Devouring Sword God

Chapter 78 The Perfect Pill

Chapter 78 The Perfect Pill
"It's done!"

With an exclamation, Dan Jiu was countless times more excited than Yi Xiaoyao, and began to shake Yi Xiaoyao's body crazily.

Yi Xiaoyao quickly withdrew the flame, stabilized Danjiu and said, "Senior, don't be so excited."

"How can I not be excited! Someone can refine my alchemy formula, and my alchemy inheritance can finally be seen in the light of day!"

After finishing speaking, Danjiu pulled Yi Xiaoyao and said, "Quick, I want to teach you the art of alchemy, and I want to teach you to be the number one alchemist in the world!"

"Because my elixirs are all ancient elixirs that have been lost for thousands of years, and the elixirs you refine will be unique and strongest elixirs!"

"When the time comes, people all over the world will beg you to make alchemy for them, and even those super powerhouses who stand at the top will show favor to you to win you over...and I will be the alchemy master of you, the world's number one alchemist! "

Yi Xiaoyao listened to Dan Jiu's bold words and ambitions, and felt a faint sense of anticipation in his heart, and immediately clasped his fists and bowed.

"Yi Xiaoyao, I would like to worship senior as the master of alchemy!"

"it is good!"

With a happy expression on his face, Danjiu helped Yi Xiaoyao up and began to explain the way of alchemy to him.

Yi Xiaoyao is gifted and intelligent, and when he taught the art of alchemy, he could understand it only once.

Moreover, Danjiu's alchemy technique is the alchemy method of the ancient immortals, which is more mysterious than the current alchemy technique. Yi Xiaoyao was also shocked when he heard it.

It was too late for the two to meet each other, and they continued to talk for several hours without realizing it.

After teaching Yi Xiaoyao the most basic method of alchemy, Danjiu said: "In the process of alchemy, it is more about mastering the method from practice. Now you can start refining elixir according to what I taught you."

Yi Xiaoyao nodded in agreement, ignited the fire of heaven and earth, and started alchemy according to an ancient alchemy recipe given to him by Danjiu.

At the same time, Dan Jiu was also explaining the level of pills beside him: "Now what you are refining is a first-order pill, which is suitable for taking in the Qi Condensation Realm, and a second-order pill is suitable for taking in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and so on. The higher it is, the more difficult it is to refine."

"Each level of elixir has four finenesses, which are low-grade elixir, middle-grade elixir, top-grade elixir, and extreme-grade elixir."

"A low-grade elixir has one pill pattern, and there are [-]% impurities; a middle-grade elixir has two pill patterns, and there are [-]% impurities; a top-grade elixir, three pill patterns, has [-]% impurities; the top-grade elixir, four pill patterns, only [-]% impurities .”

While speaking, Yi Xiaoyao's complexion changed drastically, and a huge roar erupted from the alchemy furnace.

This is a fryer caused by the refining of pills, which is very common.

Danjiu was not upset and asked Yi Xiaoyao to refine it again.

After reopening the furnace, Yi Xiaoyao asked the previous question: "Master, isn't there any elixir without impurities?"

"Pillions without impurities are just legends in the alchemy world, and they don't exist." Dan Jiu shook his head.

Yi Xiaoyao nodded. With his previous experience in frying furnaces, he controlled the temperature of this furnace of elixir very carefully.

Soon, there will be bursts of Danxiang.

In the end, Dan Cheng.

"What? Apprentice, you are so talented that you can refine the elixir in the second furnace!"

Danjiu exclaimed in disbelief: "You have to know, even those alchemists who are extremely strong in alchemy will blow up the furnace hundreds of times when they first learn alchemy!"

When Yi Xiaoyao heard the result, he also raised his eyebrows in surprise: "I don't know what fine medicine I can refine for the first time."

"Apprentice, you don't have to worry about it, it's already very good to refine a pill for the first time, everything has to be done step by step..."

Danjiu comforted Yi Xiaoyao while opening the furnace to take the pills, but when he saw the pills in the furnace, he paused and took a breath.

"This is……"

Dan Jiu took out the elixir that Yi Xiaoyao refined, put it in his trembling hands, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Yi Xiaoyao also looked over curiously, and counted the pill patterns on it.

"One, two, three, four...five! Five pill patterns?" Yi Xiaoyao asked suspiciously, "Master, didn't you say that the best top-quality pills only have four pill patterns?"

Dan Jiu was so excited that he was about to suffocate, he gasped and said, "You actually refined the legendary perfect elixir without impurities!"

Yi Xiaoyao was also stunned. Just now Danjiu said that the elixir without impurities is just a legend and does not exist.

And he, in the second furnace, refined this perfect elixir!

If the Elder of the Pill Palace of the Seven Killing Star Palace knew that Yi Xiaoyao had refined the perfect elixir, he probably wouldn't have had to poach his eyes, and the eyeballs would have fallen to the ground in shock.

In fact, Danjiu and Yi Xiaoyao don't know, this is not only Yi Xiaoyao's extremely strong talent, but also the alchemy effect of the heaven and earth fire seed is far better than the general alchemy fire, and another important factor is that the alchemy technique he used is an ancient alchemy method. Dan recipe refining.

The perfect elixir that does not exist today is because the refining technique has been lost, but it did exist in ancient times.

After the two were happy for a while, Yi Xiaoyao started refining the third furnace and the fourth furnace...

Gradually, the first-order elixir no longer challenged Yi Xiaoyao, so he refined the second-order elixir for the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Because alchemy is also closely related to cultivation, Yi Xiaoyao can only refine second-level elixirs at the highest level.

The two of them practiced alchemy in this room for three days without leaving home until they exhausted all the alchemy materials on Danjiu's body.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao was sitting cross-legged and resting with his eyes closed, while Dan Jiu was staring at the dozens of pills on the table, his eyes sparkling.

These dozens of elixirs are all five-pattern perfect elixirs, so many impurity-free elixirs that only exist in legends, taking them outside will definitely cause a sensation in the alchemy world!

"My Danjiu was able to receive such a genius and monstrous apprentice, God has eyes! Hahahaha..."

Hearing Danjiu's laughter, Yi Xiaoyao opened his eyes and got up.

"Master, I'm really sorry, I used up all your materials." Yi Xiaoyao apologized.

Dan Jiu was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, and said with a smile: "What are these materials? Any pill you refine can be sold at a sky-high price. You can have as many materials as you want!"

Yi Xiaoyao heard the words, suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, Master, I have to go to the Earth Star Forest to practice, and I can't continue to learn alchemy from you for the time being."

"It's natural. Alchemy is only for auxiliary cultivation, and I will never delay your cultivation."

Saying that, Danjiu put all the pills on the table into the jade box, handed them to Yi Xiaoyao and said, "You take these pills and use them, if you don't have enough, come to me."

Yi Xiaoyao took the jade box, selected ten of them, and handed the rest to Danjiu.

"Master, these ten coins are enough for me, and you can take the rest."

Dan Jiu didn't refuse, and said with a smile: "That's fine, I'll sell these pills in exchange for more alchemy materials for you."

The ten pills that Yi Xiaoyao took were nine Boundary Building Pills and one Condensing Gold Pill.

This Zhujing Pill is different from the general Zhujing Pill, it is refined according to the ancient pill recipe, not only the appearance and color are very different, but also the medicinal effect is far beyond the comparison of the general Zhujing Pill.

Most importantly, this is the perfect elixir for the Five Dao Pill Patterns!

As for the condensed golden elixir, it can help monks in the Foundation Establishment Realm condense their golden elixirs to advance to the golden elixir realm. Before Yi Xiaoyao heard that Luo Yi was about to advance to the golden elixir realm, so he planned to give this perfect condensed golden elixir to Luo Yi .

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao did not immediately go to the Earth Star Forest, but directly took two Boundary Building Pills, and began to break through the third level of Foundation Building.

In just one stick of incense, there was a wave of fluctuations in Yi Xiaoyao's body, and he successfully reached the third stage of foundation establishment.

This breakthrough, Yi Xiaoyao felt that it was smoother than ever before, precisely because he was taking the Perfect Realm Establishment Pill.

If it is replaced by ordinary Zhujing Pill, it will take at least one day and dozens of failures.

In this way, Yi Xiaoyao finally realized the benefits and preciousness of the perfect elixir.

"In the future, my journey of cultivation will be smoother because of this!"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled in satisfaction, then said goodbye to Danjiu, and started to practice in the Dixing Forest.

(ps: Some people may find these chapters a bit boring, but they are all important plots that will be involved in the future, so I have to write them.)
 The third update, please vote~
(End of this chapter)

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