Chapter 208 Peeling
"Son, you are so good, come here quickly."

"Come to mother."

Pearl stretched out her hand and guided her very carefully.

The sea monkey really leaned over slowly, and finally the mother and daughter finally held hands together.

"My child, my child."

Pearl hugged the sea monkey tightly, crying more and more sadly.

The sea monkey also began to cry 'woo woo woo', and seemed to be very sad.

At this time, crystal clear pearls were scattered all over the floor.

The scene looked rather touching.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous 'boom' from overhead.

The sound was deafening and shocking, and the entire underground palace trembled a few times.

"This is?"

Zhang Yang raised his head fiercely, and saw a thunderbolt hit directly on the sky-reaching Dinghaishen needle pillar with a 'crash' sound.

There was a loud 'bang', and the Dinghaishen needle pillar shook violently.

A pleasant voice sounded slowly, like musical notes, lingering unknowingly in the huge hall.

Standing in the underground palace at this time, it feels like listening to a huge music performance.

Each sound has a different feeling and tone, a bit like a chorus, a bit like a chorus, and a bit like a solo sound.

The voice kept rising and falling, and the pitch was constantly changing.

This made Zhang Yang subconsciously think of the word 'Tinglei'.

This seems to have some strange feelings.

"Son, child, what's the matter with you?"

Suddenly Pearl's terrified voice came over.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look, and found that the whole body of the sea monkey lying in Pearl's arms began to twitch violently.

At this moment, he was foaming at the mouth, feeling as if he had been poisoned.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, look quickly."

Suddenly Shui Sheng turned pale with fright, he falteringly stretched out his fingers and pointed to the golden-haired Hanba not far away.

Zhang Yang turned around to look again, only to find that the golden-haired Hanba was the same.

At this time, his whole body was shaking extremely violently, and white foam was coming out of his mouth.

This is?

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, as if he sensed something was wrong.

Suddenly, the golden-haired Hanba seemed to go crazy, and stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed at his body.

The movements are very brute force, wishing to tear off the flesh.

Could it be that this music has affected his mind?

Zhang Yangzheng was puzzled.

In the next second, Zhang Yang was also shocked.

Because the golden-haired Hanba really tore off the layer of fur abruptly, exposing the bloody torso inside.

It was also the first time Zhang Yang saw this kind of thing, and he even killed himself.

The golden-haired Hanba didn't seem to feel any pain at all, and continued to scratch the flesh with his bare hands.

Following its rude movements, the golden fur on the Golden Retriever's body was almost cracked, falling off piece by piece, revealing the bloody driving part.


Hanba, who was originally wrapped in golden hair, has become a bloody mess, looking like a bloody blood man.

At this time, there was a bloody rancid smell all around, which made people feel sick when they smelled it.

This is the first time I have seen it tear off its fur alive, and it is still panting at the moment.

"Son, child, what's wrong with you?"

Following Pearl's cry, the sea monkey also stretched out his hand and grabbed the flesh on his body.

The action is extremely brutal.

"Son, don't talk nonsense, it will hurt."

Pearl hugged the sea monkey tightly, for fear that she would hurt herself.

It's a pity that this still couldn't stop the sea monkey from pulling out the flesh from his body.

Perhaps because of the pain, the whole face of the sea monkey looked a little hideous, and even the whole face was distorted.

Seeing that the blood-red flesh on his head was about to be torn off, Shui Sheng subconsciously stepped forward to help, but it was still of no avail.

The sea monkey continued to tear off the flesh from its body ferociously.

"Mr. Zhang, please, please save my child."

Pearl choked up and asked Zhang Yang for help.

Right now, only Zhang Yang here has the ability to save his child.

Zhang Yang made a quick move and tapped Hai Houzi's acupuncture points, and Hai Houzi was directly knocked out in an instant.

Pearl stretched out her hand and tightly hugged the sea monkey who was still fainted, feeling extremely distressed in her heart.

"Look at it."

After leaving these words, Zhang Yang looked directly at the golden-haired Hanba not far away who had turned into a blood man.

At this time, after the golden-haired Hanba had shed its outer skin, blood-red blood was constantly oozing out of the flesh and blood all over its body.

A lot more quickly gathered on the ground, and the smell was extremely bloody and unpleasant.

The golden-haired Hanba first took a deep look at Zhang Yang, then raised his head and let out a roar, then jumped straight up onto the Dinghaishen needle pillar.

I saw it climbing up with both hands and feet at the fastest speed.

The entire Dinghaishen Needle Pillar left blood-red marks of four feet.

The blood on the imprint flowed down along the Dinghaishen Needle Pillar.

Looking at it makes people feel even more shocking.

The golden-haired Hanba's speed was very fast, and a blood-red back was already visible in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yang seemed to know what the golden-haired Hanba wanted to do, and he wasn't in a hurry, he just stood there quietly.

There was a 'boom', and another thunder came down.

The entire Dinghaishen needle column shook violently.

Then I heard a miserable roar of 'ah', and then a blood-red shadow fell heavily from above.

Zhang Yang quickly moved away, and with a 'bump' sound, the heavy object fell to the ground instantly.

It even splashed a lot of blood-red fresh blood.

After the golden-haired Hanba landed on the ground, he got up again like crazy, and continued to climb towards the top of the Dinghaishen needle pillar desperately.

Although he had just been seriously injured, he was still vigorous and quick-responsive.

Seeing this golden-haired hanji climbing up desperately, what is he afraid of?
Or are you avoiding something?
Intuitively, Zhang Yang felt that there must be a lot to write about here.

It seems that 'Wu Sansheng' has something to hide from him on purpose.


He said that he wanted to take a look, what was the final trump card of the 'Wu Sansheng'?
Soon, a burst of thunder struck again.

The Dinghaishen needle pillar moved violently again, and the bloody golden-haired Hanba fell down again.

With a bang, the fall was heavier this time than the last time.

It felt like being smashed into a puddle of meat.

The golden-haired Hanba didn't seem to give up, he got up from the ground again, and climbed towards the Dinghaishen needle post again.

This time Zhang Yang still did not stop the opponent's behavior.

After all, there are some things, even if you hit the south wall, you may not be able to turn back.

"Son, child, what's wrong with you?"

At this time Pearl exclaimed again, and the voice was even more heart-piercing.

As soon as Zhang Yang turned his head, he found that the sea monkey jumped up from Pearl's arms.

Then he jumped onto the Dinghaishen needle pillar and climbed up.

The speed is also extremely fast, it feels as if someone is chasing him behind.

"Son, you, what are you doing?"

Pearl shouted anxiously.

And Shui Sheng also showed a dangerous expression.


Zhang Yang was different, he just looked at this scene with cold eyes, and didn't seem surprised.

"Mr. Zhang, please, save my poor child no matter what."

Pearl choked up and asked Zhang Yang for help.

Before Zhang Yang could speak, there was another burst of thunder from above his head.

In an instant, two objects fell from above at an extremely fast speed.

"Step aside."

Zhang Yang shouted loudly, and his body flashed.

Suddenly two heavy objects fell to the ground.

One is the blood-colored golden-haired squirrel, and the other is naturally the sea monkey.

"Son, how are you doing?"

Pearl hurriedly stepped forward and hugged the sea monkey, for fear that she would climb up again.

The sea monkey probably hurt a bit from the fall, but he didn't recover for a long time.

Let Pearl hold her, but there is no reaction.

But the bloody golden Hanba was still smashed into a pulp and sat on the ground, unable to stand up.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar from inside the black hole.


The sound was deafening, and it felt like a huge monster.

(End of this chapter)

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