Chapter 754

In just one fight, Yi Xiaoyao, the number one commander of Battle Island on the [-]th, was blown away.

This scene undoubtedly boosted the momentum of everyone on Battle Island No. [-].

"Good job! Brother Dizhu!"

Thunder Knife burst out laughing, he had experienced Yi Xiaoyao's devouring counterattack before, and now seeing that the opponent's first commander also suffered a big loss from this move, he felt extremely happy.

Immediately, Lei Dao and the others' confidence doubled, and while roaring loudly, they mobilized their spiritual power one after another, and launched a series of tyrannical attacks towards the second commander in front of them.

At the same time, Heihe looked at Yi Xiaoyao with a changed expression, his eyes filled with surprise.

"What? Heihe, when did you have such a character pretending to be a pig and a tiger?"

Chi Mang was also shocked, and asked Hei He frowning, no wonder the other party dared to compete with them even though they were weak.

Why didn't Heihe have such doubts, but he just grinned, ignoring Chiman's shock at all, and collided with the opponent head-on with his momentum.

All of a sudden, the scene was very chaotic, with so many Nirvana-level powerhouses attacking, and there were still two Life-Death level players, how shocking was the power that erupted?
And in the killing sea below, densely packed large shadows appeared, and each shadow area was extremely huge. It was the movement that erupted here that attracted countless heads of the Sea Kings!

The first leader who was blown away by Yi Xiaoyao shot straight towards the sea below like a kite with a broken string.

The next moment, several huge deep pits suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, and there were a few sea kings with terrifying auras, who rushed out of the sea with their huge mouths wide open, trying to swallow the first commander into their stomachs.

The first leader let out a roar, endured the pain of being injured by Yi Xiaoyao, and instantly a fine steel rod appeared in his hand, and swung it on the fangs of the Sea King Clan, knocking the Sea King Clan below him down Paused, and with the help of this counter-shock force, stood on the void again.

After he stabilized his body in cold sweat, he found that there was a cold gaze staring at him indifferently.

Yi Xiaoyao was standing there all the time, his arms were trembling slightly at this time, and he was quite surprised in his heart.

"The strength of the person with the perfect source is really extraordinary. He almost penetrated my devouring power and wounded me!"

He was startled inwardly, and when he looked at the first commander in front of him, he also became slightly dignified.

"It turns out that you are the trump card of Battle Island No. [-]!"

The first commander of Battle Island No. [-] also looked at Yi Xiaoyao, panting heavily, his fighting spirit was completely aroused.


With a roar of fury, the man suddenly swung the steel black stick in his hand, and smashed it down on Yi Xiaoyao's head.

In one place of this stick, shadows all over the sky instantly turned into stick shadows, which contained an astonishingly powerful source of power, and it was indeed a very powerful killing move.

Obviously, this person wanted to use this stick to avenge the hatred of being blown away by Yi Xiaoyao just now.

Sensing the aura attached to this stick, Yi Xiaoyao didn't dare to underestimate it at all. He forcibly calmed down his trembling arm, and then raised his hand to swipe at the void in front of him.

A long sword with a dark body and a domineering appearance was drawn directly from the void in front of him, and was tightly held by Yi Xiaoyao, exuding an extremely terrifying aura of destruction above his fitness.

"Destroy the world, cut!"

Accompanied by this icy cry, Mieshijian let out a breath-taking sword cry, and the moment Yi Xiaoyao swung it out, a terrifying black sword light swept straight towards the opponent.

The shadows of sticks all over the sky above the void were all split apart under the black sword light.

In the end, the fine iron black stick and the sword of extermination suddenly shook together, and at the same time as a deafening sound of gold and iron erupted, a tangible shock wave spread from the place where the weapons collided. Wave.

In the sea of ​​killing below, the ferocious and huge sea kings are constantly rushing towards the people fighting above, but after their huge figures are hit by this shock wave, they make noises one after another. With a roar of pain, it fell again on the surface of the sea below, stirring up monstrous waves.

The people around who were fighting fiercely also felt the horror of this shock wave, and their hearts were shocked.

Even the aftermath of the bombardment can push back so many Sea Kings, so how terrible are the two people who caused this fluctuation?
With such a terrifying strength, it would be difficult for even a strong person at the peak of the Nirvana Realm, let alone the Nirvana Seventh Layer Realm.

Therefore, everyone on Battle Island No. [-] was thinking to themselves that their first commander must have killed each other this time.

In the next moment, everyone saw that there was only one figure left in the center of the aftermath of the impact, and the other figure retreated crazily while spitting out blood.


"Master First Commander!"

Everyone on the No. [-] Battle Island exclaimed in unison, and rushed forward to catch the retreating figure. The face covered in blood was the number one leader they thought would surely win.

And the figure still standing there was Yi Xiaoyao who had lost his opponent twice in a row.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was looking at the World-Destroying Sword in his hand, frowning slightly. The slash just now had consumed a lot of the sword's power, and it seemed that he had to continue to accumulate it for a while.

However, compared to him, the opponent's first commander was even more miserable. Only half of the black stick of extraordinary quality in his hand was left.


The man's arm holding the broken stick trembled violently, he raised his head to the sky and let out a violent roar, and said to the hands supporting him, "Come with me and kill this man!"

The next moment, he shot towards Yi Xiaoyao again, and he brought many Nirvana realm men behind him.

Yi Xiaoyao glanced at the other party coldly, and snorted coldly: "The original source is perfect, that's all. If you have nothing else to do but fight more and less, then it's time to end!"

As soon as the words fell, the Sword of Exterminating the World hovered straight in front of Yi Xiaoyao, and above the blade, amidst the violent and destructive aura, with the opening of his hands, a terrifying gust of devouring gushed out. Power.

"World Miserable Devouring Slash!"

A sword crossed the sky, and the sword light shone brightly, causing the entire space to pause for a moment.

In the next moment, the sword glow had already crossed the void in front of him, and landed on the sea surface, splitting a huge mountain-like sea king directly below in half.

Immediately, Yi Xiaoyao grasped the palm of his hand, and the Sword of Extermination disappeared instantly, and it had already been absorbed into his body for cultivation.

At the same time, the number one commander of Battle Island No. [-], and the group of Nirvana Realm powerhouses who charged with him, all stopped in the void.

A gust of wind blew by, and these frozen figures were blown away into thin air, and they no longer existed!
"What? Gone?"

"What was blown away was just a phantom!"

"Then what about the first commander? Could it be..."

Everyone who saw that scene was shocked, and Qiqi gasped.

Even the eyes of the two lords who were fighting fiercely froze.

The moment Yi Xiaoyao drew his sword just now, they clearly felt an aura that even they were afraid of, but when they were attracted by this aura, they found that there was no one in front of Yi Xiaoyao.

As for what happened and why Yi Xiaoyao's opponent disappeared, the answer is already obvious!

(Writing the third update last night.)
(End of this chapter)

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