Devouring Sword God

Chapter 28 Killing 9 Swords, Form 1

Chapter 28 The Nine Swords of Slaying, the First Form

The audience was silent, and everyone looked at Yi Xiaoyao in a daze.

One sword, just one sword.

Yi Xiaoyao first defeated Jin Guiyun with one punch, and now he defeated Jin Lingfeng with only one sword, even taking his life!

The complexions of the Jin family elders who were confronting the Tang family elders changed again and again.

"Hurry up and stop Yi Xiaoyao! The previous grievances between you and my family will be wiped out, but if Yi Xiaoyao dares to kill me, Young Master Lingfeng, our Jin family will surely destroy the Tang family!"

These words of the elders of the Jin family made all the elders of the Tang family frown.

They also knew very well that if Jin Lingfeng really died here, the Jin family would definitely do their best to take revenge on Tangjiabao in a rage.

The Jin family is powerful, and it is difficult for Tangjiabao to compete with it.

After thinking like lightning, the elders of the Tang family shouted at Yi Xiaoyao in unison: "Castle Master! Keep people under the sword!"

On Jin Lingfeng's terrified face, accompanied by the sound of breaking the wind, the blade of the sword had pierced into the flesh of the top of his head, but it stopped the falling trend in vain.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly.

He stopped his sword, naturally because of the urgent stop of the elders.

Yi Xiaoyao understood what the elders were worried about, after all they were also for Tangjiabao.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao could also understand the decisions of the elders.

Putting the Bloodshed Sword away, a streak of bright red blood flowed from the top of Jin Lingfeng's head, sliding down with his cold sweat.

"My defeated general is a good match for a woman I don't want." Yi Xiaoyao sneered indifferently.

Jin Lingfeng's whole body trembled suddenly, and humiliating anger ignited in his eyes.

Hearing a deep roar from his throat, the whole person retreated instantly.

"Yi Xiaoyao! I'm not defeated! I was just careless just now!"

Jin Lingfeng looked at Yi Xiaoyao madly, and the next moment, his whole body burst out with spiritual power several times stronger than before.

"Hahaha! Since you dare not kill me, then it's my turn to kill you this time!"

After the words fell, a majestic momentum erupted from Jin Lingfeng's body suddenly, and as Jin Lingfeng raised his arms, a tall human-shaped light and shadow quickly formed behind him.

Jin Lingfeng's aura at this moment is completely different from before!

Yi Xiaoyao frowned suddenly.

He didn't expect to let Jin Lingfeng out of his life, but this person still has a backup.

The point is, at this moment, there are only five breaths left in the Burning Soul Forbidden Technique.

The situation is a little bad, and it must be resolved quickly!

"Since you don't cherish the chance to live, then this time, you will definitely die!"

After finishing speaking, Yi Xiaoyao charged towards Jin Lingfeng again like a sharp sword in his hand.

The whole process was accompanied by the thoughts of countless people, all of which flashed in a single thought.


Jin Lingfeng also roared violently.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Lingfeng overlapped with the light and shadow movements of the human figure behind him, and the palm of the light and shadow formed a huge golden palm print.

"Big Luo Jinyin!"

I saw Jin Lingfeng blasting out his palm, and the figure of light and shadow behind him also blasted out his palm at the same time, and the golden palm print roared towards him.

This palm print has an extremely frightening aura, as if it can easily smooth the entire mansion in front of it.

The people present, those with a slightly lower cultivation base, were even oppressed by the palm prints and almost suffocated.

"This! What kind of spiritual skill is this! The power is so amazing!"

Everyone was in shock.

"Not good!"

Seeing this, the elders of the Tang family shouted that it was not good. This kind of power had already surpassed the power of the First Stage of Foundation Establishment.

The elders of the Jin family laughed and stopped the elders of the Tang family who were going to rescue them.

"Hmph! This Daluo Jinyin is a low-level mysterious skill, Yi Xiaoyao will definitely die this time! With us here, none of you old fellows can save Yi Xiaoyao!"

Tang Jiabao had some scruples and did not dare to kill the young master of the Jin family, but the Jin family had no scruples about Tang Jiabao. No one could stop Jin Lingfeng from killing Yi Xiaoyao.

Facing this majestic palm, Yi Xiaoyao's expression was extremely solemn at this moment. He felt a strong breath of death, and his pupils shrank sharply.

"What a powerful spiritual skill!"

Yi Xiaoyao secretly called out, Jin Lingfeng at this moment is unprecedentedly powerful!

This palm is enough to crush him into meat paste.

An unprecedented sense of crisis emerged spontaneously, and two words subconsciously appeared in Yi Xiaoyao's mind.


Because he could clearly feel the strong murderous intent in Jin Lingfeng's heart from the opponent's Da Luo Jinyin.

There are still three breaths left in the Burning Soul Forbidden Technique, no matter whether Yi Xiaoyao is slapped to death by this palm, or his soul is burnt to death, it is a fatal ending for Yi Xiaoyao.

But at this critical juncture, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly brightened, and he had an epiphany in his heart!
"finally, I understand!"

"Before I comprehended the Nine Swords of Slaying, I always felt that some key was missing, so I couldn't comprehend it for a long time."

"Now, I finally found the key!"

A burst of ecstasy spread from Yi Xiaoyao's face, and the Bloodletting Sword let out a shocking sound.

"The key is killing intent! Killing intent!"

"The Nine Swords of Killing is the way of killing, and only those who have the intention to kill can master it!"

Now, in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes looking at Jin Lingfeng, killing intent shot out like a sword.

Today, he will definitely kill Jin Lingfeng!
Killing intent together, no one can stop it!

With this in mind, Yi Xiaoyao was already close to Jin Lingfeng, the power of the golden palm print in front of him made his clothes rattle.

Accompanied by this soaring killing intent, the Bloodletting Sword suddenly cut out a gorgeous and alluring blood-colored rainbow.

"Slaying Nine Swords, the first form!"

There are only two breaths left in the Burning Soul Forbidden Technique, if you fail with a single sword, you will die!
This sword once again shocked everyone around.

"What kind of sword technique is this? What a terrifying breath!"

"This swordsmanship is definitely some kind of powerful Xuan-level swordsmanship, and its rank is even higher than Jin Lingfeng's Daluo Jinyin!"

"It's really hard to say who wins and who loses this time."

There were endless discussions and uproars, and an unprecedented climax broke out in the arena. Everyone's heart became tense following Yi Xiaoyao's sword.

The youths of the Tang family looked at Yi Xiaoyao with reverence.

"In three days, I will let Jin Lingfeng lie down and leave Tangjiabao!"

They didn't believe Yi Xiaoyao's promise, but now, when they think of it, they feel extremely excited.


There was a crisp popping sound.

Yi Xiaoyao's bloody sword and Jin Lingfeng's golden palm finally collided head-on.

In the blink of an eye, the winner was decided.


Jin Lingfeng's eyes were full of disbelief.

His Daluo Jinyin is the strongest spiritual skill in the Jin Family's Buddhist scriptures pavilion!

But under Yi Xiaoyao's sword, he was slashed and destroyed without any suspense.

Not only that, the bloody sword light in Yi Xiaoyao's hand, which contained endless killing intent, instantly chopped off Jin Lingfeng's entire arm without any pause!
"Now, do you still think what I said is ridiculous? Do you still think I'm talking big when I say kill you?"

Yi Xiaoyao's cold face was reflected in Jin Lingfeng's pupils and quickly enlarged.

In the next moment, Jin Lingfeng's expression suddenly changed, as if he had forgotten the pain of breaking his arm.

Because he felt that his own soul was violently gushing out from the top of his head.

"Soul Devouring Forbidden Technique!"

Yi Xiaoyao's five fingers suddenly pressed down on Jin Lingfeng's head, frantically devouring Jin Lingfeng's soul!

(End of this chapter)

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