Devouring Sword God

Chapter 29 Conquering the hearts of the people

Chapter 29 Conquering the hearts of the people
Just before Yi Xiaoyao's soul burned out, he suddenly cast the forbidden soul-eating technique on Jin Lingfeng.

Under the joint devouring of the soul-eating forbidden technique and the dark spiritual power, a steady stream of souls and pure spiritual power were quickly drawn into the body.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Xiaoyao devoured Jin Lingfeng's soul and spiritual power, replenishing the soul and spiritual power he had consumed.

The color of blood finally returned to Yi Xiaoyao's face, and the Soul Burning Forbidden Technique stopped.

Under the palm of his hand, Jin Lingfeng's expression was still frozen in the panic and bewilderment of the previous moment, but because his soul was swallowed up, Jin Lingfeng's eyes have lost sight at this moment, and all breath and vitality have been cut off.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Jin Lingfeng's body crashed to the ground, and a white funeral note fell on the body with the wind.

Yi Xiaoyao was right.

Today, people will die; this funeral is Jin Lingfeng's funeral.

Everyone in the arena fell into dead silence because of horror, and in an instant, this dead silence broke out into a peak-like uproar!

"Jin Lingfeng was actually killed by Yi Xiaoyao!!!"

"This Yi Xiaoyao, what is it that the two young masters of the Jin family are so vulnerable in front of him!"

Before, they were extremely optimistic about the two young masters of the Jin family.

After all, both Jin Lingfeng and Jin Guiyun were veritable geniuses, they were the closed disciples of Huayun Sect Master, they were dragons among men.

But in the end, when Yi Xiaoyao faced these two dragons among men, it was as easy and simple as crushing two reptiles to death!
Such an ending, beyond everyone's expectations, was too shocking.

"Castle Master! Castle Master! Castle Master!"

The teenagers of the Tang family shouted to Yi Xiaoyao enthusiastically the word castle master. They once said that as long as Yi Xiaoyao can defeat Jin Lingfeng, they will completely obey Yi Xiaoyao.

After this scene, these teenagers not only relieved their anger and hatred, but also convinced them. The image of Yi Xiaoyao in their hearts is like a hero!
But soon, someone reacted from the shock.

"The master of the Tang family killed the young master of the Jin family. This time things really got serious."

Indeed, how can the first family of Shoucheng be vegetarian?
How can the Jin family stop when the young master is killed?

"Big Brother!!!"

Jin Guiyun looked at Jin Lingfeng's body with grief.

The elders of the Jin family exploded in rage and sent the elders of the Tang family back.

"Our Jin family will swear to the death with the Tang family!!!"

The elders of the Tang family rushed out one after another and stood in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

"Hmph! Our castle master had let Jin Lingfeng die before, but he himself had the intention to kill our castle master. No one can blame him for seeking his own death!"

The elders of the Tang family shouted angrily without showing any weakness.

The attitude of these Jin family elders from the beginning to the end was clearly that only Jin Lingfeng could kill Yi Xiaoyao, but Yi Xiaoyao could not kill Jin Lingfeng.

Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly. He understood that this was mainly because the strength of the Tangjiabao was far inferior to that of the Jin family.

If you don't have enough strength, everything you do is wrong. This world is spoken by fists.

Yi Xiaoyao has an extremely firm belief in his heart, he wants to become stronger!With endless strength, stand at the top of the world!

From now on, anyone who wants to kill Yi Xiaoyao will be executed by Yi Xiaoyao, and will never be as merciful as today.

Because after today's incident, Yi Xiaoyao already understood that showing mercy to the enemy is irresponsible for his own life!

In the arena, the elders of the Jin family and the Tang family were full of gunpowder and glared at each other.

However, this was in front of the gate of Tangjiabao, and in a short while, a large number of Tang family heard the news and rushed over.

Tang Feng and Tang Zhong were also among the Tang family members who rushed over. They were shocked when they saw Jin Lingfeng, who had become a corpse on the ground.

Especially Tang Feng, Yi Xiaoyao had personally told him three days ago that he wanted to defeat Jin Lingfeng.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaoyao really did it, even killing Jin Lingfeng.

This is the second time Tang Feng saw a miracle on Yi Xiaoyao!
Those members of the Jin family saw that there were more and more members of the Tang family, and their faces were gloomy.

They understand that it is very passive to continue this confrontation, and they must go back and report.

"Take the young master's body back and tell the Patriarch about it!"

The elders of the Jin family snorted angrily, took Jin Guiyun, who was crippled with both legs, and Jin Lingfeng's body, and left Tangjiabao angrily.

"Hey! You..."

Seeing the members of the Jin family leaving, Tang Long panicked.

Before the members of the Jin family left, they glanced at Tang Long and Tang Ruoxue with resentment. If it wasn't for these two people, how could such a thing happen to the Jin family?

Tang Long suddenly seemed to have aged several decades. He did not expect that he would not only lose his position in the Tang family, but even the backing of the Jin family would abandon him.

All of this was because of Yi Xiaoyao.

Tang Long took a deep look at Yi Xiaoyao, and said to Tang Ruoxue who was also at a loss, "Ruoxue, let's get out of here."

Tang Ruoxue was stunned for a moment, her heart was extremely confused at the moment, and she looked at the boy who stood upright like a sword with complicated eyes.

Ke Yi Xiaoyao still didn't look at her.

Tang Ruoxue still remembered telling Yi Xiaoyao that they were not from the same world.

It now appears that the facts have proved that, indeed.

Even though the two are very close to each other, there is still no trace of Tang Ruoxue in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, because the two of them are not in the same world.

It was at the moment when Jin Lingfeng died in Yi Xiaoyao's hands that Tang Ruoxue fully realized how wrong she was.

But even if you regret it, it's too late.

"Father, let's go."

Tang Ruoxue nodded to Tang Long, and the two walked into the crowd and left Tangjiabao.

And this scene, Yi Xiaoyao also didn't notice it, let alone care about it.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was surrounded by all the teenagers of the Tang family, and the voices of worship were endless.

"Castle Master! You are really amazing!"

"That's right, that Jin Lingfeng is really bullying people too much. It's really satisfying for the Castle Master to kill him!"

"From now on, we are willing to sincerely follow and obey the castle master!"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly and nodded towards the boys. He understood that in this world, only the strong will be respected.

Obviously, in the hearts of these teenagers, Yi Xiaoyao already considered them to be unsurpassed monstrous powerhouses.

What's more, what Yi Xiaoyao did was what they wanted to do, but they dared not and couldn't do it.

However, Yi Xiaoyao didn't look so happy at this time, instead there was a hint of worry between his brows.

"Elders, I failed to heed your dissuasion and finally killed Jin Lingfeng. I'm really sorry." He apologized to several elders.

The elders shook their heads and said, "Castle Master, I can't blame you for this matter. We saw the situation clearly just now. It's Jin Lingfeng who doesn't know what to do!"

"That's right! The castle owner let him go once, but he wants to put the castle owner to death!"

"The castle owner did the right thing. If he doesn't kill Jin Lingfeng, Jin Lingfeng will kill him! Whoever it is, will make the same choice as the castle owner."

"What's more, the Jin family deliberately suppressed our Tangjiabao, the behavior of the castle owner is admirable!"

"We used to want to exclude the castle owner many times, but now it seems that we are really ashamed!"

The other Tang family members who were present also stepped forward to echo, Yi Xiaoyao's actions today have already conquered the hearts of all Tang family members.

Yi Xiaoyao felt warm when he heard everyone's understanding.

However, that trace of worry still couldn't dissipate in his heart.

"However, the Jin family will not let it go."

When Yi Xiaoyao said this, everyone in the Tang family fell silent for a while, apparently they also had the same worries.

But under the common crisis, all the Tang family members are particularly united.

"As long as the Tang family castle is still there, all of us in the Tang family will advance and retreat with the owner of the castle!"

Everyone's voice was full of momentum, and Yi Xiaoyao was moved for a while.

As a result, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly had a thought that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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