Devouring Sword God

Chapter 755 The Plan

Chapter 755 The Plan
In the space, the bursts of roars caused by the collision of many strong men stopped abruptly at this moment.

As if everyone had a tacit understanding, they stopped the attack in their hands, and their eyes all gathered in one place.

And in the center where all the eyes focused, Yi Xiaoyao stood with his hands behind his back, as if nothing had happened to him.

But everyone could see clearly that at the moment before, Yi Xiaoyao slashed out with a sword, beheading the first leader of the Seventh Zhan Island and all the strong Nirvana under his command, even leaving no bones left!

In the presence, the only ones who could do this were the two life and death lords who were also there in astonishment.

But now, they discovered to their horror that Yi Xiaoyao, who was only in the seventh level of Nirvana, had achieved the same thing!
For them, this is simply unbelievable.

At the same time, Lei Dao and others on Battle Island No. [-] let out excited shouts.

Because the strength shown by Yi Xiaoyao symbolizes that this time, the hidden treasure under the sea is already in their pocket on the eighth battle island.

And those people from Battle Island No. [-] all looked extremely ugly. This was a situation where they had to win, but because of Yi Xiaoyao's existence, they had become a situation where they had to lose.

This time, seeing Yi Xiaoyao forcefully killing his opponent, Yunmengling looked overjoyed, turned around and approached Yi Xiaoyao.

But in this way, she was facing the enemy with her back, and she opened her loopholes for a while.

With such a flaw, how could the enemy behind him easily let go?Yi Xiaoyao killed their first commander, even if they lost this time, they would have to kill an enemy to be reconciled.

The second commander, who was suppressing the Thunder Saber, directly caught the flaw that Yunmengling showed when he turned around, and in a flash, he bypassed the Thunder Saber in front of him, and slapped Yunmengling furiously with his palm .

The palm wind roared, Lei Dao and others shouted "Be careful", it was already too late.

Only then did Yunmengling react, and after a drastic change in expression, she immediately propped up a holy light shield and made the strongest temporary defense.

However, the second leader has already reached the level of great success, even close to perfection, so how could Yun Mengling be able to resist his palm?
There was a crisp sound of shattering, and the holy light shield shattered immediately, and then Yunmengling spat out a mouthful of blood, and was blasted straight into the killing sea below by that palm.


Yi Xiaoyao's eyes turned red immediately, and after a roar, he shot out violently.

However, he didn't intend to avenge Yunmengling and kill the second commander, but followed Yunmengling closely and rushed into the sea of ​​killings that covered countless sea royal families.

hoo hoo hoo!
With a roar, immediately a statue of the King of the Sea rushed towards the direction where Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling fell into the water.


Lei Dao and the others were all stunned, they couldn't believe that Yi Xiaoyao would be so desperate for a woman.

There are countless Neptunian clans there, and among them, there are still countless Neptunian clans who have reached the perfection of their original origin.

Even those who are strong in the realm of life and death dare not enter the killing sea so recklessly.

As for people in the Nirvana Realm, they would definitely die, even if Yi Xiaoyao's strength far exceeds that of the general Nirvana Realm powerhouses, there is no exception!
Everyone fell into horror again, but this time, the mood between the people on the [-]th Battle Island and the [-]th Battle Island was completely reversed.

Because Yi Xiaoyao is gone now, even if Battle Island No. [-] loses the first commander and others, it still has the upper hand!

The situation reversed by Yi Xiaoyao was reversed again because of Yi Xiaoyao.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that guy to be a lover!"

The second commander of Battle Island No. [-] couldn't help laughing, and then grinned: "I didn't even think that I would undoubtedly hit the life gate of this love species!"

Chi Man also laughed loudly and said: "Hei He, now that kid is gone, let's see how you can still compete with me!"

The joy on Hei He's face gradually froze, and while secretly cursing Yi Xiaoyao in his heart, he directly and decisively shouted to Lei Dao: "Withdraw!"

Lei Dao was full of unwillingness at this time, but he had just been suppressed by the opponent's second commander. At this time, without Yi Xiaoyao, he really had no chance of winning, so he had to take his subordinates behind him and wanted to evacuate with Heihe.

"Humph! Want to go? It's not that easy!"

However, just when they were about to leave, Chi Mang snorted angrily: "Kill my first commander, how can I let you leave safely!"


Immediately, under the leadership of Chiman, the people from No. [-] Battle Island rushed towards Heihe and the others again.

Even if they couldn't really kill Heihe, they still had to kill Lei Dao and others, so that they could vent their anger over the killing of the first commander.

All of a sudden, the two sides fought together again, Heihe retreated while fighting with Lei Dao and others, and had no intention of thinking about the hidden treasures under the sea and the caves of the strong.

But Chi Man and the others are chasing after them. Anyway, they have mastered the location of the secret hideout under the sea, and they can't run away with long legs. It is better to kill people first and vent their anger.

However, it was impossible for Chiman and the others to imagine that this hidden treasure under the sea would really disappear...

Because, the situation at this time was already in Yi Xiaoyao's expectation.

At this moment, in the turbulent killing sea below, a Sea King with a mouth full of fangs exposed was rushing wildly in the sea, and scattered the Sea King who rushed around.

And in the huge fangs of this crazy Neptune, there are two figures sitting cross-legged on top of its barbed tongue.

One of the figures in black robes was pressing his hands firmly on the tongue under his body, and the dark light in his palm exploded to the extreme. He became sluggish, as if everything in his body had been drained.

"This bastard finally calmed down..."

The black figure breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and the dark light on his palm gradually subsided.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at the beautiful figure beside him, and asked with concern: "Ling'er, are you all right?"

"It doesn't matter. I listened to Brother Xiaoyao's plan before. I deliberately carried a very high-quality defensive magic weapon close to my body. I didn't suffer too much injury."

The beautiful figure smiled lightly, and responded by sticking out her tongue playfully.

No one would have guessed that these two figures were none other than Yi Xiaoyao and Yun Mengling who were undoubtedly destined to die in the eyes of others!

As for Yun Mengling being attacked and knocked down, it was because she showed her flaws on purpose, and it was Yi Xiaoyao's plan that was thought up the day before!
As for why they did this, the purpose is already obvious...


(The third update yesterday.)
(End of this chapter)

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