Devouring Sword God

Chapter 30 Crisis Comes

Chapter 30 Crisis Comes
"It just so happens that I have a plan, let's go back home and discuss it together!"

After Yi Xiaoyao finished speaking, he led everyone into the mansion.

The people around who had been watching the excitement left with the explosive news and left after discussing it.

In the Tangjiabao meeting hall, members of the Tang family gathered together, and everyone looked at Yi Xiaoyao.

"Castle Master, what is your plan?" the elders asked.

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "I caused this disaster, so I decided to give up the position of Castle Lord."

As soon as Yi Xiaoyao finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Everyone can understand that Yi Xiaoyao made this decision because he wanted Tang Jiabao to get rid of the Jin family's troubles and let him take care of them alone.

"Castle Master, how can this be done! Our Tangjiabao is a whole, we can deal with any troubles together."

"It's not easy for our Tangjiabao to have a peerless genius like you. In the future, we will have to rely on you to lead the Tang family to the top! Only you can hold the position of the castle master."

"No matter how troublesome the Jin family is, our Tang family castle will not let the owner of the castle suffer any harm!"

Everyone disagreed with Yi Xiaoyao's decision.

Yi Xiaoyao shook his head and said with a smile: "Everyone, I am not leaving the Tang family when I give up the position of castle master. When I have strength in the future, I can still lead the Tang family to rise, can't I?"

"I agree with the castle owner's decision. This decision is beneficial to both Tangjiabao and the castle owner."

Several elders stood up and continued: "The reason why the Jin family is known as the No. [-] family in Shoucheng is because the head of the Jin family, Jin Canghai, is the top powerhouse in the Jindan realm. It is the cultivation base of the peak foundation, and it is very difficult to protect the suzerain! The only way for the castle master to leave Tangjiabao temporarily is the safest choice."

"Golden Core Realm!" Everyone turned pale after hearing Jin Canghai's strength.

In Shoucheng, there are only a handful of people in the Golden Core realm, and they are already at the top.

Everyone also knows the pros and cons of this, although they are reluctant, they have no choice but to do so.

"Since we don't have the ability to protect the castle owner, we can only arrange for the castle owner to leave Hunting City safely as soon as possible!"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded and said, "Before that, I have to choose someone to take over as the castle master."

Everyone didn't speak, waiting for Yi Xiaoyao's choice.

Yi Xiaoyao scanned the crowd, and finally fixed on Tang Feng and Tang Zhong.

"This position will be handed over to Cousin Tang Zhong!"

In fact, this is Yi Xiaoyao's long-held thought. Originally, he planned to give up the position of castle master to Tang Feng. Tang Feng is the son of the old castle master, and the position of castle master should belong to him.

It's just that Yi Xiaoyao understands the character of this uncle, and if he gives him the seat, Tang Feng will definitely refuse.

And Tang Zhong is the son of Tang Feng, the grandson of the old castle master, it is most appropriate to entrust the position of castle master to this person.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Xiaoyao expressed his thoughts to everyone before Tang Zhong could speak.

No one objected, and several elders nodded in agreement.

At the same time, the news that Yi Xiaoyao beheaded Jin Lingfeng swept through the entire Shucheng City like a storm.

This kind of explosive news can spread so fast that it is unimaginable.

As a result, when Yi Xiaoyao was about to leave, a servant hurried over.

"It's not good! Castle master, elder, Jin Canghai, the head of the Jin family, has led people to surround our Tang family castle! He said that if we don't hand over the castle master, we will destroy the Tang family!"

The Tang family members in the meeting hall all changed their colors when they heard the words.

"So fast? And it was Jin Canghai who came here to ask for someone!"

Everyone's expressions were ugly, and now Yi Xiaoyao wanted to leave safely, it was as difficult as heaven.

Outside Tangjiabao.

An imposing middle-aged man was standing outside the door furiously. This man was the head of the Jin family, Jin Canghai.

At this moment, Jin Canghai's eyes were blood red, and his whole body exuded strong hatred.

His two proudest sons, one dead and the other disabled, how could he not be angry.

"Zhuzi Yi Xiaoyao, pay for my son's life, come out and die!"

Jin Canghai roared like a lion, his voice contained strong spiritual power, and the earth trembled slightly when he drank it.

Behind him, there are still a large number of powerful members of the Jin family, coming menacingly.

The gate of the Tang Family Fort was blasted open by Jin Canghai, and everyone in the Tang Family rushed out.

"Patriarch! That kid is Yi Xiaoyao, the one who killed the eldest son and abolished the second son!"

The Jin family elders also angrily pointed out Yi Xiaoyao.

The elders of the Tang family quickly protected Yi Xiaoyao behind him.

"Leave this to us! Tang Feng, you take the castle master and leave!"

Before Yi Xiaoyao could make a decision, Jin Canghai laughed angrily, and shouted violently, "Kill my son, and still want to leave alive?"

All of a sudden, a huge and terrifying spiritual power rose from Jin Canghai's body.

Jin Canghai's face twisted, exuding a suffocating murderous aura that directly enveloped Yi Xiaoyao.

"Death to me!!!"

A golden palm seal blasted out from Jin Canghai's hand. The power of this palm seal is far more than a hundred times that released by Jin Lingfeng!
The Jin family surrounded Tangjiabao, attracting more onlookers. People shook their heads and sighed, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao regretfully.

"This Jin Canghai is a strong man in the Golden Core Realm. The elders of the Tang family who are at the peak of foundation establishment are not his opponents at all. I am afraid that no one will be able to protect Yi Xiaoyao today."

"What a pity, Yi Xiaoyao, a peerless genius, is about to perish before he grows up."

At the same time, the elders of the Jin family also took action one after another.

The elders of the Tang family took Yi Xiaoyao and retreated in an emergency. At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao felt a little guilty in his heart.

It was him who put Tangjiabao in this crisis.

"Jin Canghai! If I, Yi Xiaoyao, are still alive this time, I will destroy your Jin family with my own hands in the future!" Yi Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

Jin Canghai laughed cruelly and angrily: "You don't have this chance! With your Tang family's mob, you are sure to die! I want you to be buried with my son!"

At this moment, Jin Canghai's Daluo Jinyin had already crushed Yi Xiaoyao with unrivaled power, and all the elders of the Tang family tried their best to block this palmprint for Yi Xiaoyao.

However, the power of the Golden Core powerhouse is far from being able to compete with the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Puffs of blood spurted out from the mouths of the elders of the Tang family, and flew out one after another.

And the coercive and frightening Da Luo Jinyin, Chao Yi Xiaoyao crashed down!

Just as Yi Xiaoyao was about to fight to the death, a hot breath enveloped him in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the golden seal of Da Luo, which shocked all the powerful members of the Tang family, melted instantly in front of Yi Xiaoyao like snow in an oven, and disappeared without a trace!

Not only Jin Canghai, but everyone around was shocked by this scene.

The furious attack of Jindan Realm was resolved so silently?

 You can pay attention to the new book "The Sword Saint Comes into the World"

(End of this chapter)

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