Chapter 18
Zhang Yang quickly put away the Blood Jade Buddha, looked at Aning and said:
"This time, I will try my best to save you once."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang jumped directly, and he jumped to the side of Aning.


Aning was speechless for a while.

Didn't you ask him to help?

Why did he jump off by himself?

To die?
Could it be that I met a fool.

Zhang Yang ignored Aning, but glanced coldly at the corpses on the ground.

Their gazes were as bright as torches, and suddenly those corpses seemed to feel a sense of threat, and they slowly faded back.

"Want to escape?"

Zhang Yang squinted his eyes, then flew up in an instant, and clamped the index finger and middle finger of his right hand.

In an instant, a giant corpse on the ground was crushed and exploded.

The sound of the system rang.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading the giant cadaver, gaining increased stamina +2, strength +3, and speed +2. 】

"This this."

Aning was instantly stunned by the scene in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang would also be able to probe acupoints with two fingers.

Didn't it mean that this is the unique skill of the Zhang family?

And so far, according to the information she has received, there is only one Zhang family who is still active in the tomb robbery world——Zhang Qiling.


Looking at this appearance, although the grades are similar, there are some differences in appearance.

Although she had only seen the photo of the awakened spirit, compared with the Zhang Yang in front of her, it was still slightly inferior.

Especially this handsome face left a deep impression on her.

So, is this another Zhang family?

Just when Aning was secretly guessing, Zhang Yang had already killed all the giant corpses on the ground.

It's all a hit, without any pause.

Those ordinary cadavers seemed to be intimidated, and they subconsciously backed away, not daring to take a step forward.

At this moment, Zhang Yang took out a handful of black beans from his bosom, threw them on the ground, and shouted loudly.


Those corpses quickly crawled out towards the black hole on the stone wall in fright.

It's so fast, it's gone in the blink of an eye.

"You, what are you spreading?"

Aning subconsciously lowered his head to check, the ground was as clean as it was, and there was nothing there.

This, how is this possible.

Just now she clearly saw Zhang Yang spilling something on the ground, why did she suddenly disappear?
Ah Ning thought his eyes were blurred, so he rubbed his hands violently, and looked down again.

Still nothing.

"you can go now."

Said Zhang Yang turned his head and prepared to leave.

"You, who are you?"

Aning subconsciously walked in front of Zhang Yang, and blocked his way with his hand.

Zhang Yang's face darkened, and a stern look flashed across his eyes.

Aning withdrew his hand subconsciously, and said in a low voice:

"You saved me this time, so I can repay you when I go back."

"No. I've saved you, and we're settled."

Zhang Yang walked towards the outside quickly.

Of course he knew from the bottom of his heart what kind of idea this A Ning was playing.

Isn't it just that she wants to include herself under her command and let herself do things for her?

He, Zhang Yang, doesn't bother to work for others for a little money.

And he also hates that foreigner, Jude Kao, who is a complete villain.

He was afraid that his life would be lost if he worked for such a person.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was about to leave, Ah Ning quickly followed up and said:

"Are you from the Zhang family?"


Zhang Yang denied it without hesitation.

Although his surname is Zhang, it does not mean that he is from the Zhang family.

It seems that this woman just saw her use two fingers to probe the acupoints, so she asked such a question.

"Then what is your relationship with Zhang Qiling?"

Aning continued to insinuate, trying to find out Zhang Yang's identity.

After all, as far as she knows, there is not a single powerful character in the entire tomb robbery world in China that she doesn't know.

Even if some have not met, at least they know something about them.

She likes to know herself and the enemy and win every battle.

"It's ok."

Zhang Yang seemed a little impatient.

It is said that women are noisy, and Ah Ning is the best proof.


Aning was still about to say something, when suddenly a small voice came from behind.

Zhang Yang quickly dragged Aning to the side of the stone wall, he didn't want to be troubled by this woman.

After all, there is still a blood corpse here, and the possibility of encountering it is extremely high.

So, it's better to be careful.

"What, what's wrong?"

Aning was also stunned by the sudden incident.


Zhang Yang spoke in a low voice, and then walked slowly forward.

In order not to disturb the thing, Zhang Yang tried his best to keep his breathing low.

That thing has very sensitive ears and can hear even the slightest noise.

But the eyesight is bad, as long as he doesn't make any sound, the thing can't find him.

When the time comes, he will take advantage of his unpreparedness and kill the opponent with a single blow, saving him from a fierce battle.

Seeing Zhang Yang walking forward, Ah Ning subconsciously followed.

She was very curious, what did Zhang Yang hear?
Because she didn't hear anything, but there was a faint sense of uneasiness in her heart.

Subconsciously, she felt that it was safer to follow Zhang Yang.

Right now her men are almost wiped out, but she still wants to get out alive.

Soon, Zhang Yang came to the place where the sound was made, and stopped immediately.


Aning was so frightened that he made a sound of panic.

"What, what is this?"

Because it was the first time seeing it, Ah Ning was quite frightened.

In an instant, the pupils dilated and the corners of the mouth twitched slightly.

"Zhang, Zhang, Mr. Zhang, save me, save me."

At this moment, Pan Zi, whose throat was restrained by the ghost's hand, stretched out his hand to gesture to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang walked over quickly, and looked at the ghost hand that was strangling Pan Zi's neck, which grew out of the crack in the stone.

The rootless fingers are as thick as a human hand, but the wrist is so thin that it is only the size of a finger.

Zhang Yang knew that this was the vine growing from the Hydra cypress, shaped like a ghost's hand, an absolute lethal weapon.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang."

At this time, Pan Zi's face had turned purple, but he found that Zhang Yang was just standing there looking at the ghost's hand, and almost lost his breath.

Can't you save yourself first, and then go to observe that thing?
After all, this is still a matter of life and death.

With luck in the palm of Zhang Yang's right hand, the Big Dipper Knife fell into his palm instantly.

The hand raised the knife and dropped it, simply and neatly.

The vine arm was cut off by Zhang Yang in an instant.

The remaining part quickly retracted into the crack of the wall and disappeared.

Pan Zi regained his freedom, pulled the ghost finger off his neck, and threw it to the ground.

"Cough cough, cough cough."

Pan Zi coughed violently a few times, then clasped his fists and said to Zhang Yang:
"Thank you Mr. Zhang for saving your life."


Zhang Yang nodded in response.

"Mr. Zhang, what is this?"

Pan Zi curiously touched the withered green ghost hand on the ground with his toes.

"It's the ghost hand."

Zhang Yang said calmly.

"What? Ghost hand?"

When Pan Zi heard this, he shuddered subconsciously.

He had heard Wu Sansheng talk about this thing before, although it is a tree vine, it has life and kills people invisible.

This is the real predator of nature, as long as it is a living thing, don't even think about jumping over its palm.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang just arrived in time, otherwise, I am afraid that his life will really be confessed here today.

(End of this chapter)

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