Chapter 20 Remember, You Owe My Life
"I, I can't walk anymore."

Pan Zi's weak voice came.

"Little third master, please go away and leave me alone."

"Pan Zi, what the hell are you talking about? Third Uncle brought you here, so of course it's how you came and how you went back."

Suddenly, Wu Xie became furious.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look at the crowd. Everyone was already sweating profusely, especially Zhang Qiling, who was dripping with sweat on his forehead.

This time is probably the worst time he has been hurt.

Only then did Zhang Yang calmly say:

"Everyone, let's rest for a while."

Zhang Qiling looked at Zhang Yang gratefully.

Soon, everyone stopped and took a break.

"Mr. Zhang, Pan Zi?"

Wu Xie choked up and looked at Zhang Yang who was beside him, and all his hopes were pinned on him right now.

Zhang Yang paused, but still walked quickly.

Looking down at the wound on Pan Zi's body, the wound was very serious, and almost all of his body was scratched by those corpse weeters.

In some serious places, the blood-red flesh has been turned outwards.

Especially in the abdomen, the wound was so deep that the intestines inside could almost be seen.

Aning also walked over, seeing those wounds, subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his vomiting thin lips.

This is almost like a blood corpse, and it must be too miserable to be bitten.

"Mr. Zhang, is there still salvation?"

Wu Xie's voice became more and more choked up, and his eyes were filled with tears.

This is frightened.

After all, this Pan Zi is the capable general beside Wu Sansheng, and he also watched Wu Xie grow up since he was a child.

There is a very strong relationship between the two of them, so naturally they can't bear to see him suffer like this.

And just now Pan Zi became like this just to save him, at this time Wu Xie blamed himself more and more.


Zhang Yang nodded as a signal, and then stretched out his hand towards Pan Zi's abdomen and pressed a few times.

Pan Zi exclaimed even more.


Suddenly a stream of black blood flowed out from inside.

In an instant, Zhang Yang had an extra Big Dipper Knife in his hand.

If this is left on a daily basis, Wu Xie will inevitably have to find out how the Big Dipper Knife appeared.

at the moment.

He didn't have time to take care of it at all, and all his thoughts were on Pan Zi.

Zhang Yang looked at Wu Xie and Aning beside him and said:

"The two of you hold his hands and feet for me, don't let him move around."

As Zhang Yang spoke, he raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you want?"

Wu Xie opened his mouth weakly, but stared at the shiny blade, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Open his stomach and take the stuff out."

Zhang Yang spoke without hesitation.


Wu Xie was so frightened that she subconsciously swallowed her saliva, which meant that she was planning to cut Pan Zi open.

Is there still life left?

Zhang Qiling at the side also quickly walked over, held Pan Zi's legs, and explained:

"One crawled into his belly. If we don't take it out as soon as possible, I'm afraid the corpse poison in the bug's body will turn him into a zombie directly."

Hearing what Zhang Qiling said, Wu Xie turned pale with fright.

Unexpectedly, this corpse beetle is so powerful that it can spread corpse poison.

"Is it really that scary?"

Fatty Wang, who was still standing up in pain, got up from the ground in a jerk, and followed him to see what happened.

"Press and hold."

Zhang Yang lost his voice, and then raised the knife with his hand and swiftly cut a finger-long mouth on Pan Zi's stomach.

Then the right index finger and middle finger inserted into his wound at lightning speed.

With a fierce probing, then a hook, finally a blue corpse came out.

These movements were coherent and quick, as if they were completed in the blink of an eye.

But Pan Zi still bowed in pain. After all, he was a soldier. He was so strong that Wu Xie could hardly hold him down.

Fortunately, it ended soon, otherwise Wu Xie felt that he would definitely be punched by Pan Zi to the ground.

Zhang Yang threw the corpse weeter on the ground. Fortunately, it was just an ordinary corpse weeter, which had been smothered to death at this time.

If it had been a little bigger, the thing would have been biting Pan Zi's stomach for a while, and he would have died long ago.

"Mr. Zhang, this wound is so deep, do you need to disinfect it? If it gets infected, it will be troublesome."

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang worriedly.

Before Zhang Yang could speak, Fatty Wang pulled out a short gun from his waist with a smile, and said:

"It's simple, isn't it disinfection? Just like a foreigner, unscrew the bullet and burn his wound with gunpowder."

Pan Zi, who was about to pass out from the pain, cursed suddenly:

"This is not a gunshot wound, you fucking want to burn my intestines?"

Zhang Yang suddenly took out a white bottle from his bosom, poured out a red pill from it, stuffed it into Pan Zi's mouth and said:
"Remember, you owe me your life."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qiling's eyes lit up with golden light.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang was willing to take out the Resurrection Pill to save Pan Zi, which is really not easy.

I heard that many people came to ask for this elixir before, even if they knelt at the foot of the mountain for three days and three nights, Zhang Yang was not moved.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it was taken out.

"Bandage the wound for him."

After leaving this sentence, Zhang Yang got up and left.


Wu Xie threw off his clothes in a hurry, and then with the help of everyone, they worked together to simply bandage the wound on Pan Zi's abdomen.

"That's the only way to go. After you go back, go to the hospital for disinfection."

Wu Xie spoke helplessly.

Suddenly Wu Xie looked at Aning who appeared on the side, and asked in some strange ways:
"Miss, who are you?"

In Wu Xie's impression, it's really rare to see women fighting against each other.

The first is because the work is tiring and dirty, and most women are naturally unwilling.

The second is because the risk factor is extremely high, and life is in danger anytime, anywhere, and many weird things will be encountered.

Let alone women, few men dare to come.

Aning was about to speak when Zhang Yang suddenly made a 'shh' gesture.

Then I heard a 'clack' sound.

The sound came from far to near, which made people feel creepy.

Immediately, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. This thing is not a good thing when you hear it.

"Damn it, what the hell is it? It's a big deal to fight with it."

At this time, Fatty Wang directly grabbed the short gun in his hand, as if he was about to do a big fight.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal everyone to hold their breath and not to make a sound.

Wu Xie and Ah Ling understood it immediately and followed suit instantly.

Zhang Qiling and Zhang Yang exchanged glances, then got up abruptly, and quickly retreated to the other side of the cave where the signal came from.

He and Zhang Yang stood on both sides of the cave, ready to attack the thing from both sides.

After Fatty Wang hesitated for a while, he finally obeyed obediently.

Pan Zi's breath was weak at first, and he didn't need to hold his breath, but Wu Xie was worried, so he reached out and pinched his nose.

With a flick of Zhang Yang's finger, the original lights were instantly extinguished.

At this time, the surrounding area quickly fell into a burst of darkness, and it was quiet.

Everyone remained in place quietly.

As the terrifying 'cluck' sound got closer and closer, everyone's hearts beat abnormally fast.

Soon, an unpleasant and pungent smell of blood came over, and the weird voice was getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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