Devouring Sword God

Chapter 49 Qualifications

Chapter 49
Seven Killing Star Palace, assessment area.

The disciples who participated in the third assessment had all returned from the Earth Star Forest and were gathering together.

At this time, Lin Jie's face was a little unhappy, because Yi Xiaoyao hadn't come back yet.

"Elder Linjie, we are Xiaoyao's companions, but we lost contact with him five days ago."

Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo stood in front of Lin Jie, and gave a general account of Yi Xiaoyao's situation.

Now that the third assessment is coming to an end, Yi Xiaoyao has been missing for several days. Whether it is his life or his qualifications for the next assessment, he is very pessimistic.

In this way, Lin Jie frowned and said nothing after listening. If Yi Xiaoyao really had an accident, how should he explain to his master Yan Yaoyin? He began to regret letting Yi Xiaoyao take part in the assessment.

At this moment, Qi Yue was talking worriedly in front of Duan Xiu.

"Uncle, in order to escape for my life, I gave all the demon pills to my companion Lin Mu, but now Lin Mu hasn't come back, what should I do?" Qi Yue asked Duan Xiu anxiously.

Duan Xiu's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "You don't have to take this matter to heart, I will help you solve it."

At this time, several elders walked out of the Seven Killing Star Palace.

"The time has come, the third assessment is over, and the assessment disciples take out the demon pills they have obtained for ranking. Only the top [-] are eligible for the last assessment, and the rest are all eliminated."

After the elders announced, the disciples began to count the demon pills.

After half an hour, the rankings were announced.

Because of Yi Xiaoyao's help, Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo not only entered the top [-] list, but also ranked among the top, which surprised many people who knew they were trash.

But there was one person who made almost all the disciples feel dissatisfied, and that was Qi Yue who was ranked last. Not only was he not eliminated, but he even got the qualification to enter the last assessment.

Everyone knew that Qi Yue obtained such a privilege because his uncle, Elder Duan Xiu, bribed other assessment elders.

"It's not fair! Qi Yue is obviously ranked first from the bottom, why are we eliminated even when we rank higher than him, but he is not eliminated!"

Immediately, the hundreds of eliminated disciples protested angrily.

Duan Xiu stood up and yelled loudly: "Qi Yue's demon core is on his companion, when his companion returns, he will definitely be among the best in terms of the number of demon cores!"

Hearing such partial words, the eliminated disciples didn't buy it at all, and the scene was still chaotic.

Seeing this, Qi Yue walked up to Duan Xiu and sneered at everyone, "If anyone of you refuses to accept, then come and challenge me, and whoever can defeat me, I will give up the qualification to him!"

As soon as this remark came out, those eliminated disciples were extremely angry. They all knew Qi Yue's strength. If they had the strength to defeat Qi Yue, they would not be eliminated.

Qi Yue stood there, seeing that no one dared to stand up, he immediately glanced at them contemptuously.

Then, he proudly said: "Since you don't have the ability, then shut up obediently!"

Duan Xiu showed a satisfied smile, and said to the several examiner elders beside him: "Qi Yue's strength is here, those eliminated disciples can't make waves, thank you for making an exception for my nephew."

"Well, Qi Yue's strength is definitely among the top three among this group of disciples. We are also very optimistic about him, so we agreed to make an exception for him." The several assessment elders also nodded lightly.

Only Lin Jie, looking at the arrogant Qi Yue, snorted coldly in dissatisfaction.

But he also understands that it is normal for Qisha Xingdian to make an exception for a disciple with outstanding talent and strength like Qi Yue.

"I really don't like Qi Yue, it's him who caused Xiaoyao to disappear for so many days!"

Jin Sanbao glared at Qi Yue angrily in the crowd, and then sighed: "I don't know whether Xiaoyao is alive or dead."

Xuan Mo remained silent, but the next moment his eyes lit up, and he said, "He's back!"

At this moment, a tall and straight figure stepped out from the crowd.

"It's finally here, but it seems to be too late."

Yi Xiaoyao sighed helplessly as he looked at the assessment that had ended before him.

"Xiaoyao, I knew you would come back safely!"

Seeing that Yi Xiaoyao came back alive, Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo shouted with joy.

Lin Jie's complexion also eased, and he was relieved. When he heard the disciples around Yi Xiaoyao's discussion, a strange color appeared on his face, and he murmured:
"It seems that this kid has shown a lot of brilliance during this assessment trip."

At the same time, Qi Yue's face turned cold. He blocked and killed Yi Xiaoyao for many days on the way back. He thought Yi Xiaoyao was dead.

"Yi Xiaoyao! You're not dead?"

"You're not dead, so how could I die?"

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes shot at Qi Yue like ice thorns, he would never forget that this guy had chased and killed him for so many days.

Seeing the murderous look in his eyes, Qi Yue immediately remembered his previous escape and Yi Xiaoyao's pursuit of Lin Mu in the end.

"Where's Lin Mu?"

Qi Yue gritted his teeth and asked.

Yi Xiaoyao patted the storage bag on his waist and sneered, "Do you still recognize this?"

Qi Yue glanced over, his face turned pale, it was his and Lin Mu's storage bag!

He secretly said: "Lin Mu is probably dead, so it is a fact that my No. 1 Yaodan is the bottom one. We must not let everyone know about this."

Although Qi Yue knew that Lin Mu was dead, he only thought that Lin Mu died because he failed to escape the Sleeping Tiger Elephant. He never thought that Lin Mu died at the hands of Yi Xiaoyao.

After thinking for a moment, Qi Yue winked at Duan Xiu.

Duan Xiu understood, and yelled in vain: "Presumptuous! Who are you, dare to break into this place? Get out!"

He stared at Yi Xiaoyao, as if he didn't recognize him at all.

"Oh? Elder Duan doesn't remember me? I'm Yi Xiaoyao who killed your nephew Qi Shi, and I'm also an assessment disciple. Do you remember now?"

Now that the situation is already at odds, Yi Xiaoyao doesn't care about directly pointing out the matter.

Duan Xiu's face twitched, and he said coldly: "The assessment is over, you have lost your qualification for coming back so late!"

"Duan Xiu, don't talk too much, since Qi Yue can make an exception and not be eliminated because of you, then I can also make an exception to restore Yi Xiaoyao's qualification!"

Lin Jie stood up and confronted Duan Xiu.

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao said with a smile: "Senior Judgment, how can we do this kind of favoritism and fraud like Duan Xiu and Qi Yue? They are shameless, we have to be shameless!"

This sentence immediately caused applause from the surrounding disciples who were dissatisfied with Duan Xiu and Qi Yue's behavior.

Lin Jie looked at Yi Xiaoyao in surprise, and asked, "That being said, then are you going to..."

"I came back late, which resulted in disqualification. I admit it." Yi Xiaoyao said indifferently.

As soon as this remark came out, Duan Xiu and Qi Yue were the most unexpected.

"Hmph! If Linjie blindly protects Yi Xiaoyao, I really can't do anything about him. I didn't expect this kid to give up so easily. He's really stupid! As long as Yi Xiaoyao can't enter the Palace of Seven Killing Stars, then I will have nothing to do with him." Countless ways to kill him for revenge!"

Just as Duan Xiu and Qi Yue were secretly laughing, they heard Yi Xiaoyao say something that surprised them even more.

I saw Yi Xiaoyao walking in front of Qi Yue, staring at him fiercely, with a murderous intent in the corner of his mouth.

"When I first arrived here, I heard someone say that whoever can defeat you, you will give the qualification for the assessment. Is there such a thing?"

Qi Yue was taken aback when he heard the words, then snorted and sneered, "Yes, that's what I said. Could it be that you want to challenge me beyond your capabilities?"

"In that case, then I will take this qualification back from you." Yi Xiaoyao said coldly.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao squinted his eyes and said secretly: "By the way, I want to take your life!"

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(End of this chapter)

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