Chapter 23 Headshot Blue-eyed Fox Corpse
"Little Third Master, Little Third Master, wake up quickly."

At this time, Pan Zi's voice sounded.

Zhang Yang turned his head to look, but saw Pan Zi vigorously shaking Wu Xie who had passed out.

This Pan Zi is loyal to the Wu family, and always remembers to protect the safety of Wu Xie and Wu Sansheng.

It's not in vain that Wu Xie tried so hard to save him before.

"Cough cough cough."

Wu Xie coughed fiercely a few times and said:
"Don't shake it, I'm going to throw up if I shake it again."

"Little third master, you finally woke up."

Suddenly Pan Zi was overjoyed.

Wu Xie slowly opened his eyes, looked at Zhang Yang not far away and said:

"Mr. Zhang, you are finally here."

When he saw Zhang Yang coming, he was naturally full of joy.

"Ah, it hurts."

At this time, Fatty Wang, who had already passed out, also slowly woke up, and stretched out his hand to touch the position of his neck.

"What happened to us?"

While speaking, Fatty Wang slowly raised his head.

Everyone subconsciously looked at where Fatty Wang stretched out his hand.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Fatty Wang pouted.

"Fat, fat man, don't move."

Wu Xie spoke in a low voice, with a strange look in his eyes.

"what happened?"

At this time, Fatty Wang seemed to have noticed something strange, and subconsciously shivered.

There was even a chill down the neck, which was as cold as human fingers.

"do not move."

Wu Xie stretched out his hand again to signal.

Seeing Wu Xie like this, Fatty Wang had roughly guessed something, his whole body froze with fright, closed his eyes and said:
"Find a way to save me, I don't want to die."

Zhang Yang looked at all this indifferently, the female corpse suddenly sat up, pinching the sides of Fatty Wang's neck with her fingers.

It's just a reflexive condition, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

Wu Xie subconsciously looked at Zhang Yang at the side.

At this time, the female corpse suddenly got up. I'm afraid it was a dead body. This is not a good thing.

Zhang Yang just glanced at the female corpse indifferently, and with a little luck on the palm of his right hand, he slashed towards the female corpse.

Immediately, the female corpse fell back directly.

Fatty Wang was so frightened that he jumped off the jade bed in a hurry.

He thanked Zhang Yang with his fists in his hands and said:

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for saving your life."


Zhang Yang responded indifferently.

"Mr. Zhang, what's going on here? Why did this female corpse suddenly rise up?"

Wu Xie walked over curiously, staring at the female corpse.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a mechanism inside the woman's body, and it was touched just now, so it reacted again."

Zhang Yang said calmly.


Upon hearing this, Wu Xie subconsciously took two steps back in fright.

"What mechanism is so powerful that it can make this thing sit up?"

At this time, the fat and courageous Fatty Wang came over and looked down at the female corpse in front of him very curiously.

"There's something in this woman's mouth."

Fatty Wang suddenly exclaimed.

When the others heard this, they subconsciously surrounded him.


Wu Xie asked curiously.

"Look at her throat, does it seem to protrude a bit?"

As he said that, Fatty Wang pointed to the throat of the female corpse.

"Seems to be."

Wu Xie nodded fiercely.

"It's a key."

Zhang Yang said calmly.


Wu Xie spoke differently.

Who would keep the key in his mouth.

"It's used to open the purple gold box."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

Although he didn't dare to be interested in that thing, these people came to fight against each other, so naturally it was impossible to go out empty-handed.

So, let people take something out with them.

"Purple gold box?"

Everyone looked at the box held by the blue-eyed fox corpse again.

Wu Xie looked down slightly and said:

"As if there really was a keyhole."

"Then what are you waiting for, take out the key and see what treasure is hidden in the box."

Immediately, Fatty Wang began to gear up, ready to reach for the key from the female corpse's mouth.

Such things, he has been fighting for so many years, naturally he has done a lot.

Not to mention the mouth, he even took out the anus.

The things that these ancient people used to embalm corpses were basically not contained in the mouth, or stuffed above the anus.

Soon, Fatty Wang lifted the head of the female corpse slightly, letting it rise slightly, and opened his mouth naturally.

"Sure enough, there is a key with an emerald bead on it."

Fatty Wang was overjoyed.

"Mr. Zhang is really amazing."

Speaking of which, Fatty Wang was about to reach out to get the key in the mouth of the female corpse, but Zhang Yang shouted loudly:

"Be careful."

As soon as Zhang Yang's words fell, three crossbow arrows suddenly burst out of his body in an instant.

At this time, Wu Xie, who was frozen in place, didn't react at all, and saw the crossbow arrow flying towards him.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and Wu Xie was directly pulled over by a very powerful force.

Directly avoided the attack of the three crossbow arrows.


"Fatty man, are you planning to kill me?"

Immediately, Wu Xie yelled at Fatty Wang who had already got the key.

Fatty Wang smiled awkwardly and said:
"Sorry, I don't know there are hidden weapons."

"Look at that female corpse."

Suddenly Aning on the side exclaimed.

Everyone followed the sound, but saw that the face of the female corpse suddenly became ferocious.

Everyone even looked horrified, and saw her delicate face shrunk instantly like a spoiled orange.

There was even a "cuckoo" sound from his mouth, which sounded a little creepy.

In just a few seconds, the female corpse quickly changed from a living beauty to a mummy.

"Mr. Zhang, this?"

Wu Xie looked at Zhang Yang who was silent again.

"The gemstone on the key has anti-corrosion effect. If the thing is taken out, the body cannot be preserved."

Zhang Yang explained calmly.

Everyone instantly understood.


Suddenly, Pan Zi who was at the side yelled again in horror.

"Then, the male corpse with the fox mask also sat up."

Zhang Yang looked coldly, but saw the strange eyes of the blue-eyed fox corpse, looking at everyone coldly.

The eyes of this thing can cast charm, just now Wu Xie and Fatty Wang killed each other because of the spell.

"Don't look into that thing's eyes."

Zhang Yang shouted loudly.

Then with a flick of the finger, a small stone flew straight into the center of the blue-eyed fox's forehead like a bullet.

Suddenly there was a 'bang' sound, and the head of the blue-eyed fox corpse was directly blown off.

The brains splattered, and Wu Xie and Fatty Wang who were closest to each other naturally won the first prize, and they were directly splashed all over, which was a bit disgusting.

"Mass egg."

"It's fucking disgusting."

As he spoke, Fatty Wang spat a few mouthfuls of saliva on the ground, and reached out to wipe off the dirt on his face.

"Fatty man, Mr. Zhang is still here, be more civilized."

Zhang Yang glared at Fatty Wang angrily.

Fatty Wang looked at Zhang Yang in embarrassment, stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head and said:

"Hehehe, I'm used to scolding on weekdays, but I forgot about it."

"Mr. Zhang, nephew, are you all here?"

Suddenly, Wu Sansheng's voice came from not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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