Chapter 46
The four of Qi Yue followed the red-haired boy quickly towards Yi Xiaoyao's direction. They didn't know that there was a "surprise" waiting for them ahead.

"Why haven't you caught up with Yi Xiaoyao for so long? Are you lying to us?"

Qi Yue looked at the red-haired boy with an unkind expression.

"How dare I lie to fellow seniors, otherwise I wouldn't have come with you!" the red-haired boy said nervously.

Qi Yue felt reasonable, frowned and said: "Could it be that they have already found us and ran away again?"

Suddenly, there was a movement in the dense forest ahead.

Qi Yue and the others were startled and quickly chased after him.

"The news just came from here."

After a while, Qi Yue and the others came to a place where a violent fight had taken place, and looked around.

"Look, I remember that these are the clothes on Yi Xiaoyao's body!"

Qi Yue walked over and picked up a blood-stained shirt from the ground.

"Wait, there's something in here, it's..."

Others also gathered around, and their faces were overjoyed.

"So many demon cores! Most of them are second-order demon cores!"

In that bloody coat, hundreds of second-order demon pills were impressively wrapped.

Even for Qi Yue and the others, the number of demon pills on each person's body is no more than that, which surprises them.

"Judging from the signs of fighting around and the blood on the clothes, Yi Xiaoyao should be in danger, but why did he leave so many demon pills?"

Qi Yue put away the demon pill, squinted his eyes and looked at everything here, frowning speculatively.

At this moment, two angry roars of beasts came suddenly, and a large area of ​​ancient trees in front of them broke amidst the earthquake.

"Not good! This movement, this a second-order high-level monster!!!"

Monsters, divided into each level: low-level, intermediate, high-level.

The monsters they have hunted these days are all low-level monsters of the second level, which are equivalent to the first level of human foundation building.

And the second-order high-level monsters are equivalent to the existence of the ninth level of human foundation building!
Qi Yue and the others turned pale in an instant. Even if they were second-tier intermediate monsters, they would have to run for their lives when they encountered them, let alone second-tier high-level monsters.

"In this area, isn't there only the second-level low-level monsters at the most? Why do they appear..."

Before they could be surprised, two gigantic monsters with a height of several tens of feet, like mountains, rushed towards this side.

"It's a sleeping tiger elephant! This thing is even more ferocious than ordinary Tier [-] monsters, but it likes to sleep all year round. Who woke it up?!"

"Oops, the target of these two sleeping tiger elephants seems to be us!"


Qi Yue and the others looked like they saw a cat or a mouse, they still cared about chasing and killing Yi Xiaoyao, and started to flee in a panic.

And that red-haired young man, who was not as good as Qi Yue and the other four, was thrown off in an instant.

The two sleeping tiger elephants were not only huge in size, but also extremely fast, trampling the ground with their giant feet, and suddenly appeared behind the red-haired boy.

Under such circumstances, the red-haired boy had already given up running for his life, and stared blankly at the giant elephant rushing towards him.

After a burst of hustle and bustle, the sleeping tiger elephant roared away.

The red-haired boy stood there with a face full of horror, squeezed himself in disbelief, and found that he was still alive.

"It turns out that these two monsters are not chasing me, but chasing and surpassing them!"

The red-haired boy laughed as if he had been reborn: "I led Qi Yue to chase and kill Yi Xiaoyao, but Qi Yue abandoned me when he encountered danger. Now the four of them are being chased and killed by monsters. Does retribution really exist? ?”

"Of course retribution exists."

A faint answer came from around.

The red-haired boy stopped laughing suddenly, and looked forward in horror.

"Yi...Yi Xiaoyao?!"

Yi Xiaoyao walked out with a sneer, walked towards the red-haired boy, and replied, "It's like I saved you, but you betrayed me, and there will be retribution."

"This retribution is... I want to take your life back!"

Blood spattered, Yi Xiaoyao didn't even look at the corpse behind him.

The red-haired boy was jealous of betraying Yi Xiaoyao because he was jealous of a woman, but he never thought that if Yi Xiaoyao could save his life, he could also take his life back.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao, after killing the red-haired boy, quickly chased after the two sleeping tiger elephants.

A few days ago, the three of Yi Xiaoyao broke into the Sleeping Tiger Elephant's lair unintentionally. They were almost scared out of their wits at that time. Fortunately, the Sleeping Tiger Elephant was sleeping, so they left safely.

And the "surprise" that Yi Xiaoyao said to share with Qi Yue was naturally these two second-tier high-level monsters that were comparable to the ninth level of foundation establishment.

The reason why the two Sleeping Tiger Elephants were chasing after Qiyue and the others was because among the demon pills they had just picked up, there were several Monster Pills of Sleeping Tiger Elephant's cubs.

Before that, Yi Xiaoyao designed to lure and kill the sleeping tiger elephant cubs, and then mixed the cubs' demon pills with the demon pills he had obtained these days, wrapped them in blood clothes, and let Qi Yue pick them up on purpose.

And Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo are responsible for controlling the insects and ants, and awakening the sleeping tiger elephant from a long distance.

When the Sleeping Tiger Elephant wakes up and finds that its cub has been killed, it will definitely smell the demon pill to seek revenge.

Now, Yi Xiaoyao is chasing after him, in order to get back the demon pills he used as bait, and to keep the fisherman's profit.

The smile on Yi Xiaoyao's mouth widened when he thought that the Sleeping Tiger Elephant would help him get rid of Qi Yue who had been chasing and killing him these days.

And with the strength of these few people, there should be a lot of demon pills on them.

"In this hunting game, it's your turn to escape, and I'm here to hunt you down."


At this moment, the two sleeping tiger elephants were about to catch up with the four of Qi Yue, and their giant feet trampled on the ground like siege cannons. The sound was like the ringing of a soul-stimulating bell, shocking the hearts of the four who were about to crack.

The four of them, how could they outrun such a giant.

With a scream, one of them flew out sideways after being knocked into vomiting blood.

But the two sleeping tiger elephants ignored this person, but continued to chase Qi Yue and others closely.

"Lin Mu! Your immortal soul inheritance is related to monsters. Do you know why these two beasts are chasing us?"

Qi Yue asked his fastest running companion.

Lin Mu's face was full of panic, he forcibly calmed down, and suddenly realized after his thoughts flashed.

"I see, among the demon pills you picked up, there must be this sleeping tiger elephant cub demon pill!"

Qi Yue was shocked and angry when he heard the words, and now he finally understood everything, it turned out that he was framed by Yi Xiaoyao.

"Yi Xiaoyao!!! If I can live, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

After a roar, he suddenly heard an exclamation from the companion who was hit and seriously injured just now, and turned around suddenly.

Yi Xiaoyao's figure flashed out like a ghost, beheading their companion who had no ability to resist with a single sword.

Yi Xiaoyao grinned with pure white teeth, and smiled at the three of Qi Yue in front of him.

"If you want me to die without a burial place, you should first think about where you will be buried."

The appearance of Yi Xiaoyao and the act of killing Qi Yue's companions completely aroused Qi Yue's anger.

But at the next moment, there was another scream, and another companion behind Qi Yue was hit by the sleeping tiger elephant and seriously injured again.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao's figure like a god of death swept past and took the man's life.

"You can't be distracted by running for your life, prey!"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Qi Yue's angry and panicked expression, and said with a playful smile.

Qi Yue was so angry that he let out a low growl, but he had no choice but to run for his life with all his might against Yi Xiaoyao.

Lin Mu, who was beside him, saw that another companion had died, and urged, "Qi Yue, hurry up and throw away those demon pills you picked up!"

Qi Yue's face twitched for a while: "I have already received those demon pills in one place, and mixed them with my original demon pills. If I lose them, all my achievements in the past ten days will be lost!"

"Whether life is more important or the demon pill is more important!"

Lin Mu yelled violently, seeing that Qi Yue was hesitant, he had no choice but to say: "Well, you give me all the demon pills, and I will use secret techniques to escape, and I will return the demon pills to you after I go out."

Qi Yue heard the words, and immediately threw the storage bag containing the demon pills to Lin Mu: "Brother, I will remember this favor!"

Lin Mu took the storage bag, and immediately after that, a pair of wings of spiritual power erupted from behind, flew up with a bang, the speed increased sharply, and separated from Qi Yue and fled.

Qi Yue shouted bitterly at Yi Xiaoyao: "Yi Xiaoyao, just wait for me!"

As soon as the words fell, he fled in another direction without stopping.

Yi Xiaoyao, who was following closely behind, frowned when he saw Qi Yue and Lin Mu separated and fled, and the sleeping tiger elephant chased Lin Mu who was flying up.

In the end, he resolutely chose to continue to follow Sleeping Tiger Elephant, because all his demon pills were on Lin Mu, and he wanted to get them back.

As for Qi Yue, this person's companion is almost dead, and he no longer poses a threat to Yi Xiaoyao. After getting back the demon pill, Yi Xiaoyao will turn around to chase and kill this person.

(End of this chapter)

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