Devouring Sword God

Chapter 74 Dark Arrow

Chapter 74 Dark Arrow
Running out of the tavern, Yi Xiaoyao took a big gulp of air. After getting away from the girl's breath, the hot fire in his body was not as violent as before.

"Why did I become like this? Could it be that I have become obsessed with cultivation?"

Up to now, Yi Xiaoyao has not figured out the truth of the matter, and he is still full of apologies to Ye Ping.

Gusts of strong wind blew on his face, and the heat of his whole body subsided a bit, but it was still very unbearable.

In the end, Yi Xiaoyao jumped into a water lake with a plop, and plunged into the bottom of the water like a carp.

Letting the cold lake water stimulate his scorching body, Yi Xiaoyao began to circulate his spiritual power at the bottom of the lake, forcing out the scorching fire in his body.

When Yi Xiaoyao saw the pink bubbles coming out of his body, his complexion suddenly became strange.

"This is... medicinal power!"

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao discovered that the pink mist in these bubbles was actually some kind of mind-disturbing medicinal power, and recalled that Ye Ping hadn't resisted at all when he was unconscious and almost violated by him, and she understood everything.

"It turns out that she secretly drugged me when I was practicing!"

Yi Xiaoyao was very sullen. Although he misunderstood the shopkeeper Ye's behavior as Ye Ping's, the fact of drugging was just like that.

If it wasn't because Yi Xiaoyao's soul was strong enough, I'm afraid that the raw rice has been cooked by now, and he will have to be responsible to Ye Ping by then.

Yi Xiaoyao hated this kind of conspiracy, even though he could feel Ye Ping's feelings for him.

After almost eliminating the medicine in his body, Yi Xiaoyao surfaced with calm eyes.

He will not go back, let alone apologize, because it is not his fault.

Yi Xiaoyao took out the storage bag Lin Jie gave him before, took out an eagle whistle from it, and blew a high-pitched whistle.

A moment later, the black eagle circled down in the sky, carrying Yi Xiaoyao back to the Seven Killing Star Hall.


In the sky above Earth and Star City, Yi Xiaoyao was draining the remaining medicinal power from Black Eagle's body. At this time, he was not far from the Seven Killing Star Palace.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

There were three sharp piercing sounds, and the speed was so fast that even the extremely nimble Black Eagle couldn't dodge it.

Immediately afterwards, Black Hawk uttered a sharp cry of pain, and his body shook violently.

Yi Xiaoyao was almost thrown off the back of the Black Eagle, but fortunately, the Black Eagle forcibly stabilized his flight, and suddenly increased his speed and flew into the area of ​​the Seven Killing Star Palace.

Seeing the black eagle trembling more and more under him, Yi Xiaoyao frowned and his face was gloomy.

Just now, three extremely powerful arrows were shot from below, all of which hit the black eagle's body, and one arrow even penetrated the huge wings of the black shadow.

Fortunately, Black Eagle is extremely spiritual, even if he was injured, he insisted on bringing Yi Xiaoyao into the Palace of Seven Killing Stars, otherwise Yi Xiaoyao would definitely be in danger.

"Who the hell is trying to intercept and shoot me outside the Palace of Seven Killing Stars!"

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes were cold, and the first person that came to his mind was Duan Xiu.Besides this person, who else would set up an ambush near the Palace of the Seven Killing Stars?

With a wail, Black Eagle finally couldn't hold on, and fell from the height of the Seven Killing Star Palace.

Yi Xiaoyao jumped down to check the black eagle's injuries. The relationship between this eagle and Linjie is very deep, and there must be no problems.

I don't know if Linjie has any connection with Black Eagle, but before Yi Xiaoyao went to invite him, Linjie hastily rushed over.

When Lin Jie saw that the black eagle was holding three arrows, he immediately flew into a rage.

"Xiaoyao, who did this!"

Yi Xiaoyao explained the situation just now with great apology, and expressed his thoughts.

"Senior Linjie, I don't know who did it, but it happened near the Seven Killing Star Palace. I believe that the person who shot the arrow was from the Seven Killing Star Palace, and it was aimed at me."

Lin Jie's eyes were burning with anger, he regarded Hei Ying as his relative, how could he bear it if someone hurt his relative?

Immediately, he administered a healing elixir to the black eagle, and then began to observe the arrow piercing into the eagle's body, his eyes narrowed and a cold light flashed.

"The three arrows were made by different people, and they are all at the seventh level of Foundation Establishment. I know who they are!" Lin Jie said.

"who is it?"

Yi Xiaoyao focused his eyes.

Half an hour later, the Hall of Law Enforcement.

Linjie stood with his hands behind his back with an ugly expression, Yi Xiaoyao stood behind him, and the law enforcement elder on the main seat was carefully looking at the three arrows in his hand.

A moment later, a law enforcement disciple hurried over and whispered something in the ear of the law enforcement elder.

"Elder, people have brought it."

"Bring it up."

The law enforcement elder ordered.

Then, the law enforcement team walked in with three young men with very similar faces.

Each of these three youths carried a strong bow behind their backs, and they all looked quite impatient, and they shouted as soon as they entered the Law Enforcement Hall:
"The three of us brothers didn't violate the palace rules, so why did you let us come here!"

When Yi Xiaoyao saw these three people, his eyes were fixed, because the arrow feathers in the quiver carried by the three of them were exactly the same as the three arrow feathers in the hands of the law enforcement elder.

At this time, the law enforcement elder raised the arrow in his hand and said, "Three brothers of the Yang family, do you know these three arrows?"

The faces of the three Yang brothers changed, they glanced at each other, and said, "This is indeed our arrow, why is it in your hands, Elder?"

"Hmph! You are still putting on airs! The three of you dare to shoot and injure my mount, you are looking for death!" Lin Jie yelled angrily.

The three brothers then feigned surprise and exclaimed: "It turns out that the black-haired animal shot by the three of us just now is actually Elder Linjie's mount?"

Seeing that Lin Jie was about to get angry and make a move, one of the three quickly stood up with a smile.

"Elder Lin Jie, how can we blame us? The three of us didn't recognize that it was your mount at all. If we knew, how could we make you angry?"

The law enforcement elder walked up to Lin Jie, held him back, and shouted to the three Yang brothers:
"Elder Linjie has been in the Seven Killing Star Palace for so many years, and his mount is known to all old disciples. You have been in the door for three years, but you say you didn't recognize his mount. It doesn't make sense to me! This matter, I will punish you eight times. A thousand stars!"

When the three Yang brothers heard the words, they all looked ugly.

"Elder Law Enforcement, forgive us for not being able to accept your punishment. All flat-haired beasts in the world look the same. When we hunt and kill, do we need to recognize whether it is the mount of Elder Lin Jie?"

"That's right, it's just a beast. Even if it's the elder's mount, it's not protected by our Seven Killing Star Palace. There is no rule in the temple that prohibits hunting the elder's mount."

Before the third person could speak, Lin Jie exploded in anger, with strong spiritual power pouring out of his palm, he raised his hand and patted the three brothers.

With a wave of the palm, the three of them vomited blood and flew backwards, but a person who suddenly appeared outside the hall flicked his sleeves to stabilize their figures.

When Yi Xiaoyao saw this person, his face became even more chilly, and he gritted his teeth and growled at the identity of the person.

"Duan Xiu!"

 (ps: The third update will be issued at 9:[-].)
(End of this chapter)

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