Chapter 786
The murlocs used the Sea Kings to shrink the safe zone and forced all the dozen or so teams over. Naturally, the purpose was to wipe out all these teams in the simplest and most brutal way and clear the battle situation.

"Hey, what's the use of realizing this now?"

Hearing that, those murlocs made a stern and hoarse voice, and grinned at the dozen or so teams: "Next, I'll give you two choices."

"First, the team that owns the totem, hand over the totem owner in your team to fill the stomachs of our babies, and we will let you go."

As he said that, the murloc patted the Neptune below him, and continued to say: "Second, accept our hunting!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the teams on the scene immediately looked angry, but their anger was completely dispelled by fear in an instant. In the face of absolute strength, they had no choice at all.

"Huh? I thought it was the Xiongtu team who got the ninth-level totem, but I didn't expect it to be obtained by you trash."

At this moment, the group of murlocs turned their gazes in vain, and looked directly towards Team She Yang.

Then he grinned at the totem marks on their bodies, and hooked his fingers at them: "In this case, then you come first, and if you want to survive, hand over your totem owners."

Hearing the words, everyone in the Sheyang team was shocked, both angry and helpless.

Not to mention, their totem owner, Yi Xiaoyao, was not here at all, so he couldn't hand it over.

What's more, even if Yi Xiaoyao is here, how can they betray Yi Xiaoyao who has saved their life again?

But what can they do?
The murlocs who own the tenth-level totem are basically invincible existences on this battlefield. No matter how proud the Xiyang team was because of the ninth-level totem before, facing the group of monsters in front of them at this moment, there is only endless despair.


After waiting for quite a while, seeing that everyone in the Sheyang team was unmoved, the murlocs suddenly narrowed their eyes, grinned bloodthirstyly and said with fangs: "It seems that you are planning to accept the second Choose, do you want to play a hunting game with us?"

"You monsters, don't be too aggressive!"

Everyone in She Yang's team immediately roared at the murlocs, intending to fight to the death.

"Hey, babies, only one of them is the owner of the totem. Only by eating that person can he get the blessing of the totem on his body. As for which one of you can eat it, it depends on your luck."

The murlocs ignored Team Sheyang at all, but laughed at the Sea Kings below them, and then the group of Sea Kings led them to open their mouths towards Team Sheyang, rushing towards Team Sheyang.

From the words of these murlocs, it is not difficult to hear that although they have obtained the blessing of the tenth-level totem, the war pet Sea King below them has not obtained this kind of blessing. Only by preying on other totem owners can those Sea Kings get Plus support.

"What are you still doing in a daze? If you want to survive, come and fight with us!"

Everyone in the Sheyang team yelled at the other dozen or so teams, intending to temporarily join forces with these teams to deal with the murlocs together.

The dozen or so teams all looked at each other for a moment, and then they had no choice but to nod. If they don't make a move now, it will be their turn sooner or later.

Thinking of this, other teams followed suit.

All of a sudden, all kinds of huge attacks came directly towards the Sea King Clan.

Seeing this, the group of Sea Kings immediately grinned excitedly.

"This is interesting!"

The next moment, they quickly separated in an orderly manner, in groups of two, and under the Sea King Clan riding the wind and waves below them, each group greeted a team respectively.

As for the murloc leader covered in black scales, he charged towards Team She Yang alone.

It seemed that in the eyes of this black-scaled murloc, the She Yang team with the blessing of a ninth-level totem was not enough to threaten him at all.

Due to the absence of Yi Xiaoyao and the departure of the Situ brothers, there are only six members left in the Sheyang team.


Immediately, the six of them let out a roar, and desperately burst out with all their strength. After the blessing of the ninth-level totem, they jointly blasted a terrifying impact beam of light, and shot directly at the black scale murloc.

The black-scaled murloc grinned its fangs, held a Yanyue long knife out of thin air, and slashed down through the sky angrily.

boom! ! !
The earth-shattering roar resounded all over the world for a moment, and the beam of light blasted by the She Yang team illuminated the entire sky, powerful enough to obliterate all the strong in the early stage of life and death.

Under this beam of light, the black-scaled murloc was instantly submerged in the light, and in the faintly visible light, he and the Sea King Clan below him were rushed back sharply.

But immediately after that, instead of showing the slightest joy, the members of Team She Yang's face suddenly changed and they exclaimed.

I saw that beam of light, after rushing through the body of the black-scaled murloc, it was split into two from the middle, and shot obliquely towards the two sides.

After the beam of light dissipated, he saw the black-scaled murloc crouching halfway on the Sea King's body, holding the Yanyue long knife in his hand upright in front of him, the blade glowing with a sharp and cold light.

The impacting beam of light blasted by the combined efforts of She Yang's team was resisted and broken by this Yanyue long knife.

As for the other surrounding battles, the murlocs also showed incomparably strong combat effectiveness.

Immediately afterwards, the black-scaled murloc raised his head suddenly, and slowly stood up on the Sea King Clan, waved the Yanyue long knife in his hand, and grinned at the Sheyang team.

"Next, it's my turn!"

As soon as the words fell, the King of the Sea rushed out an astonishing white giant wave directly on the sea, and the black-scaled murloc on it even swung the Yanyue long knife suddenly when it was a hundred feet away from the She Yang team.

The power of the origin on the blade gushes out violently, completely surrounding the six origins!

Coupled with the [-]% strength blessing of the tenth-level totem, and the battle pet of the Sea King family in the life and death realm, this kind of combat power is unimaginable.

With the long knife slashing down, a shocking crack was split in midair, and then the knife energy spread towards She Yang's team.

Seeing the knife and feeling the aura above, everyone in Team She Yang was stunned, and even forgot to resist.

so horrible!

Only to die!

"Hey! Since you don't hand over the ninth-level totem owner, then let my baby swallow you all!"

Cruel laughter came, and the black scale murloc's long knife had arrived, and the Sea King clan under him opened their mouths wide open, intending to swallow them all in at the moment when the Xiyang team was killed. belly.

But, at this moment!
boom! ! !
Under the sea surface, an astonishingly powerful water column shot up from the bottom of the sea in vain.

In the water column, there is even a figure, punching the jaw of the sea king with its huge mouth open.

Bang! ! !
Under the muffled sound, the lower jaw of this Sea King directly sank, and at the same time as it collided with the upper jaw, all the fangs in its mouth were broken by the impact, and the broken teeth shattered and flew away!

The black-scaled murloc jumped up suddenly, while the war pet Sea King below him had already rolled their eyes, their belly was facing up, and they had no breath at all.

A sea king in the life and death realm was killed by a punch at that moment!

At the same time, there was a faint voice resounding in the ears of everyone present.

"Hey, with this beast, if you want to swallow me, you won't be afraid of breaking your teeth?"


(ps: Happy New Year!)

(End of this chapter)

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