Devouring Sword God

Chapter 59 Creating Swordsmanship

Chapter 59 Creating Swordsmanship

"Senior Sister Luoyi, help me, I can guarantee that there will be no problems in cultivation."

Yi Xiaoyao leaned forward slightly, his handsome face approached the girl's deliberately serious pretty face.

Although Luo Yi was good at charm, her pretty face still had a blush.

"I can buy these two swordsmanship for you, but I will go back and report this to Master, and let him decide whether to let you practice." Luoyi softened her heart and said with a slight frown.

Yi Xiaoyao showed his white teeth and smiled brightly, nodded quickly and said, "No problem!"

After the decision was made, Luoyi brought two scrolls of jade slips to the elder guarding the pavilion to register. The elder guarding the pavilion took the jade slips and immediately rolled his eyes.

"These two sword skills are dangerous spiritual skills, and there are strict requirements for borrowing them: you must learn from the elders, and you can only practice under the guidance of the elders."

Luo Yi smiled sweetly at the elder guarding the pavilion: "Elder Linjie is my master, you know that Elder Xu."

"Hmph! Of course I know, but I also know that you borrowed these two books of swordsmanship for that kid!" The elder Shouge looked at Yi Xiaoyao and said with a straight face.

Yi Xiaoyao heard that something was wrong in secret, he didn't expect these two sword skills to be so difficult to learn, no wonder they were deliberately hidden in a corner.

But Luo Yi's eyes moved and said: "Elder Xu, he is my master's new apprentice, you can lend it to us."

Although Yi Xiaoyao did not call on Linjie as his teacher, the elder guarding the pavilion could not confirm it for a while, so he could only nod in agreement after hesitating for a moment.

The two left the Xingling Pavilion, and Luoyi handed the jade slip to Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao took the jade slip with a happy face and played with it.

Luo Yi saw that the young man in front of him only had Yu Jian in his eyes, and he turned a blind eye to such a beautiful woman standing beside her, so her mouth turned up slightly.


After returning to the residence, Yi Xiaoyao immediately carefully examined the two scrolls of jade slips in his hand.

At this time, the sky was getting late, and under the sunlight, Yi Xiaoyao began to practice these two so-called murderous swordsmanship, which no one dared to practice.

Kuji swordsmanship, swallowing spirit swordsmanship, the founder of these two swordsmanship is the same person, the first generation master of the Seven Killing Star Palace.

This person's natural attribute is the dead wood attribute. This attribute is not only overbearing in destructive power, but also has the ability to swallow life force.

But Yi Xiaoyao is different from the first-generation palace master. His natural attributes are devour and destroy.

Having said that, after practicing dozens of times, Yi Xiaoyao made no progress, and almost lost his mind.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was sitting under the moonlight, frowning and thinking.

"Why, I obviously have the requirements of this sword art, but I still can't practice it?"

Just staring blankly at the sword formula on the jade slip for half an hour, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly realized.

"I understand. I have been practicing step by step according to swordsmanship before, but there are some contradictions with the attributes of the person who created this swordsmanship, so it will lead to a tendency to become obsessed."

"Now, if I want to continue to practice these two swordsmanship, I must comprehend the essence of them, and then recreate the swordsmanship according to my own attributes!"

While murmuring, although Yi Xiaoyao sensed the problem, his face was even more distressed.

How difficult it is to recreate the sword art.

But fortunately, with the essence foundation of the predecessors, coupled with Yi Xiaoyao's talent for swordsmanship, it is not impossible to accomplish.

Gradually, Yi Xiaoyao stood up, his eyes were lightly closed, but his sword was still moving.

A sword energy full of destructive aura instantly enveloped the long sword, and the original blood color of the Bloodletting Sword has turned into blackness.

As time went by, the long sword in Yi Xiaoyao's hand danced, but there was no light at all.

That's the reason why the moonlight that was falling was silenced by the destructive sword energy on the long sword!
I saw Yi Xiaoyao suddenly opened his eyes, facing the falling leaves in front of him, and slashed down with his sword.

The leaves, instead of being cut in half, disappeared instantly, completely annihilated!

"It's done!"

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes flashed brightly, and the excitement in it was self-evident.

"This sword art created by Ku Ji Sword Art is no longer Ku Ji Sword Art, but should be called 'Ji Mi Sword Art'!"

With one strike, everything is destroyed.

"It's a pity that I don't know enough about swordsmanship, otherwise the power of this swordsmanship is far beyond what it is now." Yi Xiaoyao sighed regretfully.

But if others see this scene, they will definitely stare their eyes away. Such a young man with such cultivation can recreate swordsmanship based on the essence of the swordsmanship of the predecessors, and he is blue and blue, even those swordsmanship geniuses who have been immersed in swordsmanship for decades. It's better to sigh.

With the experience of creating Nirvana swordsmanship, Yi Xiaoyao began to pick up the soul-swallowing swordsmanship and began to study it.

Until the next morning, a series of knocks came from outside Yi Xiaoyao's house, and the visitors seemed very anxious.

Yi Xiaoyao practiced all night, and at this moment he just put away his sword and ran to open the door.

Outside the door, Lin Jie's face was anxious and angry, and behind him stood Luo Yi with an aggrieved face.

"Happy! I heard from Luoyi that you borrowed two sword skills from Xingling Pavilion yesterday. You don't know how dangerous those sword skills are. I will never allow you to practice them. Return the sword skills back!"

As soon as the door opened, Yi Xiaoyao received Lin Jie's scolding.

"Senior Linjie, Senior Sister Luoyi, I'm planning to return these two sword skills." Yi Xiaoyao hurriedly invited the two into the room, and said.

"Well, that's about the same. You must have realized how dangerous those two sword skills are, so you plan to return them?"

Lin Jie nodded with a calm expression, pointed at Luo Yi behind him and shouted: "I asked you to take good care of my junior brother, but you sent him to death! If something goes wrong in Xiaoyao's practice of murder, how can I tell you?" Grandmaster confesses!"

Luo Yi's face was full of grievances, and she gave Yi Xiaoyao a resentful look.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled apologetically, then scratched his head and said to Lin Jie:
"Senior Lin Jie, I know you care about me, but... I have already successfully cultivated these two sword skills, so I have to return the sword skills now."

(End of this chapter)

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