Chapter 22 Obtaining the Qilin Exhaustion

This time, Zhang Yang quickly arrived at his destination—Hydra Cypress.

He was standing on a cave wall at this moment, and in front of him was a huge natural rock cave, roughly the size of a football field.

There is a big crack on the top of the cave, and the moonlight shines in through this crack, just in time to see the panorama of the whole cave.

In the middle of this cave stands a towering tree.

Zhang Yang took a visual inspection. This big tree was almost ten stories high. Even if surrounded by ten people, it might not be able to hug the thick stump.

It is indeed a giant Hydra cypress, it is indeed extraordinary.

Even Zhang Yang was shocked by the scene in front of him.

At this time, there were countless thick vines coiled around the big tree, and those vines unceremoniously entangled almost everything that could be entangled around it.

What's more, some vines have already quietly spread into the cave.

The ghostly hand that grabbed Pan Zi's neck before was transformed from the hydra cypress vine.

It is conceivable that this thing has become a climate.

If it takes more time, I am afraid that the entire mountain range will be controlled by the Hydra cypress.

At that time, let alone come here to rob the tomb, I am afraid that even this whole mountain will not be able to get close.

It seems that King Lu Shang saw this position at the beginning, and it was not unreasonable.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and Zhang Yang saw that there were still many things hanging on the branches inside, which looked like fruits.

When the breeze blows, it immediately trembles a few times, which is very weird.

Zhang Yang knew in his heart that these were all living creatures captured by the ghostly hands transformed into the hydra cypress.

However, I'm afraid it has become a mummy now.

In fact, the old man did not lie before, he did see the big tree full of human heads.

It is the Hydra cypress in front of me.

It was near dusk, and because the group of foreigners led by Aning had found the real entrance to the ancient tomb, they celebrated with wine.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally woke up the Hydra cypress here, and then directly attracted it up.

It's just that those people had already entered the ancient tomb one step earlier, so only the old man saw this thing.

Originally, Hydra was extremely sensitive to sound. After all, he was only interested in living things, so it was naturally due to his abnormal hearing.

At this time, the sound of fighting came again.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked over, but found that Fatty Wang and Wu Xie were on a stone platform with more than ten steps, fiercely pinching each other.

At this time, Pan Zi and Na Aning were still hanging upside down on the treetop by the Hydra cypress.

It is a jade bed.

Zhang Yang subconsciously looked at the jade bed, where there were two people lying on their backs, a man and a woman.

Needless to say, this is the blue-eyed fox corpse and the woman who doesn't know if she is Yao Guang.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xie and the others found this place so quickly. It seems that Wu Xie is not as useless as he imagined.

At least he can understand the writing on the coffin, which is considered a skill.

However, I just don't know if Wu Xie has already obtained the Eightfold Treasure Letter?
Seeing that Wu Xie was about to be at a disadvantage suddenly, don't let Fatty Wang's plump body be suppressed.


Zhang Yang was secretly upset in his heart.

Soon, Wu Xie will swallow the unicorn on the female corpse by mistake, and he must get it as soon as possible before that.

The main purpose of his coming here this time is to get the Qilin Drain and Ghost Seal.

You can't just watch the cooked duck fly away.

Immediately, Zhang Yang jumped and jumped directly onto the vine.

Then he opened his hands and ran towards the jade bed at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiling quickly flew up to follow.

Their speed was so fast that before the vines could react, they had already reached the side of the jade bed.

When he tried to catch them again, he was already in vain.

Zhang Yang noticed that Wu Xie's complexion was flushed at this time, and the veins on his forehead were popping out, and he reached out to grab the waist of the blue-eyed fox corpse.

Zhang Yang immediately jumped up, turned sideways, and directly grabbed the belt in his hand.

Zhang Qiling was slightly stunned, and quickly stepped forward, hitting Fatty Wang's neck heavily.

Immediately, Fatty Wang's body tilted, and he passed out straight away.

It just fell on the side of the blue-eyed fox corpse.

"I am going to kill you."

Wu Xie seemed unwilling, and reached out to touch Fatty Wang's neck.

Zhang Qiling's right index finger and middle finger slammed heavily on Wu Xie's right neck, and Wu Xie fainted immediately.

Zhang Yang looked down at the belt in his hand, right in the middle, there was a piece of black armor inlaid on it.

On the top is the four characters "Yinxi Baodi" drawn with gold powder.

It's very easy to recognize, and then there are some spells used to suppress ghosts.

This is the exhausted unicorn.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and gently pulled it into his palm.

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the exhausted unicorn, which has been stored for thousands of years. Ordinary people eat it and the blood is quickly regenerated, which can ward off evil spirits and prevent disasters.

If the host eats it, it can strengthen the blood of the host and help the host evolve and live forever. 】

[After use, it can increase physical strength by +50, strength by +45, and speed by +45. 】


I didn't expect that the thousand-year-old unicorn would be so useful.

The attribute value has completed a qualitative leap in one fell swoop.

This is the first time that so many points have been added at once.

Zhang Yang actually felt a little excited.


At this time, Zhang Qiling on the side subconsciously looked at Zhang Yang who was standing still.

Zhang Yang quickly came back to his senses, and dropped the belt in his hand onto the body of the blue-eyed fox corpse.

Zhang Qiling glanced quickly at Zhang Yang, but didn't say anything.

Zhang Yang walked to the side of the jade bed, lowered his head slightly, and this time he could clearly see a man and a woman lying on the jade bed.

The woman was wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, her eyes were closed tightly, as if she was asleep, and her appearance was not bad.

But compared with the beautiful female corpse in the corpse cave before, it is still a bit less interesting.

At this time, Zhang Yang was even more convinced that the female corpse above the corpse cave was Yao Guang, whom King Lu Shang loved dearly.

After all, men have good eyesight.

Moreover, burying Yaoguang above the corpse cave also played a certain role in protecting her corpse.

It seems that King Lu Shang is really good at calculating.

Even if someone came to fight, it would only be a fake corpse.

Whether it was Lu Shangwang or Yao Guang, the corpses would be safe and sound.

This is killing two birds with one stone.

Thinking about the key and the poisonous needle in the mouth of this female corpse, since Yao Guang is said to be King Lu Shang's true love, how could he treat her so cruelly.

So the answer is already obvious.

As for who the female corpse in front of me is, it's hard to say, anyway, it's probably just a substitute similar to that blue-eyed fox corpse.

At this moment, Zhang Qiling had already helped to release Pan Zi and Aning.

But Zhang Yang looked at the male corpse beside him calmly, wearing a bronze mask with a fox face and wearing tight-fitting armor.

His hands were placed on his chest, holding a purple gold box in his hand.

This is the transformation of a fox raised by King Lu Shang, deliberately wearing a mask to pretend to be King Lu Shang and buried here.

In fact, the real King Lu Shang was buried in the inner and outer coffins of the hydra cypress.

This is what is called untrue, true and false.

Originally, this King Lu Shang was also the Taishan in the world of inverted fighting. After fighting for so many years, he was naturally afraid that he would be overthrown by others.

That's why all this is arranged, and its purpose is to confuse all living beings and gain peace.

It's a pity that he met an unkind person, and was severely tricked by that tough-faced student.

(End of this chapter)

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