Chapter 209 Black Bear Spirit

The sea monkey suddenly began to struggle violently and excitedly, as if it wanted to escape.

Pearl tightly hugged the sea monkey and did not let go.

And the golden-haired Hanba on the ground was even more frightened and trembling, it seemed that he was very afraid of that thing.

Zhang Yang glanced coldly at the black hole that made the sound, which was the hole they entered just now.

So, that thing is actually all inside.

Even if they had just gone in, it was inside.

It's just that the other party was hiding in the darkness, so they didn't find anything at all.

However, Zhang Yang has already sensed the meaning of the other party.

Although it is very faint, it is also very obvious.

As the voice continued to approach, the heavy breathing sounded even more dangerous.

As soon as people heard it, they felt that this must be a behemoth.

Zhang Yang looked at the golden-haired Hanba and the sea monkey and trembled.

It can be seen that this thing is powerful enough to crush everything for them.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have run away desperately.

This made Zhang Yang very curious, what exactly is this thing?
It is definitely not a simple thing to be able to make the golden-haired Hanba who is domineering in this underground palace tremble with fright.

"Take it and go to the mirror to take shelter for a while."

Zhang Yang said calmly.


Shui Sheng and Zhu Zhen hurriedly lifted the sea monkey that was completely paralyzed and walked towards the mirror.

And the golden-haired Hanba on the ground couldn't move for a while because of fear.

Zhang Yang didn't bother to pay attention to it anymore, and focused on looking in the direction of the cave entrance.

As the breath got closer and closer, the thing was about to come out of it.

All of a sudden, there was a loud bang.

Then an electric current climbed down directly along the Dinghaishen needle pillar, and then a bolt of lightning directly hit the ground, and then a trace of white smoke came out directly.

When Bai Yan came over, a hole the size of a bowl was exposed on the ground.

I didn't expect the force of this click to be quite strong.

With the sound of the electric shock, the sound of breathing at the entrance of the cave stopped instantly.

It seems to be hesitating, better to observe.

Zhang Yang calmly and slowly walked towards the mirror not far away, only to find that Shui Sheng and Zhu Zhen were looking at this side from the mirror at the moment.

It seemed that he was worried about his safety.

But Zhang Yang turned his head indifferently to look at the entrance of the cave, because at this time the sound of breathing came from the entrance of the cave again.

Soon, a hand the size of a black bear's paw stretched out from the hole.

The furry on the back of the hand is all black hair, which completely covers the entire palm, making it impossible to see the true shape clearly.


It looks a bit like an animal, at least not human.

Zhang Yang immediately became vigilant all over, it seemed that he was really a big guy.

Zhang Yang's right finger slammed hard, and the Big Dipper Knife was held in his hand in an instant.

At this time, Zhang Yang was also ready to go, waiting for the other party to show up.

After that, another bear paw stretched out.

When Zhang Yang was thinking about how the other party was going to come out, suddenly the entire wall was pushed away vigorously.

With a loud bang, a huge monster with a height of 5 meters appeared in front of my eyes.

This person's whole body was covered by black hair, only a pair of dark eyes were exposed.

The nose, mouth, face and ears were all covered, so it was impossible to see clearly.

However, it looks a bit like a black bear.

It should be said that it is the black bear spirit.

Although I have seen different species, this is the first time I have seen such a huge black bear spirit.

So, this is the last trump card of 'Wu Sansheng'?
The black bear looked at Zhang Yang angrily, with a heavy breath in his breath.

This is a sign of being irritated.

Zhang Yang directly raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand, ready to fight.

The Black Bear Spirit slapped Zhang Yang directly.

Zhang Yang turned around quickly in an instant, avoiding the opponent's attack very vigorously.

The black bear spirit was even more annoyed, and slapped it heavily again.

Zhang Yang didn't dodge this time, but directly raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand, and stabbed heavily towards the palm of the black bear spirit.

Directly pierced the entire palm of the black bear spirit, and blood flowed immediately.


The black bear roared loudly in pain.

He even raised his hands and beat his chest vigorously a few times, and then violently wanted to attack Zhang Yang again.

Zhang Yang suddenly bent his right index finger to his mouth, and blew hard, making a whistle sound.

At this time, the bloody golden-haired Hanba, who had already been limp on the ground, jumped up from the ground as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Afterwards, it directly pounced on the huge black bear spirit.

Although the Golden Retriever Hanba is also very strong in size, in front of the black bear spirit, it looks like a one-year-old child and an adult.

However, Zhang Yang didn't seem to care about these at all.

Continue to use the sound of the whistle to control the golden-haired Hanba, and ask him to help deal with the black bear spirit.

Not to mention, even though the golden-haired bacon has lost its fur, it is not inferior in the slightest when it comes to hands.

The sharp claws on the bloody fingers are even more deadly.

And that black bear spirit was not a vegetarian either, and even slapped down on the golden-haired Hanji with one palm.

The Golden Retriever Hanba quickly rolled over on the ground, avoiding the opponent's attack directly.

The black bear roared ferociously twice, then directly raised its foot and stepped on the low-pitched golden-haired Hanji.

Although the golden-haired Hanba moved extremely quickly, he was still a step too slow, and was directly stepped on the abdomen by the black bear spirit.


The golden-haired Hanba roared, and his entire abdomen was directly trampled through.

However, the golden-haired Hanba didn't die, and even grabbed the black bear spirit's foot, and directly bit it fiercely.

This time the black bear was in pain, so he had to avoid it.

However, the golden-haired Hanba was biting and biting, as if he had killed him.

The black bear was so painful that Yang Tian kept screaming, and in a fit of anger, he jumped up violently.

Unexpectedly, a huge hole was smashed directly on the top of the head, and then the water on it flowed down with a 'splash'.

A huge stream of water poured down from above continuously, and it was caught off guard.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang didn't have the time to think about it so much, the whole ground beside the huge opening above his head arched.

It felt like a volcanic eruption, and the flood inside poured directly into it.

And the entire water level is rising very fast.

Almost instantly, we had drifted to a height of five or six meters above the ground.

Zhang Yang directly relied on the buoyancy of the water to float up together.

(End of this chapter)

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