Chapter 14 The Patriarch of the Zhang Family?
Although I have heard rumors about Zhang Yang before.

But most of them are vague and not very specific, and no one knows Zhang Yang's identity.

Some people say that Zhang Yang is a god in the sky, who fell into the mortal world to feel the breath of fireworks in the world.

Some people say that Zhang Yang was originally a mortal, but later became an immortal. Because he was attached to the fireworks in the world, he deliberately stayed in the mortal world and did not ascend to the sky.

What he knew was also because of the deeds that his ancestors had asked to see Zhang Yang but were unable to.

It should be said that apart from the Wu family, the former Master Zhang, Er Yuehong and other members of the old nine sects almost tried their best to beg Zhang Yang.

It's a pity, let alone open your mouth, you can't even touch the door.

It is precisely because of Zhang Yang's mystery that everyone spreads his stories miraculously.

The most distinctive Liezi is the black blind man, who only spent half a month in front of Zhang Yang and learned a lot of good skills.

He has created a world in the world of tomb robbers, and even dared to call him "blind in the south and dumb in the north" with the mysterious Zhang family Zhang Qiling.

It is enough to show Zhang Yang's ability.

Zhang Qiling said lightly:

"Sir is from the Zhang family."


Wu Sansheng was also taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang was also from the Zhang family.

Didn't you say he has no sect before?

Could it be that because his surname is Zhang, he belongs to the Zhang family?
The possibility of this is probably extremely low.

After all, Grand Buddha Zhang was also from the Zhang family back then, and he also came to visit Zhang Yang, but he was rejected.

"Brother, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to confirm that Mr. Zhang belongs to your Zhang family based on just one surname."

Wu Sansheng spoke half-jokingly.

Zhang Qiling raised his head slightly to look at Zhang Yang's tall back, and then slowly said:

"He is the head of our Zhang family."

"The head of the Zhang family?"

Wu Sanxing couldn't help but gasped.

Judging from this inspiring words, it doesn't look like he was joking with himself.

After all, not everyone was lucky enough to meet the mysterious Zhang family.

Moreover, Zhang Yang's ability is beyond the sky, I am afraid that only the Zhang family can match this temperament.


Wu Sansheng was about to say something, but suddenly he heard Dakui's exclamation from the front.


"There's a newly dug hole here."

Zhang Qiling quickly dodges, and the person has disappeared.

Wu Sansheng knew that he could only talk here temporarily.

If you want to find out more about Zhang Yang, you have to take your time.

"Mr. Zhang, could it be that someone has already got there first?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang worriedly.

Zhang Yang looked down at the freshly dug soil. The robbery hole was dug crudely, and it could be seen that it was dug in a hurry.

Zhang Yang said calmly:

"This was dug by the previous group of people. I'm afraid they encountered something terrifying and planned to dig a hole here to escape."


"Scary thing?"

Subconsciously, Wu Xie leaned over slightly.

For some reason, he always felt that being next to Zhang Yang felt more at ease in his heart.

"Mr. Zhang, don't you scare me? I'm timid."

At this time, Da Kui's legs began to tremble again.

Pan Zi also subconsciously looked around, afraid that another blood corpse would suddenly appear.

"Sir, I'm afraid those people have already got the things first."

Zhang Qiling deliberately lowered his voice to indicate to speak.

"It's okay."

Zhang Yang didn't take it seriously.

Even if Aning's people are capable of taking that thing, he can still get it back.

"what happened?"

At this time, Wu Sansheng also came over.

"Third Master, I'm afraid that something happened here. The people who came in before dug a robbery hole here."

Pan Zi opened his mouth to explain.


Wu Sanxing subconsciously looked at Zhang Yang aside and said:
"Mr. Zhang, what are we now?"

"Go ahead."

After speaking, Zhang Yang raised his feet and walked forward quickly.

Zhang Qiling also followed.

"Hey, wait for me."

Wu Xie also trotted after him.

"Third Master, what should we do?"

"I'm afraid that all the things inside will be taken away."

Pan Zi made some weak openings.

"Put your mother's fart on."

Wu Sansheng cursed displeasedly:

"If those people really got the treasure, they don't go back the same way, but they are here to steal the hair?"

Pan Zi and Dakui nodded suddenly, thinking that what Wu Sansheng said was reasonable.

"Tell me to be smart for a while. It's not easy to come here. I still have to bring some treasures back."

Wu Sansheng spoke in a low voice.


Pan Zi and Dakui nodded fiercely.

This time they came here for money, if they ended up empty-handed, they might be ridiculed by the world.

Soon, the group arrived in front of a huge jade gate.

The Yushi Gate looks very transparent, and the lights are shining through it, making it even more dazzling.

"My dear, this jade gate must be worth a lot of money."

At this time, Dakui's eyes were opened wider than the bell, and he subconsciously stretched out his hands to caress the pieces of jade.

"It's worth money, but it's worth money. Can you move it back?"

Pan Zi spoke with a speechless face.

Things like this, even if you are allowed to take them casually, you can't take them away.

So, he didn't want to either.

"Then it's okay to pry one or two pieces of jade off?"

As he said that, Dakui was about to take out his tools and start working.

"Your fucking head is caught by the door. Can you pry such a big piece of jade?"

Wu Sanxing directly hit Dakui on the head heavily.

"Ouch, I was just joking."

Da Kui groaned as he touched his painful head.

At this time, the jade gate was already wide open, and someone must have opened it from the inside.

Zhang Yang raised his head slightly, and saw two statues beside the jade gate, which were two hungry noodle ghosts.

One holds a ghost claw in one hand, while the other holds a seal.

The two hungry noodle ghosts were all in pitch black, and looked a bit eerie.

"We'll be in the main tomb soon."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth calmly, then raised his foot and walked towards the back of the jade gate.

Zhang Qiling followed closely behind again, and now that he had identified Zhang Yang as the Patriarch of their Zhang family, he naturally followed him all the time.

Although his memory is chaotic, the fragments in his mind are always intermittent.

But he knew that he must absolutely obey the Patriarch of the Zhang family and give all his care to protect the Patriarch.

Therefore, if there is any danger, he must protect Zhang Yang in front.

Even if it is possible that he doesn't need it, he must do it. This is his responsibility and obligation as the Zhang family.

"The main tomb?"

Wu Xie didn't expect to arrive at the main tomb so soon, it seems that Zhang Yang's ability is really as good as the sky.

It can take them straight to Huanglong in one go, which saves them a lot of effort.

Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Xie also walked in.

"Quick, the closer the place is to the main tomb, there must be a lot of good things inside."

Wu Sansheng also hurriedly followed.

Pan Zi and Dakui glanced at each other, and their eyes immediately shone golden.

The gates are all made of jade, not to mention the funerary objects inside, so of course there is nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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