Chapter 19
"Your name is Zhang?"

At this time, Aning stepped forward with some excitement, and his eyes showed a little more admiration for Zhang Yang.

She wanted to win over Zhang Qiling before, but unfortunately, this person is very weird, he has no desires and desires, and nothing can impress him.

There is simply no way to use it for yourself.

Now that they met another Zhang family member, Aning naturally wanted to strike first.

If the expedition team has him in the future, it will naturally become even more powerful and unstoppable.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Aning coldly.

This woman is so noisy and annoying, if it wasn't for his remaining gentlemanly demeanor, he would have beaten her to the ground long ago.

There is no place for her to chatter in her ears.

Ah Ning ate a closed door, and suddenly his complexion was not very good.

But thinking about it is also true, but anyone with a little ability is an extremely individual master.

"Mr. Zhang, both the third master and the younger third master are gone."

At this moment, Pan Zi took two steps forward and spoke in a low voice.


Zhang Yang nodded.

"Then, Mr. Zhang, where are we going now?"

Pan Zi subconsciously looked at Zhang Yang.

Right now, he naturally trusts Zhang Yang very much, as if he has already regarded him as the backbone.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, he paused for a while, looked at the terrain in front of him, and then walked towards one of the passages.

Pan Zi followed quickly.

Seeing this, Ah Ling gritted his teeth and followed suit.

Although she knew that Zhang Yang might already belong to Wu Sansheng, she believed that as long as her money was paid properly, she would not be afraid that Zhang Yang would disagree.

The three had just walked a few steps when they suddenly heard Wu Xie's voice.

"Fatty man, hurry up."

"Mr. Zhang, it seems to be the voice of the third master."

In an instant, Pan Zi's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran over looking for the sound.

Zhang Yang paused, originally he didn't intend to help.

Anyway, Pan Zi was able to rescue them, and Zhang Qiling came to rescue them later. With so many people present, he didn't want to join the team.

Go directly to Hydra Cypress to see the situation.

Suddenly Pan Zi shouted at Zhang Yang:
"Mr. Zhang, save the third master quickly."

As he said that, Zhang Yang fired a few shots at the group of corpses, and then he jumped down.

Every shot is a muffled sound, and it seems to be a hundred shots.

Aning also followed subconsciously, took a look, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh my God."

Seeing the densely packed corpse weeters, a large piece of green and faint, Aning only felt a tingling sensation in his scalp.

There are much more corpse weeters here than in the room she stayed in before, and there are more than ten giant corpse weeters.

As a participant before, I have not discovered that these things come together to have such a strong visual impact.

If it wasn't for the special training she had received, she would have fainted from the shock of the scene in front of her.


At this time, Wu Xie's voice came, and it seemed that something had happened to Pan Zi.

"I am grass."

In the end, Zhang Yang cursed in a low voice, and walked over quickly.

At this time, it was discovered that Wu Xie and Fatty Wang were besieged by the entire group of corpses.

The two of them had been bitten a lot, and their whole bodies were already in a state of disarray.

In order to stop the siege of the swarm of corpses, the two stood back to back, each holding a lighted torch in their hands.

Obviously, for the huge group of corpses, the Huozhezi is simply a spark.

and so.

The group of corpses were constantly shrinking and approaching the two of them.

At this time, Pan Zi, who had just jumped off, was still some distance away from the two of them. Because he was eager to save people just now, he also jumped down.

It's a pity that he didn't care about the fart, but it also made him trapped.

Since there was no gun in his hand, only a broken pistol, those corpses were naturally not afraid of him.

He kicked his foot directly, as if a spring had been installed on the sole of his foot, and attacked that panzi violently.

When Zhang Yang walked over, he saw that Pan Zi's body was covered with corpses, and he rolled on the ground in pain.

His mouth had already begun to have corpses crawling into it, and he tried to stand up several times, but in the end he fell directly to the ground.

Zhang Yang frowned slightly, he really didn't expect these bugs to be so aggressive.

Pan Zi curled up with a ferocious expression on his face. When he saw Zhang Yang approaching, he shook his head in misery as a gesture of pain.

"Mr. Zhang."

Wu Xie also found Zhang Yang, and immediately exclaimed.

With Zhang Yang as his big backer, his heart immediately became more at ease.

"Mr. Zhang, please help Pan Zi first."


Zhang Yang nodded.

At this time, he found that there are quite a lot of giant corpse weeters here, so he can kill them by the way to improve his physical attributes.

Just about to jump down, suddenly there was a loud bang.

A black figure suddenly fell from the ceiling and landed beside Pan Zi.

The opponent's movement was very steady when he landed, and it could be seen that his skills were good.

He bowed slightly to cushion, put one hand on the ground, and then slowly raised his head—it was Zhang Qiling.

Those corpses that were still attacking Pan Zi quickly retreated.

"Stuffy oil bottle."

Wu Xie exclaimed.

The corpses were stunned for a moment, then quickly backed away, keeping a certain distance from them.

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, and found that Zhang Qiling's whole body was blood red at this time, it seemed that the injury was not serious.

It turns out that Qiling has the blood of Qilin, which naturally has a certain deterrent effect on these corpses.

With so much blood at the moment, those corpses were also frightened, and they retreated one after another.

Zhang Yang saw those giant corpses were about to escape, how could he give them this chance.

He jumped straight up, and the person followed suit.

"Mr. Zhang?"

Aning, who hadn't reacted at all, couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhang Yang jumped down with great force, and there was a 'bang' sound, and the dust immediately flew up.

Before everyone could react, Zhang Yang had already started killing those giant corpse beetles with his index and middle fingers with lightning speed.

At this time, the voice of the system kept coming from Zhang Yang's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading the giant cadaver, gaining increased stamina +2, strength +3, and speed +2. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for beheading the giant cadaver, gaining increased stamina +2, strength +3, and speed +2. 】


The people present were even more stunned.

Especially Fatty Wang, this was the first time he saw someone with better skills than Zhang Qiling.

This unexpected speed and finger strength, it can be said that it has reached the point of perfection.

It was just the corpse of a giant corpse that fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

It was like a rain of corpses, with non-stop clattering, just falling straight down.

In about 1 minute, Zhang Yang beheaded all the giant corpses on the scene.

Those ordinary corpses were even more frightened like a tide, and retreated instantly.


Zhang Qiling raised his eyes slightly and looked at Zhang Yang with a look of guilt.

Unexpectedly, he was injured and needed Zhang Yang's help.

"Let's get out of here first."

Zhang Yang spoke indifferently, then turned around and walked outside.

Zhang Qiling got up in an instant, and helped Pan Zi who was in pain on the ground.

Seeing this, Wu Xie walked out with Fatty Wang helping each other.

Soon a group of people followed Zhang Yang and walked towards the depths of the stone path.

After turning a few turns, Pan Zi suddenly fell heavily to the ground with a 'poof'.


Wu Xie squatted down in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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