Chapter 79
In the Earth Star Forest, countless ancient giant trees that have gone through endless years cover the sky and the sun, and the forest is as quiet as before.


A shrill scream broke the silence, and a scarlet blood tiger was hit by several sharp sword qi, and fell to the ground powerlessly, with a deadly mouth on its head that was bleeding blood.

Yi Xiaoyao walked out from behind the giant tree, looked at the corpse of the red blood tiger in front of him, and smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth.

Thinking back when he first met the Scarlet Blood Tiger, it took him a lot of effort to hunt it down, but now he killed it easily with just a few swipes of sword energy.

The current Yi Xiaoyao is no longer the ignorant young man who just walked out of Tangjiabao.

And Yi Xiaoyao believes that when he steps out of the Earth Star Forest this time, he will have even greater improvements.

Yi Xiaoyao went to the corpse of the red blood tiger and squatted down. First, he devoured the soul of the monster with the soul-devouring forbidden technique, and then used the secret method of the nine-day dragon soaring formula to extract the blood essence of the red blood tiger.

A ball of dark red blood the size of an egg appeared on Yi Xiaoyao's palm wrapped in spiritual power. This was all the blood essence of this red blood tiger.

Essence blood is the essence of blood in a living being. A red blood tiger may have a tank of blood in its body, but there is only so much essence blood.

After refining the Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art, the egg-sized ball of essence and blood was finally left with only one drop, which was sucked into the palm of Yi Xiaoyao.

"The effect is still not enough..."

Yi Xiaoyao shook his head. It has been two days since he entered the Earth Star Forest. Along the way, he has hunted down a large number of first-order monsters, and found that the blood essence of the first-order monsters can't improve the Jiutianlong Tengjue too much.

Now that he found this second-tier low-level monster, the effect of the blood essence still made him a little dissatisfied.

"It seems that we have to continue to go deep into the forest and hunt down the second-tier intermediate monsters."

Yi Xiaoyao stood up and looked into the depths of the forest. The second-level mid-level monsters were already equivalent to the strength of the fifth-layer foundation-building human beings. Hunting and killing monsters of this level was still difficult for him.

Thinking of this, he moved his body and headed into the depths of the forest again.

On the third day, Yi Xiaoyao appeared by a small river, washing the monster blood off his body.

Until now, he has not met a second-tier mid-level monster, but he has killed quite a few second-tier low-level monsters.

As for the Nine Heavens Dragon Soaring Art, it has already reached the stage of minor success from the entry stage, but if one wants to enter the stage of great accomplishment, one must hunt down a large number of second-tier intermediate monsters to refine blood essence.

At this moment, Yi Xiaoyao suddenly felt the temperature of the air drop suddenly, and a chilly breath pervaded from the surroundings.


Yi Xiaoyao's expression moved slightly, and then a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"This should be the breath of a second-tier intermediate monster!"

Really wanting to come here for whatever, Yi Xiaoyao was thinking of looking for it, but he didn't expect that a second-tier mid-level monster would come to his door.

Just at this moment, a voice sounded from the opposite side of Xiaohe: "Boy, get out of here quickly, this is an area haunted by second-level intermediate monsters!"

Yi Xiaoyao heard the sound and looked over. It was an ordinary-looking young man in a white robe, pointing at Yi Xiaoyao and shouting.

Before Yi Xiaoyao could answer, the young man in white robe suddenly looked behind Yi Xiaoyao with a changed expression, and exclaimed.

"No, it turned out that the blue ice lion appeared. This is the most difficult guy among the second-level intermediate monsters. Even the sixth-layer foundation-building realm will feel extremely troublesome when it sees it!"

Immediately afterwards, the young man jumped across the river, rushed to Yi Xiaoyao's side and said, "Boy, I'll help you block here. Go quickly, or it will be too late if you don't go."

Yi Xiaoyao turned around and saw that it was indeed a ferocious giant lion covered in blue ice scale armor, no wonder he felt the icy breath just now.

At this moment, the blue ice lion is slowly approaching the two of them.

Hearing the urging of the white-robed youth, Yi Xiaoyao didn't respond. How could he leave the second-tier intermediate monster he had been looking for for so long.

Yi Xiaoyao turned to look at the white-robed youth standing in front of him, and asked, "Who are you? How do you know that I can't deal with this monster?"

If this person has good intentions, that's fine. If he deliberately finds an excuse to grab prey, then Yi Xiaoyao doesn't mind making this person a prey too.

"My name is Han Shou, and I am a disciple of the Jin Han Sect. A young man of your age should be a newcomer from some sect. How could he possibly be able to defeat the Lan Binglin Lion?"

As Han Shou said, he continued to urge him anxiously: "Hurry up, the blue ice lion is fast and strong in defense, even I can only deal with it for a while, and I won't be able to spare you to protect you later. "

"Jin Hanzong?"

Yi Xiaoyao remembered that his cousin Tang Zhong practiced in Jin Hanzong, so he had a good impression of this sect.

Then, he smiled lightly at Han Shou: "Thank you for your kindness, you don't have to worry about me."

A sullen look appeared on Han Shou's face, he didn't expect that this person would not buy into his kindness.


With a lion's roar, billowing cold air spewed out from the blue ice lion's bloody mouth, and then rushed towards the two human prey in its eyes.

Han Shou's complexion changed suddenly: "I just let you go, but you wanted to stay. Now that the Lanbinglin lion is here, you can't leave even if you want to. Next, you pray that I can kill this beast and save it. Save your life."

Yi Xiaoyao was about to draw his sword to strike, but when he heard this, he withdrew his body again. He must be defensive, and he wanted to see what Han Shou was up to.

"Beast! Take your life!"

With a mighty shout, Han Shou took out a long spear and used a gunshot to plunder the Binglin giant lion.

Every time Han Shou stabbed the ice lin giant lion, there would be a cloud of shattered ice, but he was helpless against the giant lion's defense for a while.

And the Lanbing Linshi became more and more angry as he fought, and his attacks on Han Shou became more and more ferocious.

Yi Xiaoyao's eyes moved slightly as he saw the man and beast fighting so that the surrounding air was so cold.

Although this Han Shou has a foundation-building fifth-level cultivation base, he is at a disadvantage, which is enough to show that this blue ice lion is very powerful among the second-level intermediate monsters.

At the same time, Yi Xiaoyao secretly said: "This person should help me out of kindness, and I can't just see him being killed by a monster."

Thinking of this, Yi Xiaoyao was going to help Han Shou.

But the next moment, that Han Shou suddenly used all his strength to push back the Lanbinglin lion, and fled away violently.

Lan Binglin Lion lost his target, and suddenly spit out cold air, and rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Han Shou retreated while thinking: "This kid is really stupid. He dared to enter such a dangerous area without the strength, and he didn't listen to my persuasion to leave. Since he wants to die, let him die."


Han Shou expected that the scream of Yi Xiaoyao being bitten to death by the Lanbinglin lion did not come, but an astonishing sound of ice breaking and a low-pitched animal cry came to his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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