Devouring Sword God

Chapter 50 Kill Qi Yue

Chapter 50 Kill Qi Yue
Hearing Yi Xiaoyao's words, Qi Yue and Duan Xiu looked at each other and laughed, their eyes were cold.

Qi Yue was just annoyed that he failed to kill Yi Xiaoyao in the Earth Star Forest, but at this moment, Yi Xiaoyao came to seek death on his own initiative.

"Qi Yue, this time you have to seize the last chance, kill this Yi Xiaoyao, and avenge your brother."

Duan Xiu whispered in Qi Yue's ear, of course he has great confidence in this nephew.

Qi Yue responded with a "relief" look, but he is extremely confident in his own strength, otherwise he would not have said that before.

"Okay! Yi Xiaoyao, although I don't know where your confidence comes from, but I accept your challenge!"

Qi Yue stared at Yi Xiaoyao with a sly smile, and agreed immediately, for fear that Yi Xiaoyao would suddenly regret it.

At the same time, everyone started talking.

"It was Qi Yue who chased and killed Yi Xiaoyao before, but now Yi Xiaoyao would challenge Qi Yue on his own initiative?"

"It's a good show, I hope Yi Xiaoyao can teach Qi Yue a lesson and give us all a break."

"Although I am also partial to Yi Xiaoyao, and admit that Yi Xiaoyao is very strong, but he seems to be much worse than Qi Yue, right?"

Lin Jie was also worried and said to Yi Xiaoyao: "Nephew Xiaoyao, you must be very aware of Qi Yue's strength, but why would you propose such a challenge?"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, and instead of answering directly, he walked towards Qiyue.

The best answer is the result of the matter.

The crowd quickly surrounded an empty area, and several assessment elders had no choice but to act as judges temporarily.

"Come on Xiaoyao! Kill this bastard!"

Jin Sanbao shouted in the crowd, after getting along with each other before, he and Xuan Mo had begun to trust Yi Xiaoyao unconditionally.

Qi Yue glanced at Jin Sanbao coldly, then smiled at Yi Xiaoyao, "I wonder what your friend's expression will be when he sees you being raped by me."

Facing his ridicule, Yi Xiaoyao didn't show any anger on his face, he just stretched out his finger and shook it.

"It's up to you, you don't have that ability yet."

"is it?"

Murderous intent appeared in Qi Yue's eyes, and then a powerful aura emanated from his whole body, which was impressively at the second level of foundation establishment.

"Now, do you still think so?" He grinned triumphantly.

The expressions of the people around changed when they felt Qi Yue's aura.

"This Qi Yue, a few days ago he was in the first stage of foundation establishment, and now he has advanced to the second stage of foundation establishment? Yi Xiaoyao probably didn't expect it."

"I'm afraid it's over for Yi Xiaoyao now. He may be able to compete against one or two in the first stage of foundation establishment, but facing Qi Yue, who is already in the second stage of foundation establishment, he has no chance of winning at all."

Even the several assessment elders had different expressions. Except for Linjie who was frowning, the other elders nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, the same powerful aura erupted from Yi Xiaoyao's body, reaching the First Stage of Foundation Establishment.

"Could it be that you are the only one who can advance?" Yi Xiaoyao said coldly.

Qi Yue's expression became a little serious, and he would never be so dignified if it were someone else, but Yi Xiaoyao was different.

Because he knew that Yi Xiaoyao had the ability to compete with the first level of Foundation Establishment when he was at the ninth level of Qi Condensation, and now...

"Have you broken through the Foundation Establishment Realm? No wonder you dare to challenge me, then I will let you know that the Foundation Establishment Realm also has a gap in cultivation!"

After finishing speaking, Qi Yue took a step forward, and the sound of the ground cracking came from under his feet, and when he got up, he shot out like a cheetah version.

"Crack Mountain Fist!"

The violent fist of spiritual power oppressed the air, making a whirring sound of piercing through the air, and it was close to Yi Xiaoyao in an instant.

Yi Xiaoyao slanted his body, and at the moment Qi Yue's fist wind came, he quickly dodged, his right hand slammed out, his fingertips were entwined with dark spiritual power, like a sharp knife, he slashed at Qi Yue mercilessly. Over the wrist.

When they met, You Hei's spiritual power greedily devoured the opponent's meridians, but Qi Yue was very cautious, so he immediately moved his wrist and slapped him backhand from fist to palm.


A deep voice sounded, two bursts of spiritual power exploded, and both retreated.

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao took a small step back than himself, the corners of Qi Yue's mouth finally curled up in relief.

"If you only have this little ability, then I will come to take your life next, and revenge for killing your brother will be avenged today!"

With this sound, the last eight characters gritted their teeth, revealing their murderous intent.

Qi Yue will use the strongest moves to kill Yi Xiaoyao directly.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding space was fixed, and a tearing intention erupted out of thin air as Qi Yue raised his palm and yelled violently.

"Mysterious-level low-level spiritual skill, Breaking the Space Seal!"

A layer of light imprint solidified by thick spiritual power is good at facing the wind, following Qi Yue's contemptuous gaze, with a rolling murderous aura, it suddenly crushes towards Yi Xiaoyao.

The power of this move made the elders' eyelids twitch.

"Pu Kongyin, this is Elder Duan Xiu's specialty move. I didn't expect Qi Yue to be able to use it to such an extent."

Duan Xiu laughed when he heard the words: "That's right, Qi Yue is my most promising junior, otherwise I wouldn't pass this trick on to him."

"Well, although Yi Xiaoyao is good at the [-]st stage of Qi Condensation, there is still a big gap between him and Qi Yue." The elders said.

The surrounding assessment disciples felt the power of the Pokong seal, and their colors changed, and they began to look at Yi Xiaoyao worriedly.

"I'm afraid, Yi Xiaoyao is about to suffer. With this move, if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured."

Seeing the roar of Pokong Seal approaching, Yi Xiaoyao frowned slightly. He thought that Qi Yue could be easily killed after breaking through the Foundation Establishment Realm, but he didn't expect that this guy had also advanced, and it would be a little more difficult to kill him .

Of course, it's just a little bit of difficulty, the kind that can be ignored.

Regarding what Qi Yue said before, Yi Xiaoyao sneered coldly, then raised his hand behind his back.

"That's all I can do? Don't you know that what I'm good at is swordsmanship?"

A sword cry accompanied the voice, resounding in the hearts of everyone including Qi Yue.

Suddenly, Qi Yue's expression froze.

The meaning in Yi Xiaoyao's words, the others all reacted belatedly.

"What? That is to say, just now, Yi Xiaoyao was on par with Qi Yue's boxing just by relying on the burst of spiritual power?"

"Then if he uses swordsmanship, wouldn't Qi Yue..."

Without waiting for everyone to guess, Yi Xiaoyao's sword light shone like a gust of wind, making roars.

"A high-level yellow-ranked spiritual skill, Stormrage Swordsmanship!"

A layer of gust of wind rolled out, and the furious gust of wind, which was mixed with dozens of destructive sword energy, collided fiercely with each other, and the destructive power was astonishingly slashed out.

Qi Yue stared at Yi Xiaoyao contemptuously, and sneered, as if looking at a dead person.

"I thought it was such a high-level swordsmanship, but actually using a yellow-rank spiritual skill to counter my black-rank spiritual skill is really courting death!"

Amidst Qi Yue's sneer, Nufeng's swordsmanship and Pokong Seal collided between the two, and a violent wave spread out, Nuofeng was wiped out by Pokong Seal in an instant.

But immediately after, in the raging wind, the destructive sword energy mixed with a violent posture instantly tore the Pokong seal mercilessly.

The sword energy condensed from the sheath of the spirit sword is so terrifying!
Dozens of sword auras continued to shoot towards Qi Yue with undiminished power.

"Am I not mistaken? Yi Xiaoyao actually crushed Qi Yue's Xuan-rank spiritual skill with his Huang-rank spiritual skill?"

Everyone exclaimed in unison, and looked in the direction of the sword energy in disbelief.

Qi Yue was horrified, and only then could he avoid the sword energy with a series of blows and retreats, but then his figure suddenly became fixed.

Yi Xiaoyao followed closely, and the bloody long sword was already lying between Qi Yue's necks, and the body was separated in just one thought.

"Bastard, how dare you!"

Duan Xiu yelled angrily and rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao, and the violent breath enveloped him in an instant.

Yi Xiaoyao frowned, and shot two sword qi in his left hand towards Qi Yue's legs.

Qi Yue's screams and kneeling made Duan Xiu stop suddenly.

"If you dare to go further, the next time you will lose your head." Yi Xiaoyao sneered.

Duan Xiu spewed out his murderous aura, and someone dared to ravage his nephew in front of him. He wanted to tear Yi Xiaoyao into pieces, but he didn't dare to act rashly any more.

At this time, Lin Jie and the others were all stunned by this unexpected turn of events. Yi Xiaoyao not only defeated Qi Yue, but also wanted to kill him?
Only then did the elders realize that Yi Xiaoyao was the real dark horse.

The surrounding disciples all opened their mouths, and Yi Xiaoyao actually vented their anger on them!

However, the current situation is that as long as Yi Xiaoyao dares to kill Qi Yue, he will be killed by Duan Xiu the next moment.

Everyone was guessing: Yi Xiaoyao, do you really dare to kill him?
(End of this chapter)

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