Devouring Sword God

Chapter 745 This Favor Is Still Satisfactory

Chapter 745 This Favor Is Still Satisfactory

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao stood with Robo Geng, facing the group of men in black, as if planning to repay Robo Geng's favor.

And after Yi Xiaoyao's plain voice came out, not only the group of men in black, but even Dao Geng was shocked.

"What? This guy wants to help me just because I told him where this is? He shouldn't be out of his mind, right?"

Bandit Geng had some unbelievable secret thoughts in his heart, and at the same time gave Yi Xiaoyao a weird look.

However, for the already desperate Bandit Geng, this is a kind of hope, and he naturally has no reason to refuse.

And the group of men in black, facing Yi Xiaoyao's words, "disappear within three breaths", looked at each other one by one, and immediately burst out laughing.

Especially the leader of the man in black, if Yi Xiaoyao let him disappear together, maybe he can understand that this is a ridiculous threat.

However, Yi Xiaoyao was the only one who didn't intend to let him leave, which was unreasonable.

You know, he has the cultivation base of the Ninth Level Nirvana, and there is still no problem in solving a person who is in the Seventh Level of Nirvana and the Eighth Level of Nirvana.

The leader of the man in black was thinking, Yi Xiaoyao, why would he dare to say such a thing to him?

Just because he just said something to tease Yun Mengling?

Or did he not answer Yi Xiaoyao's question just now, which made Yi Xiaoyao feel uncomfortable?

No matter what the reason is, it is extremely unconvincing to these men in black, and it is an unprecedented joke!
"Boy, were you talking to us just now?"

The leader of the man in black had a weird look in his eyes. Anyway, these people in front of him are sure to die in his eyes, and he doesn't mind having some fun with them.

Then, the leader of the man in black pretended to be puzzled to his subordinates behind him: "Did I hear correctly?"

The other men in black laughed loudly, and their laughter was full of sarcasm.

"Commander, I heard that too, you heard me right, but it's really funny!"

"This world is so big, there are no surprises, but there are such ridiculous people!"

"For an inconspicuous favor, I want to give my life up. I don't know if I don't know how to live or die, or if I am too arrogant!"

Yun Mengling stood quietly on the shore, listening to these mocking words, a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face, watching Yi Xiaoyao face the group of men in black without any worry.

Perhaps, Yi Xiaoyao at this time is indeed very arrogant, but is this kind of arrogance really arrogant in front of Yi Xiaoyao, who is the ruler of Kyushu, the emperor of Xiaoyao, and the invincible Nirvana Realm?

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao's expressionless face parted slightly, and he announced the number.

At the same time, everyone in black was taken aback, and then laughed again.

Because it reminded them of what Yi Xiaoyao told them to leave within three breaths.


As soon as the second sound fell, the leader of the man in black tilted his head to look at Yi Xiaoyao, grinning and said, "Next, is it... three?"


Yi Xiaoyao twitched his lips slightly, and said, "However, there are no rewards, only punishments."

The leader of the man in black was about to continue laughing, but in the next moment, he suddenly felt an incomparably terrifying devouring force, which instantly enveloped him.

During the drastic change in expression, this person wanted to burst out his spiritual power to resist, but then he discovered that with the burst of his spiritual power, the spiritual power in his body was instantly swallowed up, and then he was powerless to resist Everything was swallowed up.

There was no chance of screaming at all, and the leader of the man in black at the Ninth Level of Nirvana disappeared from the sight of everyone present in an instant. Only a piece of clothing was left, and he fell powerlessly on the ground just now. The land on which man stands.


"Commander! Where is the Commander?"

"Why is the commander missing? He couldn't... have been killed by this guy, right?"

The remaining group of men in black all changed their complexions at this moment and exclaimed.

Just now they also felt the terrifying devouring power that made them suffocate, and then looked at the pile of clothes on the ground, they all guessed the same idea, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao in horror.

"Since you want to find him, I will send you to see him."

Yi Xiaoyao spoke lightly, and at the same time took a step forward towards the group of men in black.


"Forgive me!"

"Leave us alone!"

All the men in black retreated violently. Even if they hadn't seen the scene just now, with Yi Xiaoyao's cultivation in the late stage of Nirvana, it was more than enough to deal with them, who were in the early stage of Nirvana.

Therefore, at this time, after seeing the leader being killed in an instant, they all begged for mercy and ran for their lives.

"You know how to leave now?"

Yi Xiaoyao looked at the men in black fleeing in all directions, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth gradually spread.

Just now he gave these people a chance to leave within three breaths, but these people not only ignored his kindness, but instead laughed and satirized him to their heart's content during the three breaths.

Since the opportunity was missed, it was tantamount to missing everything, including their lives.

"...It's too late!"

An icy voice spread, and when it reached the ears of those fleeing men in black, their fleeing figures all paused, and then were forcibly pulled away by an irresistible force. return.

It was that terrifying devouring power again. The moment they felt this power, the faces of the group of people in black all turned pale instantly, showing a look of complete despair and a sense of endless regret.

I regretted why I didn't see through the situation just now, obeyed Yi Xiaoyao's words, and left within three breaths.

However, just like what Yi Xiaoyao said to them at this time, no matter how much he regretted it, it was already too late.

woohoo hoohoo...

More than a dozen pieces of black clothes fell on the ground one after another, and the fleeing group of men in black disappeared without a trace just like the leader of the men in black just now.

" is this possible?"

Looking at the clothes falling down in front of him, Dao Geng had already stiffened and petrified in place, and his heart was even more horrified to the point of indescribable.

He couldn't believe that the scene he saw before him was real.

Just now Duo Geng saw that Yi Xiaoyao wanted to help him, but only a glimmer of hope emerged, and he didn't feel that he could really survive.

But now...

"How? Are you satisfied with this favor?"

At this time, Yi Xiaoyao smiled lightly at the stunned Bandit Geng, causing the latter to suddenly come to his senses, and pinched his thigh fiercely. After realizing that this was not a hallucination, he was so excited that he breathed rapidly and trembled.


(Third update.)
(End of this chapter)

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