Chapter 787

The owner of this voice is not Yi Xiaoyao, who is it?
Yi Xiaoyao had been traveling on the bottom of the sea before, and just now, he felt a large number of aura fluctuations converging towards one place, secretly feeling strange, so he came to see what happened.

When he arrived, he realized that the King of the Sea was domineeringly closing the net, and at the same time, he also noticed the situation of Team Sheyang.

However, Yi Xiaoyao discovered the strength of the Sea King Clan after winning the tenth-level totem, so he didn't appear immediately, but kept looking for opportunities to give the Sea King Clan a fatal blow.

At this moment, these sea kings scattered to fight against the enemy, and the leader of the black scale murlocs even launched an attack on the Sheyang team. Although in the eyes of the Sheyang team, the black scale murlocs were simply invincible, but for Yi Xiaoyao who was hiding in the dark Said, but it is also the time when the loopholes are wide open.

Therefore, Yi Xiaoyao seized this opportunity and finally made his appearance.

Although the sea king's battle pet under the black scale murloc is comparable to a strong man in the realm of life and death, but without the totem blessing at this time, how can it resist Yi Xiaoyao, who is blessed by the owner's ninth-level totem?

Unexpectedly, it is not surprising that this Sea King was killed with a single punch.

And the black-scaled murloc, the slash of the Yanyue long knife in his hand is terrifying, but the target is the She Yang team in front of him, facing Yi Xiaoyao who broke through the sea below him, there is no time to make any other resistance .

And if he continued to attack She Yang's team, it would be tantamount to exposing all the flaws to Yi Xiaoyao. Even if he could kill She Yang's team, he would be attacked by Yi Xiaoyao with all his strength.

In a fight between the strong, life and death can be decided in an instant, and the current situation simply cannot make the murlocs think too much.

Seeing Yi Xiaoyao blast and kill his battle pet, the black scale murloc instantly burst into anger. At the same time, he also felt the powerful strength Yi Xiaoyao had exploded at this time, and he dared not take it lightly.

A momentary thought flashed across his mind, so he had no choice but to temporarily abandon Team Sheyang, forcibly turned the Yanyue Long Saber in his hand, and slashed angrily towards Yi Xiaoyao who was below.

"I am going to kill you!!!"

The roar of the black-scaled murloc caused countless water columns to erupt in the surrounding sea, like the sea god roaring.

Although the murlocs can control the Sea King Clan, they can only sign a master-servant contract with one Sea King Clan in their lifetime and become their closest partners.

Now, his partner was killed by Yi Xiaoyao, how could the black scale murloc not be angry?
The crack cleaved by the knife light turned in vain in mid-air, drawing a terrifying arc above Yi Xiaoyao's head, and sealed off all escape routes.

Facing the sword light that had just made the Sheyang team despair, Yi Xiaoyao also shrank his pupils suddenly, feeling the terrifying power contained in it.

However, as a raider, he had already prepared everything. He raised his hand and drew out the World Extinguishing Sword directly towards the void, and slashed out with the sword.

At this moment, it seemed that the sky and the earth had lost all color, and only the light of the sword and the light of the sword remained.

Everyone in She Yang's team still stood there dumbfounded. Before they had time to rejoice over the rest of their lives, they only saw two figures intertwined in the air in front of them.

boom! ! !
The space trembled violently, and the sea water seemed to be roaring in fear, rushing back in all directions.

When all the dazzling light and terrifying fluctuations dissipated, there was only one figure left in that space, facing the violent sea wind under the aftermath, his robe and long hair fluttering non-stop.

At this time, the sharp black sword that the figure was pointing obliquely was still making sharp sword sounds, as if screaming the joy of the winner.


Those members of the She Yang team finally came to their senses, and exclaimed tremblingly because of the unbelievable.

" is this possible!?"

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, it was difficult for them to accept the facts in front of them.

Yi Xiaoyao actually repelled the black scale murlocs!
They began to wonder, could this black figure standing in midair in front of them really be the Yi Xiaoyao they knew before?
But this idea was immediately discarded by them, because the moment Yi Xiaoyao came out, they clearly heard Yi Xiaoyao's voice and saw Yi Xiaoyao's face with their own eyes.

Having received the blessing of the ninth-level totem before, the members of the Sheyang team comforted themselves by thinking that it must be Yi Xiaoyao's shit luck that took down the ninth-level altar.

But now seeing such a scene and feeling the terrifying power of Yi Xiaoyao's sword just now, they finally understood everything.

Obtaining the ninth-level totem was not based on Yi Xiaoyao's luck at all, but on the basis of his real strength, so he deserved it!
As if aware of the shocked gazes of members of Team She Yang, Yi Xiaoyao glanced back at them, and found that the two Situ brothers were missing from the team. He seemed to be thinking of something, and smiled lightly without paying attention. With a sound.

Immediately, he turned his head again, looking at the black scale murloc in front of him who was retreating suddenly.

I saw that the black-scaled murloc roared angrily and stabilized his figure, because he was frustrated in the fight with Yi Xiaoyao, and his battle pet was killed by the contract, causing him to spurt a mouthful of blood.

"Good! Very good! You have completely pissed me off!!"

The black scale murloc suddenly raised his head to look at Yi Xiaoyao, grinned his blood-stained fangs, and roared violently.

"I want to show you how humble your inferior bloodline is in front of my noble bloodline that combines the essence of the Neptune and human beings!"

Immediately afterwards, a painful growl suddenly came from his throat covered with black scales.

"Hey... Sea King bloodline, awaken!"

clack clack...

Accompanied by the teeth-stinging dislocation of bones and the sound of piercing flesh and blood, the body of the black scale murloc began to change shape rapidly.

Sharp bone spurs pierced through the hard scales on his body, and instantly covered his entire body like blossoms. The cold light emitted from the bone spurs was clearly exactly the same as the crescent moon knife in his hand.

It is not difficult to see that the powerful Yanyue long knife in the hand of the black scale murloc was forged from the bone spurs on his body at this moment.

And the Yanyue long knife could not be destroyed against Yi Xiaoyao's Mieshi sword, so it can be seen how amazing the strength of the bone spur made of the same material as this knife is.

The whole body is covered by this kind of bone spurs, and with both offense and defense, how terrifying the combat power can be increased!

Seeing such a situation, Yi Xiaoyao couldn't help but his face changed slightly.

"It seems that this monster actually has a hole card..."

He murmured in a low voice, feeling his arm that was in severe pain from the fight just now, and the blade of the sword trembling violently under the influence of his arm, his complexion became a little more dignified.

Yi Xiaoyao understood in his heart that just now, the reason why he was able to repel and injure the black scale murloc was because the other party exposed his flaws in front of him, and temporarily changed the target to weaken the attack power, so he couldn't beat him that time sword.

But now, not only did the opponent not have any flaws, but he also used his hole cards to greatly increase his fighting power. It would not be an easy task to defeat or even kill him.

However, Yi Xiaoyao also has sufficient self-confidence. Even if the other party awakens some Neptune bloodline, it is still impossible to kill him based on this alone!


(ps: New Year’s update is really difficult. The New Year’s Eve when you grow up is not the same as the New Year’s Eve when you were a child...)
(End of this chapter)

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