Chapter 15
"I am grass."

"Why are there so many coffins?"

As soon as he entered the tomb, Pan Zi couldn't help but curse.

"Shut the fuck up."

Wu Sansheng stretched out his hand to strike, Pan Zi was so frightened that he dodged aside in an instant.

Zhang Yang stood where he was, looking at the seven coffins in front of him.

It was obvious at a glance that those bronze coffins were placed according to the position of the Big Dipper.

Obviously, this is the so-called Seven Star Suspect Coffin.

On the top of the tomb is a Dahong Ding full of murals, surrounded by solid stone slabs, which are densely packed with characters.

There are two ear rooms on both sides of the tomb, which lead to different tombs.

And many inscriptions were engraved on the seven bronze coffins.

Zhang Yang knew in his heart that those words all recorded the life story of the owner of the coffin, King Lu Shang.

And that ghost seal is the property of King Lu Shang.

It is said that this thing can borrow Yin soldiers from the Yin Cao Jifu.

Although Zhang Yang didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew in his heart that what he said was true.

"Mr. Zhang, who is buried here? With such a grandeur, there are seven coffins at once?"

Wu Xie asked curiously.

"King Lu Shang."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth lightly.

"King Lu Shang?"

"Is that King Lu Shang who can use the ghost seal to mobilize Yin soldiers?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang in surprise, as if asking for further proof.


Zhang Yang nodded.

Before Wu Xie recovered from his surprise, Pan Zi suddenly said curiously:

"There are so many coffins here, which one belongs to King Lu Shang? You can't open them one by one?"

At this moment, suddenly the sound of Da Kui's ghost roaring and screaming came.

"Look, everyone, there is a crack in that coffin, it seems to have been opened."

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted.

Zhang Qiling nodded towards Zhang Yang, and then quickly walked over.

Then he opened his mouth to Zhang Yang and said:

"Sir, there are many places on the coffin that have been pried by a new pry bar. I'm afraid someone has moved the coffin first."


Zhang Yang nodded calmly.

Of course he knew that this was the masterpiece of Aning and his group.

"Ah, it has already been moved, so can there be any good things?"

Dakui and Pan Zi quickly approached.

"Open it and see, don't you know?"

Wu Sansheng also walked over, making a gesture to take out a crowbar to open the coffin.

"Don't bother, it's just a corpse of a foreigner inside."

Zhang Yang said calmly.


Wu Sanqiao was slightly taken aback.

Zhang Yang is not joking, this is a thousand-year-old tomb, how could there be a corpse of a foreigner.

Naturally, Pan Zi and Dakui didn't believe it, and they worked together to open the coffin.

"Wow, this is really a fucking foreigner."

Pan Zi was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Da Kui was also quite frightened, he saw that the foreigner had not been dead for a long time, at least there were no traces of grouper on his body.

Wu Xie leaned over cautiously, and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Zhang, how do you know that the person lying inside belongs to a foreigner?"

"Didn't the corpse inside be taken away by someone?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"what is that?"

Wu Xie spoke again.

Suddenly Pan Zi got up from the ground and said:
"I want to take a look, what kind of moth is hidden here."

"do not move."

Zhang Yang shouted loudly.

Pan Zi wanted to reach in to get something, but Zhang Qiling grabbed him by the shoulder.

From the looks of it, the force seemed to be very great, and Pan Zi grinned in pain.

"Ah, brother, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

Wu Xie was also at a loss.

Since the bronze coffin has been opened, there is naturally no danger.

Zhang Yang said quietly:

"The Lord is under him."


Wu Sanxing subconsciously took two steps forward, and sure enough, he saw a dead body under the foreigner.

"It's black-haired stiff."

Wu Sanxing couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Now, what's going on?"

Wu Xie asked the reason again.

Zhang Yang just opened his mouth to explain indifferently.

"This is the seven-star suspicious coffin, only one of the seven coffins is lying in the coffin is the real Lord Lu Shang, and the rest are fake.

Once the opening is wrong, the person who opened the coffin will undoubtedly die. "


Pan Zi and Dakui subconsciously took two steps back, but Wu Sansheng was more courageous, rolled up his sleeves and said:

"Mass egg."

"I finally met a zombie. I have to give him a taste of my black donkey's hooves."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand towards Dakui who was not far away and said:

"Hurry up, Da Kui, give Lao Tzu a black donkey's hoof, it's better to strike first."

At this time, Da Kui was trembling and didn't respond for a while.

"Da Kui, what the hell are you doing? Black donkey hooves."

Wu Sansheng was slightly angry, and turned to look at Da Kui who was already scared to pee.

"Yes, there are ghosts."

"What the hell?"

Wu Sansheng was furious.

"Look at the shadow on the ground."

Dakui stretched out his hand tremblingly to signal the ground.

At this moment, everyone looked down. There were originally six people in the group, but there were seven heads on the ground.

"It's really seven shadows."

Wu Xie swallowed subconsciously, and moved closer to Zhang Yang.

At this time, standing by Zhang Yang's side is the safest.

Wu Sansheng was also taken aback, and then quickly glanced at the crowd. There were indeed six people, but seven shadows.

Immediately, there was some uneasiness.

Zhang Yang did maintain a calm expression.

The seventh head was naturally that Fatty Wang who had never shown his face.

The purpose of pretending to be a ghost here is to co-operate with Zhang Qiling and plan to take that thing away without anyone noticing.

"The man's head was bigger than his body."

At this moment Da Kui spoke again tremblingly.

Everyone looked at it again, and it really was the case.

It was a monster with a huge head, and I saw a strange weapon in its hand.

All of a sudden, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, what shall we do?"

Wu Xie subconsciously moved closer to Zhang Yang again.


"Pretending to be a ghost."

Zhang Yang snorted coldly and clapped his hands.

There was a sudden 'bang', and with the sound of something breaking, the man shouted out loudly.

"I don't play anymore."

Then a figure disappeared behind the jade gate in an instant as if the soles of their feet were oiled.

"not good."

Zhang Qiling exclaimed, and then quickly chased after the disappearing figure.

"I am grass."

"Sure enough, someone is pretending to be a ghost to scare me."

Pan Zi pretended to chase after him to help, but Wu Sansheng stopped him and said:

"You used to help a mother's ass."

"Go and have a look at those two ear chambers to see where he came out from. Is there anything valuable inside?"


Pan Zi nodded obediently.

"Nephew, you and Pan Zi go to the side room over there, and Dakui and I go to the other side."

At this time, Wu Sansheng directly issued an order.

He knew that he was one step behind others, and now he was angry and annoyed.

If you don't get any valuables today, you won't be able to mess around in the world of tomb robbers in the future.


Soon, the four of them entered the ear rooms on both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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