Chapter 793
"It's just senior, I hope you don't regret this decision when the time comes."

Yi Xiaoyao's last words instantly stunned everyone in the venue, and even made Dong Xuan's expression slightly changed, with a trace of dissatisfaction appearing in his eyes.

"Boy, if you say you are fat, are you really out of breath?"

Dong Xuan frowned slightly and looked at Yi Xiaoyao, meeting Yi Xiaoyao's gaze at this moment.

From Yi Xiaoyao's gaze, he found that Yi Xiaoyao's words were not polite, but a reminder from the heart.

This involuntarily made Dongxuan feel a feeling of being underestimated, and the unhappiness in his heart rose instantly, turning into sullen anger.

"Hmph! Even if I suppress my cultivation to the same level as yours, it's not something you, a brat who has never seen the world, can compete with!"

As soon as the voice fell, the aura on Dongxuan's body did not increase but declined, and the aura of his cultivation directly converged to half a step of life and death.

But the aura around him, as well as the evil spirit formed by countless killings, did not weaken in the slightest.

"Boy, let's talk about such a big talk after you accept my three tricks!"

Accompanied by these words, Dong Xuan threw a punch at Yi Xiaoyao as before, and on the black army behind him, the huge black ant screamed and rushed towards Yi Xiaoyao.

Yi Xiaoyao smiled faintly, looked at the black ant in front of him, his eyes sparkled, the black flames on his body rose again, and at the same time when the character of Ji sank into the center of his eyebrows, the strange slight side of his body made the black ant The direct attack failed and passed by.

"Avoided! So fast!"

Everyone around exclaimed, most of them had never seen Yi Xiaoyao's strength, and just now they were doubting Dong Xuan's praise of Yi Xiaoyao, now they finally understood.

Especially Xionglou, who was seriously injured by Dongxuan, stood there in astonishment and kept denying in his heart: "This is an attack after suppressing the realm, and its power and speed are not as fast as before. It's nothing if that kid can avoid it!"

In fact, Xionglou knew very well in his heart that even though this was Dongxuan's attack after suppressing his realm, it exploded with [-]% of his current strength, not only not weaker than the [-]% punch that seriously injured him before, but even stronger.

Faced with such a move, Xionglou knew that he still couldn't take it, but he just couldn't accept the fact that Yi Xiaoyao was stronger than him.

You know, he came to seek revenge on Yi Xiaoyao!

But then, the desire for revenge in Xionglou's heart was mercilessly crushed and disappeared by the scene that followed.


At this time, Dong Xuan saw Yi Xiaoyao easily dodging his attack with extreme speed, and suddenly his expression changed and he let out a cry of surprise.

Seeing the meaning in Yi Xiaoyao's eyes, he couldn't help but think of the three words "too slow" that Yi Xiaoyao said when he fought the black scale murloc.

Although Yi Xiaoyao didn't say that to him now, Dong Xuan still heard these three words from Yi Xiaoyao's eyes.

With a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, Dong Xuan let out a low growl immediately, and directly took out the war hammer on his waist, arousing the army soul of the black army behind him, and suddenly a shadow of a shocking hammer fell out.

The shadow of the black hammer covered the sky and covered the sky, accompanied by a majestic and suppressive power.

Yi Xiaoyao was shrouded in the shadow of the hammer, and felt as if a heavy shackle was put on his body. With his speed greatly slowed down, he had no choice but to forcibly catch the heavy hammer that fell on his head.

However, he didn't show the slightest panic because of this. Instead, with a slight hook of the corner of his mouth, Mie Shi in his hand directly met Hammer Shadow, and the sword light was brought out by the Zhan character, which instantly met Hammer Shadow.

Amidst the deafening roar, there was a crisp crack.

The black sword light instantly submerged into the Hammer Shadow, leaving behind a strange black line. After that, the Hammer Shadow was split into two and split open.


Everyone exclaimed again, and Dong Xuan was also shocked.

"This kid... is really not simple!"

I saw the cold arrogance on Dong Xuan's face before, at the moment when Hammer Shadow was cut by Yi Xiaoyao, it finally turned into a dignified look.

Immediately afterwards, he said in a deep voice to the Heiyi army behind him: "If you want me to continue serving as your commander, then give me [-] points of energy, gather the army soul and cooperate with me to defeat this kid!"

The armor of the soldiers of the Black Annihilation Army shook, and their momentum became more majestic, and the giant black ant above became more and more solid, reflecting the dark metallic luster.

"Boy, if you can accept my third trick, you will win!"

Dongxuan's expression was extraordinarily dignified. At this time, he seemed to be integrated with the black ant army soul of the black ant army. When the voice fell, his body was directly submerged in the black ant, and he roared towards Yi Xiaoyao.

All the people present were secretly shocked, even if the cultivation base was suppressed to half a step of life and death, the strength displayed by Dongxuan at this time still made everyone feel irresistible.

Involuntarily, everyone looked at the target locked by the black ant, and Yi Xiaoyao looked over.

However, they saw the fighting spirit on Yi Xiaoyao's body, and even grinned excitedly at the black ant transformed by Dongxuan.

"There is no need for the three-stroke agreement. I still hope to fight with a strong man like Senior for a while longer."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled, thinking in their hearts that Yi Xiaoyao was too arrogant, it was really stupid to give up this three-stroke agreement that others couldn't even dream of.

When everyone came back to their senses, Yi Xiaoyao's figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and reappeared, only a few meters away from the black giant ant. cut off.

A violent wave swept out, and the surrounding figures used their spiritual power to resist, but they were still shocked and retreated violently.

Just when everyone was shocked by how quiet this exchange was, they heard a deafening roar.

After the storm dissipated, the giant black ant was still standing in the void. Obviously, the roar just now was made by this black ant.

However, Yi Xiaoyao's figure was nowhere to be found at this moment.

"Is it still defeated? What a pity!"

"The powerhouses in the inner sea are too powerful, even the monsters in the outer seas are incomparable!"

"Fortunately, that guy uttered wild words just now, but the result is still..."

Everyone sighed, some felt sorry, some ridiculed, and some gloated.

However, at this moment, the Black Ant Army, who condensed the black giant ants with their army souls, groaned in unison at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the giant black ant in everyone's sight roared and left a whine, burst and collapsed suddenly.

In the disintegrating black mist, two figures appeared.

One of them was slashing with a sword, and it was Yi Xiaoyao who had just disappeared from everyone's sight.

It turned out that Yi Xiaoyao didn't disappear in defeat, but directly broke through the body of the giant black ant and entered its body.

As for the other figure who was raising the hammer and desperately resisting Yi Xiaoyao's attack, it was naturally Dong Xuan who was already inside the black ant.

At this moment, Dong Xuan's face was already flushed, and the arms holding the giant hammer trembled slightly as if a little overwhelmed.

Finally, Dong Xuan, who was resisted by the giant hammer, trembled in vain, and was directly slashed by the sword light in front of him, causing him to retreat violently.

Yi Xiaoyao followed closely, and under the continuous flashing of the Mieshi Sword, he crazily pressed Dong Xuan with a crushing attack.

At this time, Dong Xuan, who was already horrified, retreated violently, and swung his hammer to resist, but every time he fought, blood would overflow from his mouth, and his face became paler and paler.

At this moment, he finally understood why Yi Xiaoyao had warned him not to regret it...


(End of this chapter)

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