually said that he could improve his cultivation level by one level in three days, which is much stronger than the effect of Zengling Pill!
If coupled with the cultivation speed inherited from the Sword God, Yi Xiaoyao is likely to break through the Foundation Establishment Realm.

"Then thank you senior, junior is willing to give it a try!" Yi Xiaoyao hurriedly thanked him.

The next moment, the silver-haired old man suddenly jumped up from the copper tripod, and a wave of heat gushed out from his body, steaming the soaked clothes instantly.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could react, a huge force directly grabbed him and threw him into the copper tripod.

As the water splashed in the cauldron, a large number of medicinal herbs and spirit objects of different colors fell towards Yi Xiaoyao.

The whole process was extremely fast, and when Yi Xiaoyao realized it, the cauldron burst into flames!
The aura emanating from the flames was extremely terrifying, and Yi Xiaoyao turned pale with shock.

"Senior! What are you doing!"

The silver-haired old man controlled the flame to wrap the entire copper tripod, and responded with two words.


"What? Refining medicine!?"

Yi Xiaoyao's complexion changed instantly, the old man actually used him to refine medicine.

Just when he wanted to escape from the copper tripod, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.

The liquid that soaked Yi Xiaoyao's body, under the roasting of the flames outside the cauldron, erupted with extremely rich aura!

"Hurry up and start practicing!" the silver-haired old man shouted.

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao finally understood that this senior was helping him.

Immediately, he hurriedly responded, started to run the Devouring Sword God Art, and entered the state of cultivation.

The spiritual energy overflowing from the copper tripod rushed madly towards Yi Xiaoyao's body.

With the unfolding of the devouring power, the condensing speed of the vortex air sea in Yi Xiaoyao's body reached an unprecedented level!
After a while, the spiritual liquid in the copper tripod had no time to emit spiritual energy, and instead of pouring spiritual energy towards Yi Xiaoyao, Yi Xiaoyao took the spiritual energy from the spiritual liquid.

When the silver-haired old man noticed this phenomenon, he also showed a deep look of astonishment.

I saw the flames released from his hands booming, and the spiritual liquid in the copper cauldron began to boil rapidly.

"Boy, hold on!"

The silver-haired old man said in a deep voice.

Yi Xiaoyao felt that his whole body was extremely hot, and he continued to grit his teeth when he heard the sound.

In this way, it lasted for several hours.

At this moment, in the bronze cauldron where Yi Xiaoyao was, all those herbs and spirits had been refined and integrated into the spirit liquid.

With the refinement of the elixir, the spiritual power in the elixir became more pure and majestic.

Yi Xiaoyao thought to himself: "This senior's method of controlling the flames is really clever. He refined all these elixir without harming me."

As for the silver-haired old man, he had withdrawn the flames and looked very tired.

At this moment, a subtle fluctuation came from the copper tripod, which was a sign of Yi Xiaoyao's advancement to the eighth level of Qi Condensation!

The face of the silver-haired old man suddenly showed an unbelievable shock.

"What?! This kid has raised his level of cultivation so quickly?!"

He said before that even for the inheritors of the Ninth Grade Immortal Soul, it would take three days to upgrade to the first level with this method.

But now, only a few hours later, Yi Xiaoyao has advanced!

(Note: 1 hour = 2 hours, 6 hours is a day or night.)
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(End of this chapter)

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