Devouring Sword God

Chapter 24 Killing 9 Swords

Chapter 24 Killing the Nine Swords

"This is the first time this old man has seen such a heaven-defying cultivation aptitude! This kid is really not simple!"

The silver-haired old man muttered to himself, his eyes sparkling with strange colors.

And Yi Xiaoyao, still in the copper tripod, frantically absorbed the majestic spiritual power in the spiritual liquid.

It took at least ten days for ordinary people to fully absorb the Zengling Pill he had taken, but it took Yi Xiaoyao only three hours to absorb it all.

Although the cauldron elixir liquid refined by the silver-haired old man is much greater than the potency contained in Zengling Pill, it is also the same reason.

The silver-haired old man's prediction that he would improve his cultivation by one level in three days really underestimated Yi Xiaoyao.

After all, he didn't know that Yi Xiaoyao's Devouring Sword God Art was against the sky!

With the operation of Yi Xiaoyao's skills and the improvement of his cultivation, the power of devouring became more and more powerful.

Yi Xiaoyao's body was like a bottomless black hole, frantically devouring the medicinal power and spiritual energy in the elixir liquid, and quickly transformed into spiritual power and rushed into the sea of ​​vortex air.

"It's too fast. The speed at which he absorbs spiritual power and medicinal power is simply terrifying! What kind of monster is this kid?"

The silver-haired old man was stunned, he felt a little dazed, and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Inside the cauldron, the liquid of the elixir was still boiling.

And in Yi Xiaoyao's dantian whirlpool sea of ​​air, Youhei spiritual power is also boiling.

In that kind of boiling, Yi Xiaoyao could also feel the thickness of that spiritual power increasing rapidly.

Moreover, Yi Xiaoyao could even feel that his body seemed to erupt a kind of strong baptism at this moment, devouring the abundant aura around him greedily, and finally, through the refining of the Devouring Sword God Art, A trace of dark spiritual power poured into the sea of ​​​​qi.

However, at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao's face showed pain.

Because the spiritual energy in the spiritual liquid is too huge, the meridians in the body can hardly bear it at his absorption speed.

Yi Xiaoyao only felt bursts of tearing pain coming from the meridian, the faster the swallowing, the more intense the pain.

"Boy, your way of absorbing spiritual energy is too domineering, your meridians will be damaged if you continue like this!"

The silver-haired old man noticed this and said.

"Thank you for reminding me, senior, but I can bear this bit of pain."

Yi Xiaoyao gritted his teeth tightly, even though he endured the torment, he didn't slow down the speed of devouring the spiritual energy at all, and even got faster and faster.

Thinking of the sarcasm of Jin Lingfeng and Tang Ruoxue, and thinking of Tang Zhong's injuries and humiliation, he had no reason to give up.

It was already late at night, seeing Yi Xiaoyao's insistence, the silver-haired old man nodded and left to rest.

Time passed slowly, and after one night, a hint of excitement suddenly appeared on Yi Xiaoyao's face.

"Hurry up! I've already felt the bottleneck of the Qi Condensation Ninth Layer!"

You only need to break through this bottleneck, and you can break through again.

It was bright outside the house, and the silver-haired old man came in, and saw that Yi Xiaoyao was still practicing, his eyes showed admiration.

Then he looked at the spirit liquid in the copper tripod, and his whole body was shocked.

"The spiritual liquid has already absorbed [-]% of the spiritual energy! Even for me, it would take several days to do this, but this kid only took one night!"

The silver-haired old man's breathing was a little short, he stared at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "Looking at him like this, is he about to break through the Ninth Level of Qi Condensation?"

Under the watchful eyes of the old man, Yi Xiaoyao uttered a low shout, and finally accumulated enough spiritual energy to attack the bottleneck.

A buzz sounded.

The next moment, Yi Xiaoyao turned pale, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"Actually... the breakthrough failed? Why is that?"

Yi Xiaoyao opened his eyes with a puzzled face, and found that the silver-haired old man was looking at him with a faint smile.

"Boy, if you absorb spiritual energy so aggressively, even if your meridians are not damaged, your realm will be unstable. Your failure to break through is because your realm is unstable."

Hearing this, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly realized.

"Thank you senior for reminding me, junior will try again!"

After speaking, he accumulated spiritual power again and began to hit the bottleneck.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao felt a palm with strong spiritual power resting on his shoulder, and then a gentle spiritual power emanated from this palm and merged into his body.

A roar erupted from Yi Xiaoyao's dantian, and the next moment his aura skyrocketed in vain.

Successfully broke through the bottleneck and reached the Ninth Level of Qi Condensation!

"Thank you senior for your help!"

Yi Xiaoyao was overjoyed, stood up from the bronze tripod, and thanked the silver-haired old man with fists.

If this senior hadn't helped him stabilize his realm just now, Yi Xiaoyao estimated that he would have ended up in failure.

The silver-haired old man waved his hand and said: "Although you have broken through to the ninth level of Qi Condensation at this moment, your realm is extremely unstable. If you continue to practice, you will fall short of success! So you should strengthen your cultivation next."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded solemnly and said yes, he himself can understand that the speed of improvement of cultivation base these days is really too fast, if the cultivation base is not consolidated, it is very likely that the cultivation base will fall due to the instability of the realm.

At that moment, Yi Xiaoyao jumped out of the bronze tripod and began to sit cross-legged to consolidate his cultivation.

Throughout the day, the originally violent and unstable sea of ​​spiritual energy in Yi Xiaoyao's body finally stabilized, and it was not until night fell that he opened his eyes and stood up.

"Tomorrow is the day when Jin Lingfeng will come to the Tang family. With the remaining time, I'm afraid we won't be able to break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm."

Yi Xiaoyao frowned and muttered.

After a while, he gave up continuing to practice, but took out the advanced yellow swordsmanship book that Mei Han had given him.

"Since there is not enough time to continue to improve my cultivation, then I will learn this sword technique to improve my strength."

After opening the cheat book, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes lit up.

This swordsmanship is called "Rage Swordsmanship", and the moves and skills in it are far more subtle than the Liuguang swordsmanship mastered by Yi Xiaoyao.

Soon, the sound of the sword cutting through the air spread from the house, and Yi Xiaoyao had already started to practice the anger sword technique.

The higher the level of swordsmanship, the more difficult it is to learn. After an hour, he finally mastered the anger swordsmanship to great success!
This Stormrage swordsmanship not only focuses on speed, but is also very strong in strength.

"The high-level Huangjian swordsmanship is different. It's much more powerful than the Liuguang swordsmanship!" Yi Xiaoyao sighed in satisfaction.

At this moment, an exclamation came from outside the house: "Your talent for swordsmanship is so heaven-defying!"

It turned out that the silver-haired old man had been watching Yi Xiaoyao practice sword outside the door.

"Senior?" Yi Xiaoyao stood up with his sword drawn, and greeted him.

The silver-haired old man was shocked at the moment, he seemed to have suddenly remembered something, took out a black jade slip, and shot it at Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao took the jade slip and asked in confusion, "Senior, what is this?"

"You probe into the soul in the jade slips." The silver-haired old man pointed out.

Yi Xiaoyao put the jade slip on his forehead and probed into his soul.

In an instant, a vast amount of information rushed into my mind.

"Killing Nine Swords!"

"There are nine forms of this swordsmanship. The first form can reach the power of low-level Xuan-level swordsmanship, the second form can reach the power of Xuan-level intermediate-level swordsmanship, and the third form can reach the power of advanced Xuan-level swordsmanship... The ninth form can reach heaven. The prestige of high-level swordsmanship!"

"If you master this swordsmanship to the extreme, you can even surpass the heavenly swordsmanship!"

After reading the information, Yi Xiaoyao froze in place.

You must know that spiritual skills or swordsmanship are divided into four grades: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang, and this Nine Swords of Killing and Slashing can actually reach the level of the legendary heavenly swordsmanship!
This senior actually gave him such a precious thing!
 (ps: Three chapters in a row, please vote~)

(End of this chapter)

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