Devouring Sword God

Chapter 60 Arrival

Chapter 60 Arrival
"What?" The anger on Lin Jie's face turned into surprise in an instant, he couldn't believe Yi Xiaoyao's words at all.

But then, when he saw Yi Xiaoyao performing a sword technique in front of him, he froze in place.

It's unimaginable enough to master two extremely dangerous swordsmanship in just one night, and what makes Linjie even more horrified is that these two swordsmanship were actually re-created by Yi Xiaoyao himself!

"It's really a monster!"

Lin Jie, who was stunned for a long time, came back to his senses and only said this sentence.

And Luoyi's beautiful eyes looking at Yi Xiaoyao are also full of infinite admiration, even though her cultivation level is much stronger than Yi Xiaoyao's.

In the end, after Lin Jie left a pill, he left in a hurry.

If he continues to stay, he will definitely doubt his life because of this, and his heart will be unstable.

"Senior Sister, what happened to Senior Lin Jie?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Lin Jie's depressed back in doubt and asked Luo Yi.

Hearing this, Luo Yi smiled bitterly and said, "You will never understand how Master and I feel now."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded half-understood, and then he picked up the elixir that Lin Jie had just left behind.

"This is the Zhujing Pill, the pill used by the foundation-building monks when they advanced. Master specially went to the Pill Hall to get it for you." Luoyi said.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "With this Jingjing Pill, my chances of defeating Shi Tong will be even greater!"

"What? You want to defeat Shi Tong?" Luo Yi's beautiful eyes flashed.

"Does senior sister know Shi Tong?"

"Of course I do. When I was on a mission two years ago, this person took advantage of my serious injuries and tried to despise me. The knife mark on his face was left by me."

Luo Yi said bitterly: "Later, I reported this matter, and Shi Tong was imprisoned for five years in the Palace of Law Enforcement. Recently, I heard that his master Duan Xiu got him out ahead of schedule."

Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes immediately, it turned out that Shi Tong was so despicable, and he was actually Duan Xiu's apprentice.

"Senior Sister, since Shi Tong has offended you, I will fight Shi Tong in nine days. Will you come?" Yi Xiaoyao said.

"Okay, the senior sister will definitely come over then."

Luo Yi was not at all worried that Yi Xiaoyao would be Shi Tong's opponent, and nodded in agreement.

A cold light flashed in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes. Nine days later, maybe he didn't just defeat Shi Tong.


For the next nine days, Yi Xiaoyao practiced day and night. Originally, he was not sure that he would be promoted to the second level of foundation building within these nine days. It successfully broke through the second stage of foundation establishment.

In the last day, Yi Xiaoyao practiced swordsmanship in the courtyard to consolidate his cultivation.

In the afternoon, Yi Xiaoyao was comprehending the second form with the Nine Swords of Slaying, when Jin Sanbao suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"Happy, happy."

Yi Xiaoyao looked up, and Xuan Mo followed behind him, the two looked very anxious.

"What's wrong?" Yi Xiaoyao asked.

Jin Sanbao took a breath, and said: "I just heard that someone saw Shi Tong's real cultivation at the fifth stage of foundation establishment in the martial arts field. You guessed it right before!"

Yi Xiaoyao's expression didn't fluctuate at all, and he nodded "Oh".

Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo looked at each other, and finally decided in their hearts that tomorrow is the date of the battle. Since Yi Xiaoyao is so calm, it shows that he has full confidence.


Day two.

Early in the morning, many disciples had already gathered in the martial arts arena, and even some disciples with relatively high cultivation bases rushed over specially.

Ten days ago, Yi Xiaoyao leapfrogged and defeated his old disciple. Although this news was not explosive, it also made many disciples quite concerned.

Many people are very interested in the ten-day battle agreed between Yi Xiaoyao and Shi Tong.

"I heard that Shi Tong's real cultivation is at the fifth level of foundation establishment. He's making an appointment with a rookie. Isn't that too ridiculous?"

"What's even more ridiculous is that the rookie named Yi Xiaoyao not only joined the battle, but also gave up more favorable conditions and chose to fight Shi Tong fairly."

"Look, Shi Tong is here."

The crowd looked together.

I saw that Shi Tong who was walking slowly, his expression and walking posture revealed a kind of carefree arrogance, he strolled to the center of the martial arts field and stopped.

"Yi Xiaoyao, come out!"

Shi Tong shouted to the crowd.

Everyone was looking for him, but there was no sign of Yi Xiaoyao.

Shi Tongxin was a little worried. He accidentally exposed his true cultivation a few days ago. If Yi Xiaoyao heard the news and dared not fight, what would he do?
Thinking of this, Shi Tong looked at Duan Xiu who was standing in the dark.

Duan Xiu shook his head, based on his understanding, Yi Xiaoyao would definitely come.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

A tall and enchanting figure walked over, attracting the attention of all the disciples present.

"It's Luoyi, why is she here too? Could it be that he is also interested in this gambling battle?"

"I don't care if she's interested or not, I'm interested in her anyway!"

"No, Luo Yi is the number one beauty in our Seven Killing Star Hall. If she could talk to me, I would rather lose ten years of my life."

Luo Yi's appearance stirred the hearts of all the male disciples.

When Shi Tong saw Luo Yi, his eyes turned straight. He was imprisoned for two years just because of this woman!

However, Shi Tong doesn't resent Luo Yi, because he really likes Luo Yi so much.

"Luoyi, are you here to see me?"

Shi Tong grinned and shouted at Luo Yi, he was full of hope, could it be that Luo Yi had changed his mind about him?

Unfortunately, Luo Yi didn't look back at him at all, but looked in another direction.

Everyone followed Luo Yi's gaze, a figure like a sword, followed by two people, was walking towards this side.

"Yi Xiaoyao! He's really here!"

Everyone began to discuss again, but the next moment, everyone opened their mouths in disbelief.

Luo Yi walked up to Yi Xiaoyao, grabbed Yi Xiaoyao's arm, and pinched Yi Xiaoyao's face.

The goddess in everyone's hearts is actually so close to this newcomer!
The jealous and angry gazes of all the male disciples wanted to shoot through Yi Xiaoyao, wishing they could replace Yi Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao also felt jealousy from all directions, and suddenly smiled wryly in his heart.

"It turns out that you are so popular, senior sister, but you made me a target of public criticism."

Yi Xiaoyao said helplessly to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi let out a coquettish voice, and said, "Little Junior Brother, you are too heartless, you are the one who asked me to come, but now you despise me?"

Yi Xiaoyao chuckled, but suddenly heard a deep roar.

"Yi Xiaoyao! Fight me!"

Shi Tong wanted to grind his teeth to pieces. He had pursued Luo Yi for so many years, but just now Luo Yi ignored him. He could accept it, because Luo Yi did the same to other people.

But now he is so close to Yi Xiaoyao, Shi Tong absolutely cannot accept it!
Out of jealousy, he wanted to defeat Yi Xiaoyao immediately!

Yi Xiaoyao looked at Shi Tong, and said to Luo Yi: "Senior Sister, wait for me for a while."


Luo Yi nodded, she really wanted to see how this little junior brother could defeat Shi Tong who disgusted her more than this one.

(End of this chapter)

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