Devouring Sword God

Chapter 77 Dan Immortal Inheritance

Chapter 77 Dan Immortal Inheritance
"Of course!" The elder guarding the pavilion put away the jade badge and began to register Yi Xiaoyao.

After Yi Xiaoyao left Xingling Pavilion, the surrounding disciples changed from original shock to envy and resentment.

"This Yi Xiaoyao actually borrowed the Nine Heavens Dragon Teng Jue!"

"That's the Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art! The most expensive spiritual skill, the strongest spiritual skill!"

"It's so unfair! Why is the palace master so partial to Yi Xiaoyao, I don't agree!"

Hearing that everyone was unconvinced, the elder guarding the pavilion sneered lightly: "Just because of that kid's talent, he is far higher than you, so you have to obey if you refuse."

This sentence directly hit everyone's life goal. Immediately, like a deflated ball, everyone sighed and had to face reality again.


On the way back to his residence, Yi Xiaoyao was in a daze while holding the Nine Heavens Dragon Teng Jue.

"I understand. The reason why the Palace Master advised me to choose the spiritual skill of movement is actually his real purpose is to let me choose the Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art."

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao also paid more and more attention to this spiritual skill, and began to practice it as soon as he returned to his residence.

The first volume of Nine Heavens Dragon Teng Jue is divided into four levels: Beginner, Minor Achievement, Great Accomplishment, and Peak.

It is easy to get started, no external conditions are required, and the moves can be easily mastered after practicing hard.

As for the minor success stage, in addition to comprehension, you also need to obtain the blood essence of monsters, and use the secrets of the Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art to refine the blood essence.

The more essence and blood absorbed by refining and refining, the stronger the body will be. After absorbing a large amount of blood essence from monsters, one can enter the Dacheng stage.

But the peak stage is the biggest threshold. It is necessary to condense the blood essence of monsters absorbed and refined into the spirit of the dragon. After reaching this level, the speed after casting body skills is difficult to catch even the naked eye, killing people invisible middle.

As for the refined blood of monster beasts, the higher the level of the monster beast, the better the effect, especially the blood essence of monster beasts with the blood of a real dragon, which can increase the power of the Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art.

Although Yi Xiaoyao's talent in other aspects is not as unmatched as his talent in the way of swordsmanship, after he started to practice this body skill, he found that besides the way of swordsmanship, his cultivation talent is still very outstanding.

In the following days, Yi Xiaoyao immersed himself in the cultivation of the Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art, and his figure kept shuttling around the courtyard, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Until the morning of the third day, Yi Xiaoyao sat at the stone table in the yard, quietly watching the rising sun in the sky.

"Now, I have practiced the Jiutian Longteng Jue to the entry stage. If I want to continue to improve my body speed, I must hunt monsters and refine blood essence."

"Besides, the Great Demon Tomb will open in three months, and I need to improve my strength within three months as quickly as possible."

"If I want to accomplish these two points at the same time, then I must enter the Earth Star Forest to hunt and kill monsters for experience."

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao made up his mind, stood up and prepared to set off.

Of course he knew that once he left the Seven Killing Star Palace, he would be in danger of being killed by Duan Xiu.

But Yi Xiaoyao will never keep himself in the greenhouse because of this danger.

What's more, he still has the Purple Punishment Sword given to him by the Palace Master. Whoever dares to kill him will die under the Purple Punishment Sword.

Yi Xiaoyao didn't go to see Lin Jie and Luo Yi, and left the Seven Killing Star Palace at dawn, heading for the Earth Star Forest.

Walking in Earth and Star City, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly remembered something, which changed his itinerary slightly.


The Earth Star Pill Pavilion is the largest alchemist force in Earth Star City.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao came to Dixing Pill Pavilion.

"Before entering the Earth Star Forest, I must bring enough Boundary Building Pills, otherwise breaking through the realm of cultivation will be the biggest problem I will face."

Yi Xiaoyao knew very well in his heart that if he wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible within three months, combat experience was the main way, and pills were also indispensable.

And the alchemy elders of the Qisha Xingdian didn't want to teach Yi Xiaoyao how to make alchemy, so he came to Xingdan Pavilion to learn the art of alchemy.

Before entering the Dixing Pill Pavilion, Yi Xiaoyao heard someone arguing.

"Get out! You trash, use some fake pill recipes that are impossible to make pills for me. You wasted so many precious materials. Don't let me see you again!"

Following this sound of scolding, a thin and short middle-aged man was directly blasted out of the Dixing Pill Pavilion.

The dwarf blushed with anger, stood outside the Dixing Pill Pavilion and cursed angrily: "Your alchemists in the Dixing Pill Pavilion are useless waste. They have no ability to refine my pills, but they say mine The pill recipe is a fake pill recipe!"

"Hmph! Even if your alchemy is real, so what? Why don't you still have to ask us to help you make alchemy?"

Those people in the Dixing Pill Pavilion sneered a few times before turning back and ignoring the dwarf outside the door.

The dwarf immediately looked up to the sky and lamented: "God, are you playing with me? The immortal soul inheritance given to me is the immortal inheritance. I have a whole body of alchemy skills and a brain full of alchemy formulas, but I don't have fire attribute spiritual power. Unable to become an alchemist! Why!"

When Yi Xiaoyao heard this, he immediately understood, and was even more overjoyed in his heart.

He walked up to the dwarf, saluted and said, "Senior, since you can't become an alchemist, why don't you accept your disciples to pass on your alchemy skills?"

"Apprentice?" The dwarf smiled wryly and shook his head, as if he had found someone to confide in, he began to talk to Yi Xiaoyao.

It turned out that this dwarf was named Danjiu, just as he lamented just now, because the inheritance of the immortal soul is the inheritance of an alchemy, so he possesses the alchemy skills of an ancient immortal, and he is proficient in a large number of ancient alchemy recipes.

It's a pity that just because these alchemy formulas are ancient alchemy formulas, ordinary alchemists today have no ability to refine them.

Danjiu once accepted apprentices, but he found that ordinary people's alchemy fires could not reach the power of refining ancient alchemy formulas. After trying many times, he gave up the idea of ​​​​accepting apprentices to inherit.

The more Yi Xiaoyao listened, the more delighted he was. Ordinary people's Pill Fire is not good, but his Heaven and Earth Fire Seed is definitely good. After all, Heaven and Earth Fire Soul is condensed by Heaven and Earth, and it has existed since ancient times.

"Senior, can you teach me the art of alchemy?" Yi Xiaoyao asked Danjiu.

Danjiu was taken aback, and sighed: "Didn't I already tell you that I have taken apprentices many times, and no one can make my elixir formula."

"Since I have failed so many times, senior won't care about me this time, right? I can definitely help senior carry forward the inheritance!" Yi Xiaoyao said firmly.

Danjiu thought about it, and felt that what Yi Xiaoyao said made sense.

"Okay then, come with me and have a try."

Yi Xiaoyao happily followed Danjiu to a simple courtyard.

After entering the room, Danjiu pointed to a half-person tall alchemy cauldron and said: "If you can refine this alchemy cauldron into scarlet red with alchemy fire within ten breaths, you can refine my ancient alchemy formula." .”

Yi Xiaoyao nodded in agreement, and then forced the ray of heaven and earth fire in his dantian into his palm.

When Danjiu saw the extremely high-temperature flame in Yi Xiaoyao's palm, his eyes froze.

"This flame is definitely the hottest flame among all the pill fires I have ever seen, and its power must be extraordinary!"

After an exclamation, Danjiu seemed to see hope, and hurriedly urged Yi Xiaoyao: "Quick, give it a try!"

Yi Xiaoyao nodded, and injected spiritual power into the fire seed of heaven and earth, and the flame in his palm suddenly swelled up, and he shot towards the cauldron.

The two looked nervously at Dan Ding, especially Dan Jiu, with an unprecedented longing in their eyes.

After that, Dan Jiu's eyes became brighter and brighter, and in just three breaths, the danding was already bright red!

(s: The cervical spine is very painful today, I will try my best to write the third update, but it should be posted very late.)
(End of this chapter)

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