Devouring Sword God

Chapter 744 Battle Island No. 8

Chapter 744 Battle Island No. [-]
The huge island in front of him couldn't be seen clearly with the naked eye. The reason why Yi Xiaoyao concluded at a glance that it was an island rather than a continent was because he had roughly detected the size of the island through spiritual perception.

"Although it's not as big as the land of Kyushu, it's still comparable to the size of the Great Merchant Empire. It's such a big island!"

Yi Xiaoyao walked to Yunmengling's side and sighed in great surprise.

If it wasn't for this boundless sea, it might be called a small continent.

"Finally, we have found a place where humans live. Let's go to the island and have a look. Maybe we may not be able to get a map of this sea area."

Yun Mengling also sensed the breath of life on the island, and suggested to Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded, they really need a sea area map.

If there is no real map, just relying on the simple map with only a few lines, it is impossible to find the location of the Yaozu.

But at this time, a hunt is erupting on this island.

A nimble figure was shuttling among the natural boulders on the island. Every time he passed, that boulder would be shattered and exploded in an instant, revealing the group of men in black who were chasing and killing him.

"Biao Geng, hand over the information, and I will spare you!"

Waves of roars came from the crowd in black, accompanied by astonishing attacks one after another.

But the nimble figure who was hunted down heard these words, but the speed of escape did not slow down at all.

"Hmph! Will I believe your nonsense? Even if I hand over the information, you mad dogs will not let me go!"

While running away, this person turned his head and cursed again and again.

"You are not stupid, but so what? There is a sea of ​​killing ahead, and you have nowhere to escape!"

The man in black chased after him, looked at the sea in front of him, and laughed loudly: "Biao Geng, it is better to die in our hands than to become the food of the King of the Sea, at least I can leave you Whole body!"

Hearing this and seeing the deep sea in front of him, the man called Bandit Geng suddenly stopped and gave up running away.

He looked at the sea that seemed to be able to swallow everything, and a hint of fear appeared on his face, as if the group of men in black had hit the nail on the head.

However, at this moment, Robber Geng saw two figures walking slowly towards this side on the shore in front.


Not only Bandit Geng, but even the group of men in black robes behind were shocked when they saw this scene.

"These two people came from the sea of ​​killing?"

Some people in the black robe exclaimed in disbelief. To their knowledge, they had never heard of anyone who could survive in the sea of ​​killing.

Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling, who had just landed on the island, saw Bandit Geng standing there at a glance, and wanted to ask him about the island.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao looked around, and at the same time exuded spiritual power to feel the surroundings.

"The aura here is so rich and pure, and it also contains a special power!"

This is Yi Xiaoyao's first impression of this island.

Often the intensity of spiritual energy determines the height that monks in a place can reach, just like the spiritual energy of the land of Kyushu is far richer than that of the Great Merchant Empire, so the strong ones are far beyond the reach of the Great Merchant Empire.

And the aura on this island is even stronger than that of the land of Kyushu.

Presumably, the powerhouses on this island should be no less than those in Kyushu.

And at this time, Yi Xiaoyao also noticed the cultivation of Bandit Geng in front of him and the men in black behind him.

All Nirvana!
Immediately, Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling were startled together.

How could he meet so many Nirvana realm powerhouses so casually?
Although most of them are people in the early stage of Nirvana, only one person has the cultivation level of Ninth Level Nirvana, but it is shocking enough.

Such a force, placed in the land of Kyushu, is enough to dominate one side!
Yi Xiaoyao was looking at Robou Geng and the others, and the latter were also watching Yi Xiaoyao. Of course, most of their eyes fell on Yunmengling.

"It's very strange that this person can come out of the sea of ​​slaughter alive. I don't want to provoke him. I will kill Dao Geng first and return to my life!"

The leader of the man in black, the man next to him, gave an order, and immediately plundered and killed Bandit Geng.

Bandit Geng had no intention of running away at this time, so he burst out with the breath of the middle stage of Nirvana, took out his weapon and prepared to resist desperately.

Suddenly, a faint voice came into their ears, causing their movements to pause slightly, and the tense atmosphere between the two parties was also condensed.

"Wait a minute."

I saw that Yi Xiaoyao walked to the middle of the area where Bandit Geng and the man in black were facing each other, and shouted lightly.

All of a sudden, all of these people stared at Yi Xiaoyao in unison.

"Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better not meddle in your own business!"

The leader of the man in black spoke coldly, just when Yi Xiaoyao emitted spiritual power to perceive the environment, he had already seen Yi Xiaoyao's cultivation level, so his words were not too aggressive.

Before taking the Nirvana Holy Pill transformed by the old Qing Emperor, but because the compatibility was not high, although Yi Xiaoyao has improved, he is not as big as Yun Mengling, and now he is at the seventh level of Nirvana.

Although this kind of cultivation is not bad, in the eyes of this group of men in black, it is not a threat at all.

The man in black was more concerned about Yunmengling who exuded the aura of the eighth level of Nirvana.

Even if the two late Nirvana-level experts were not a big threat to the Ninth-Layer Nirvana-level powerhouses, they would still be a big trouble, so they didn't want Yi Xiaoyao to intervene.

Yi Xiaoyao just raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and responded, "I don't mean to interfere, I just want to ask, can any of you tell me where this place is?"

"We don't have time to spend here with you. If we don't leave, we will kill you together! There is also that beauty, she is so beautiful, she must be living a good life, I don't mind taking her as my own!"

The leader of the man in black sneered at Yi Xiaoyao, and took a greedy look at Yunmengling by the way.

Hearing this sentence, Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly, but the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could continue to move, he heard that Bandit Geng, who was surrounded by men in black, sighed casually.

"Anyway, it's a death, it's better to leave a favor before death."

Bandit Geng looked at Yi Xiaoyao helplessly, and said with gloomy eyes: "My friend, this is Battle Island No. [-]. Although I don't know how you managed to come here alive from the sea of ​​killing, I advise you to leave and don't provoke him." These guys."

"Battle Island No. [-]? Sea of ​​Slaughter?"

Yi Xiaoyao narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and nodded thoughtfully.

The group of men in black sneered triumphantly, and said to Yi Xiaoyao and the two: "Did you hear that? Even this guy knows that you don't want to provoke us, so get out!"

After finishing speaking, the man in black waved to the men behind him, and went straight to kill Bandit Geng.

Robber Geng's eyes showed despair, but at this moment, he heard a word of thanks.

"Thank you, I accept your favor."

Dao Geng looked at Yi Xiaoyao in astonishment, and the next moment, he saw Yi Xiaoyao walking towards him with a faint smile, and stood with him, facing the group of people in black.

"I'll give you a chance to disappear before my eyes within three breaths."

Looking at the group of men in black, Yi Xiaoyao spoke indifferently, then looked at the leader of the men in black who insulted Yun Mengling, and said indifferently: "However, except you."


(End of this chapter)

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