Chapter 75
The person who came was Duan Xiu.

This did not surprise Yi Xiaoyao and Lin Jie at all. After all, Yi Xiaoyao didn't know the three Yang brothers, but they wanted to shoot Yi Xiaoyao, and someone must instigate them.

In the Seven Killing Star Palace, Duan Xiu was the only one who wanted to kill Yi Xiaoyao everywhere.

After Duan Xiu stabilized the three Yang brothers, he walked towards Lin Jie.

"Lin Jie, what they said is correct. There is no palace rule that records that the elder's mount is also protected by the Seven Killing Star Palace, and there have been no casualties. The Law Enforcement Palace has no basis for punishing them."

After Duan Xiu finished speaking, he gave Yi Xiaoyao a cold look.

The law enforcement elder and Lin Jie said at the same time: "Duan Xiu, what does this matter have to do with you?"

"I am a family friend with the father of these three brothers. I heard that they were taken away by the law enforcement team. Naturally, I wanted to come and see what mistakes they made."

As he said that, Duan Xiu said again: "The three of them did not intend to shoot your mount. It was their fault. Since you have already wounded them, let's write it off and I will take them away."

Seeing Duan Xiu taking the three of them away, Lin Jie was about to step forward to stop them, but was stopped by the law enforcement elders.

"Let's let this matter go." The law enforcement elder said.

Lin Jie frowned, and he also understood that because one of his mounts was injured, he couldn't do anything to the other party.

So, he had no choice but to snort, and took Yi Xiaoyao out of the Law Enforcement Palace.

On the way, Lin Jie said to Yi Xiaoyao in a dejected manner, "Xiaoyao, this matter won't just end like this."

"Senior, what do you mean, Duan Xiu will continue to instruct those three brothers to kill me?" Yi Xiaoyao frowned.

Lin Jie nodded: "That's right, so you must be more careful in the future."

Yi Xiaoyao remained silent. The three brothers just now were all at the seventh level of Foundation Establishment. There is still a big gap between Yi Xiaoyao and them.

The most important thing is that the weapons of those three people are bows and arrows. The means of long-range backstabbing to kill people is far more dangerous than ordinary enemies.

"By the way, Xiaoyao, you must have completed the two-star mission when you come back this time?"

Seeing that Yi Xiaoyao was a bit depressed, Lin Jie changed the subject.

"Yes, it has been successfully completed, is there any follow-up task?" Yi Xiaoyao said.

Lin Jie said: "Of course there are follow-up tasks, but your tasks are all arranged by the Hall Master himself. I will give you news after I report to the Hall Master."

"it is good."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded quickly, although he didn't know why the palace master valued him so much, but it was a good thing for him.

After saying a few more words, Yi Xiaoyao separated from Lin Jie.

After returning to the residence, Yi Xiaoyao found that Jin Sanbao and Xuan Mo were not in the yard, and then he remembered that today was the day when the new disciple's training mission was announced, and the two must have gone to perform the mission.

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao left the residence again, and inquired all the way to Dandian.

The Alchemy Hall, as the name suggests, is the alchemy place of the Seven Killing Star Hall.

Yi Xiaoyao came here because when he broke through the third stage of foundation establishment, he found that without the aid of the establishment pill, the success rate was too low.

Therefore, he planned to buy two Boundary Building Pills to break through the third level of Foundation Establishment in one go.

To break through the first stage of foundation establishment and break through the second stage of foundation establishment, one pill is needed, but to break through the second stage of foundation establishment, two pills are needed to break through the third stage of foundation establishment. By analogy, the higher the realm, The more Boundary Pills are needed.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao needs two Jingjing Pills this time.

After coming to the Pill Hall and inquiring about it, Yi Xiaoyao found out that two Jingjing Pills actually needed [-] star points.

Ke Yi Xiaoyao only had the [-] star points rewarded for completing the two-star mission, which was not enough to exchange for two Jingjing Pills.

"That's right! I can refine medicine by myself."

After some distress, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he came up with this idea.

Before, Yan Yaoyin gave Yi Xiaoyao a ray of fire from the world fire, saying that he could become an alchemist, and the effect of alchemy on the fire seed of heaven and earth was far better than other flames.

If you can make alchemy yourself, you will never have to worry about not having any elixir.

With this in mind, Yi Xiaoyao returned to the Dan Palace.

"Boy, why are you back again?"

The elder who just told Yi Xiaoyao the price of the Jingjing Pill frowned.

"Senior, I'm not here to buy pills this time, I want to learn alchemy from you." Yi Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"Learn the art of alchemy from me?"

Elder Dandian sneered twice, glanced at Yi Xiaoyao and said, "I've seen a lot of people like you who can't afford pills and want to make pills by themselves, but none of them succeed."

Yi Xiaoyao said indifferently, "I may not be like those people."

"Hmph! That's what they said at the time, I think you are just like them." Elder Dan Dian asked coldly, "Is your spiritual power a fire attribute?"

Yi Xiaoyao shook his head.

"It's not the fire attribute, but you still want to become an alchemist? Ignorant! Ridiculous!" The elder of the alchemy hall sank, and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, I don't have time to waste time with you!"

Yi Xiaoyao knew that an alchemist needs to condense alchemy through fire-attribute spiritual power to make alchemy, and although he does not have fire-attribute spiritual power, he has a world fire seed that is more powerful than alchemy.

Therefore, upon hearing this person's denial, Yi Xiaoyao frowned and said, "Senior, do you just conclude that I can't become an alchemist?"

"It's not certain, it's certain! You definitely won't be able to become an alchemist. If you can become an alchemist, I'll buckle all my eyeballs for you to practice!"

Elder Dandian rolled his eyes relentlessly, and impatiently started to send Yi Xiaoyao away.

Yi Xiaoyao gave this person a cold look, and left with a sneer.

Yi Xiaoyao would never ask him to learn the art of alchemy from this kind of dog who looks down on people.

"Since this person said that if I can become an alchemist, I will close my eyeballs, then his dog eyes may not last long."

After returning to the residence, Yi Xiaoyao sat alone at the table drinking a dull wine.

Everything really went wrong today, which made him very depressed.

However, at this moment, a very strange thing made Yi Xiaoyao dispel all the bad mood.

The Lord of the Palace personally visited!

Yi Xiaoyao was also taken aback when he saw the ruthless palace master in black robe appearing outside his door.

"Hall Master? If you have anything to ask me to go, why come to me in person."

Yi Xiaoyao was flattered and invited the master of the black robe into the house.

A smile appeared on the cold face of the master of the black robe, and said, "I'm here to tell you something."

"Three months later, the tomb of the Great Demon will be opened soon. I hope you can participate in it."

After finishing speaking, the master of the black robe looked at Yi Xiaoyao.

"Great Demon Ancient Tomb?" Yi Xiaoyao was stunned.

Knowing that Yi Xiaoyao was puzzled, the master of the black robe began to explain to him patiently.

"The ancient tomb of the great demon, as the name suggests, is the tomb of the great demon."

"And the big monster is a monster that has turned into a human form, but any monster that can be called a big monster, even if I encounter it, there is no chance of escaping."

"The Great Demon Ancient Tomb that was opened this time is too old and the space is very unstable. When people with too high a cultivation level enter it to compete for resources, the space will collapse, so only people below the Jindan realm can enter it. It will cause the tomb to collapse."

Yi Xiaoyao was startled. Even a powerful existence like the palace master couldn't face the big monster, how terrifying it must be.

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Yi Xiaoyao said, "Hallmaster, what do you mean, let me and those who stand at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm enter the Great Demon Ancient Tomb to compete for resources?"

The master of the black robe smiled and said: "Why? Don't you dare? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and even I can't envy it."

 (Ask for tickets~)

(End of this chapter)

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