Devouring Sword God

Chapter 45 "Surprise"

Chapter 45 "Surprise"

In the past ten days, Yi Xiaoyao knew that Qi Yue and others had been looking for him, and there were not many Lingshi of Jin Sanbao and Xuanmo's bugs left. If they really met, the previous method would no longer work.

Therefore, before Yi Xiaoyao left, he asked those disciples not to reveal his whereabouts to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Xiaoyao, you are getting better and better now, and you can get two second-order demon pills so easily!"

Jin Sanbao took the demon pill Yi Xiaoyao gave him, and said cheerfully.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled and didn't respond. After so many days of hunting and training, he was infinitely close to the Foundation Establishment Realm. The source of sword energy and the sea of ​​spiritual energy in his body have become more solid than before, and his strength has also improved a lot .

Like the two second-tier green lin pythons just now, it would have taken a lot of effort for Yi Xiaoyao to kill them one by one.

But now, only two extremely easy swords are needed.

This is impossible even for the general foundation-building first-layer realm.

Therefore, in the same ten days, Yi Xiaoyao hunted and obtained more demon pills than everyone else.

And since Yi Xiaoyao regards Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo as companions, the demon pills he got will naturally be shared equally among the three.

Even so, the number of demon pills each of the three of them can definitely pass this assessment.

"Now we have enough demon pills, and there are only five days left before the assessment is over, should we continue?" Jin Sanbao asked.

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at him and said, "Of course, since we will rank the number of demon pills after we go out, why not take the first place?"


Jin Sanbao's eyes were startled. Before meeting Yi Xiaoyao, he and Xuan Mo didn't dare to think about these two words at all.

But now...


At the same time, the place where Yi Xiaoyao killed two Qinglin pythons.

The assessment disciples looked at the direction Yi Xiaoyao was leaving, and were stunned for a while before they calmed down.

"Isn't that person just now Yi Xiaoyao who cheated Qi Yue and killed Zhao Fei?"

"That's right, it's Yi Xiaoyao. Besides him, who else can kill a second-order monster with the ninth level of Qi Condensation?"

"Besides, he managed to deal with two second-order green lin pythons so easily. I feel that he is stronger than when he killed Zhao Fei before!"

Looking at the shocking python corpse on the ground, the group swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

One of the girls in yellow had blurred eyes, blushed and said intoxicatedly, "That Yi Xiaoyao is so charming! He is handsome and powerful, if only I could marry him!"

"Hmph! That kind of person is not a good thing at first glance. It's better for us to stay away."

Next to him, a red-haired boy who seemed to like this girl said with a straight face, full of jealousy.

"Isn't it good to say that? After all, Yi Xiaoyao saved us." The others said.

The girl in yellow also said: "Exactly! We haven't thanked him yet, but you speak ill of him, you are really ungrateful!"

The red-haired boy suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth and snorted heavily.

Just as they were about to leave, four young men with haughty faces stepped out from the dense forest beside them, they were Qi Yue and his companions.

Qi Yue and the others smelled a strong smell of blood nearby, so they came here and saw these python corpses on the ground.

Ordinary assessment disciples would call a disciple at the Foundation Establishment Realm, and when the girl in yellow clothes saw Qi Yue and others coming, they hurriedly called out.


"You hunted and killed these second-order green lin pythons?" Qi Yue looked at them in surprise and asked.

All of these disciples faltered and fell silent all of a sudden, but they knew that Qi Yue was chasing and killing Yi Xiaoyao, so how could they betray their benefactor.

"I won't snatch your demon pills, what are you afraid of!"

Qi Yue frowned, then asked, "Forget it, have you met Yi Xiaoyao and the others?"

Now there are only five days left in the assessment, Qi Yue has not been able to find Yi Xiaoyao for revenge, so he is anxious, and whenever he meets anyone, he will ask if he has seen Yi Xiaoyao.

The girl in yellow repeatedly shook her head and said she hadn't seen it before, and the others also agreed.

Qi Yue sighed softly, had no hope at all, and was about to turn around and leave.

"I've seen Yi Xiaoyao!"

The red-haired boy suddenly shouted.

At this time, Qi Yue and the others suddenly turned their heads.

"Are you sure you've met Yi Xiaoyao?"

The girl in yellow was startled, pulled the red-haired boy and said in a low voice: "Didn't Brother Yi tell you before he left, don't let us tell his whereabouts?"

The red-haired boy heard that the girl in yellow had already called Yi Xiaoyao Big Brother Yi, and was even more jealous and jealous of Yi Xiaoyao.

He said to Qi Yue: "Not only have I seen it, but these two second-order Qinglin pythons were killed by Yi Xiaoyao!"

Qi Yue was overjoyed, after searching for so many days, he finally found Yi Xiaoyao's whereabouts.

But just in case, Qi Yue squinted his eyes and threatened: "If you let me know that you are lying to me, you will die a miserable death!"

"Yi Xiaoyao just left, I know the direction they left, I can show you the way."

The red-haired boy said, and he thought to himself: Yi Xiaoyao, it was you who first seduced the woman I like, no wonder me.


Yi Xiaoyao was chatting and laughing with Jin Sanbao, Xuan Mo who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "We should have been betrayed, the four of Qi Yue have caught up."

Yi Xiaoyao's expression froze. These days, he already understood some of Xuan Mo's abilities.

In addition to controlling the insects and ants to attack and siege, every time Xuan Mo meets other disciples, he will control the insects to crawl on those disciples secretly.

Among these people, Qi and Yue were naturally included.

The reason why Yi Xiaoyao has been able to avoid Qi Yue these days is because Xuan Mo can sense all the insects and ants in a radius of nearly a hundred miles, and know the distance of the enemy through the insects and ants.

"It seems that those people who were rescued just now, some of them didn't keep their mouths shut."

Yi Xiaoyao frowned slightly and nodded.

"That's right, they seem to be led the way, moving in the same direction as us," Xuan Mo said.

This time, Yi Xiaoyao showed no worry at all on his face.

In fact, they only need to move forward in another direction, with the insects and ants everywhere in Xuanmo as "eyes", the three of them can easily avoid Qi Yue and others again.

But it seems that Yi Xiaoyao doesn't intend to do this, he thinks it's too boring to hide and seek like this.

I saw Yi Xiaoyao smiled, and said with a strange expression: "In this case, how about sharing the 'surprise' we found before with them?"

"Xiaoyao, you are too bad!"

Jin Sanbao burst into a smirk immediately, and even Xuan Mo, who was always cold-faced, couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

Yi Xiaoyao heard Jin Sanbao's "comment" and smiled shyly: "Since it's a 'surprise', of course we should share it with more people, so that others can also be 'surprised'!"

"It makes sense, then let's start preparing now and create a 'surprise', shall we?"

The three looked at each other and smiled, and began to prepare while waiting for the arrival of Qi Yue and others.

(End of this chapter)

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