Devouring Sword God

Chapter 792 Don't Regret

Chapter 792 Don't Regret
Hearing what Xionglou said, Yi Xiaoyao didn't pay attention at all, but he was very happy to pass through Xionglou to see how strong Dongxuan was.

On the contrary, after Xionglou opened his mouth, Dongxuan sneered indifferently: "I allow you to use the whole team to fight against me, and then don't say that I bullied you."

When Xionglou heard this, an insulted look of anger appeared on his face.

However, it is impossible for him to be arrogant to the point of ignorance, a discerning person can see at a glance that Dong Xuan is by no means a simple thing.

Moreover, if the entire team fights Dongxuan's three moves, the probability of success will increase several times, and it is impossible for Xionglou to give up this opportunity.

"Okay! I'd like to see how you can defeat our entire team in three moves!"

Xionglou grinned, waved to the Xiongtu team behind him, and after quickly forming a defensive formation, he hooked his fingers proudly at Dongxuan.

Such a provocation, in the eyes of Dong Xuan, is no different from a clown, and it also faintly aroused the anger in his heart.

"To defeat you, why do you need three moves?"

Dong Xuan sneered, and at the next moment, a strange black wave suddenly surged from his body.

At the same time, the black annihilation army behind him also seemed to ignite a phantom of a black ominous beast.

With his next punch, the black phantom above the head of the Hei Yanjun instantly solidified, turning into a huge black ant and rushing towards the Xiongtu team.

The black ant merged with Dongxuan's fist shadow, and the terrifying aura it emitted made everyone around turn pale.

Xionglou also felt the horror of Dongxuan's blow, and his expression instantly became extremely dignified.


The Xiongtu team let out a low cry together, and together formed a huge light shield in front of them, exuding an extremely thick aura, trying to resist the oncoming black ant fist shadow.

However, the moment the Black Ant Fist came into contact with the light shield, those two curved and sharp palates, as if piercing through a layer of tulle, crushed the light shield without hindrance, and even crushed the male Everyone in the Tu battle team vomited blood and shot towards the sea below.


Everyone was shocked by this scene and gasped. Although many of them had seen Dongxuan's punch that killed the black scale murloc, they were still moved by the scene of the Xiongtu team's disastrous defeat. shocked.

"It's really weak... Even if I can't handle [-]% of my strength, is it worthy of being arrogant in front of me?"

Dongxuan looked indifferently at Xionglou and the others who were still retreating violently, the black wave on his arm rose again, interacting with the phantom of the black ant above the black army again.

"Next, [-]% strength."

As soon as the words fell, Dong Xuan followed closely and was about to throw a second punch.

But in the next moment, his attack stopped abruptly, and the black fluctuations on his fist gradually subsided.

"Wait! I give up! I admit defeat!"

There was still a piece of broken internal organs hanging from the corner of Xionglou's mouth, and his chest had been sunken in by the blast. He tried his best to stabilize his body and let out a sharp begging sound for mercy.

Only now did he finally understand how terrifying Dong Xuan's strength was.

Especially when he heard Dongxuan say that the punch just now was only [-]% of his strength, Xionglou only had despair in his heart.

Everyone else is full of horror. Such a terrifying attack is only [-]% of the strength, so how terrifying should the real strength be?
"Tsk, trash!"

Dongxuan heard Xionglou's begging for mercy, glanced at him contemptuously, and ignored him.

Then, he glanced around and asked, "Who else dares to take my three tricks?"

All that responded to him was silence and the sound of the crashing waves of the sea below.

After seeing the tragic situation of the Xiongtu team, how could other people be stupid enough to continue to die?

If the punch just now was not because of the strong strength of the Xiongtu team, if it was any other team, even if it was only [-]% of Dongxuan's strength, it would have been directly blasted to death.

No one dared to think about Dongxuan's second punch, or even the third punch...

"Dongxuan, what's the point of doing this?"

Even Zishan couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help frowning and said to Dongxuan.

Maybe outsiders don't know, but he knows best that Dongxuan is the number one commander under his command, not to mention his strength, and he is about to break through to the middle stage of the life and death realm, which is not inferior to some lord-level existences in the inner sea area.

Even the domain masters of the Outer Sea who are watching the battle are probably not Dongxuan's opponents, let alone the current teams.

If Dongxuan wanted to prevent this selection with all his heart, then absolutely no team in the field could compete with his power of three moves.

"Brother, these guys from the outer seas, with your totem blessing, can't compete with my three moves, so how can they be worthy of taking my place?"

Dongxuan responded to Zishan in a deep voice: "Three tricks are already my biggest bottom line, I hope big brother don't say too much!"

Zishan frowned, how could he not know how difficult it is to choose a commander who satisfies him in the outer waters.

It's just because of some unavoidable reasons that he can only focus on the outer sea area. Even if the selected people are not satisfied, at worst he can take them back and cultivate them.

And after some observations before, Zishan has already taken a fancy to a good seedling that he likes.

"Dongxuan, even though they have my totem blessing, why aren't you borrowing the power of the black army's army soul?"

After pondering for a moment, Zishan continued to speak to Dongxuan: "So, if it is fair, you have gone too far."

Hearing the sound, Dongxuan nodded speechlessly, and at the same time, he who had followed Zishan for decades, could naturally hear what Zishan's purpose was for saying this.

The next moment, he ignored all the people around him, and looked at Yi Xiaoyao who had been quietly observing him.

"Boy, I have also seen your performance just now. In terms of strength, it can only be regarded as mediocre in my eyes."

Dongxuan spoke lightly to Yi Xiaoyao, and immediately aroused the astonished gazes of many people who had seen Yi Xiaoyao's strength.

Yi Xiaoyao, a dark horse, was only rated as mediocre by Dong Xuan?
That being the case, why did he talk to Yi Xiaoyao alone?

Even Yi Xiaoyao frowned slightly, and looked at the other party with some doubts.

Immediately afterwards, he only heard Dong Xuan say: "But if your ordinary strength is brought into play by half-step life and death cultivation, even in the inner sea area, you can be called a genius."

In this way, everyone could reluctantly accept it, and at the same time couldn't help feeling astonished. Even a strong man in the inner sea like Dong Xuan was boasting about being free and easy.

"Senior's purpose is not to praise me, is it?"

Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, and asked Dong Xuan with a look of interest.

Others also cast curious glances. Could it be that Dongxuan took a fancy to Yi Xiaoyao and planned to directly choose him as the leader?

"Of course, if you really choose one person, only you are barely qualified to challenge me, so I want to ask you, are you interested in coming to accept my three moves?"

Dongxuan asked with a half-smile, then glanced at Zishan, and continued to say to Yi Xiaoyao: "Besides, I can suppress my cultivation to the same level as yours."

As he said that, he seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and continued to pretend to be indifferent and snorted coldly: "Don't think I'm helping you on purpose, you should thank yourself, I was taken by my elder brother, I was just forced by him , has to be 'fair'."

Hearing these words, a strange look appeared on Yi Xiaoyao's face.

Even if Dongxuan doesn't suppress the state "fairly" according to Zishan's meaning, Yi Xiaoyao will challenge him. How can he refuse the current condition?

"Since the seniors have said so, the juniors would naturally be more respectful than obedient."

I saw Yi Xiaoyao saluted lightly, and then grinned in vain: "It's just senior, I hope you don't regret this 'fair' decision when the time comes..."


(ps: the third update.)
(End of this chapter)

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