Tomb Raiders: After living in seclusion for a hundred years, my little brother invited me out!

Chapter 244 There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth

Chapter 244 There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth

"This is?"

Hu Bayi said he did not understand.

Zhang Yang continued to explain:

"At present, although there is a staircase, it actually leads in all directions. It's just that the crescent-shaped mark is a trap mark."


Hu Bayi was surprised.

Knowing that Hu Bayi didn't understand, Zhang Yang continued to speak:

"Actually, this mark is to deliberately push our heroic spirits to the steps, and then make our consciousness gradually deviate from the normal thinking mode.

In addition, these steps and stone walls under the feet are extremely likely to be painted with an ancient secret recipe --- paint that absorbs light, making it even more difficult for people to recognize the direction.

But anyone who pays attention to information such as signs will have an impact on the cerebral cortex, and then produce some errors in logical judgment.

In consciousness, I feel that I am walking in a straight line, but in fact, I am walking on a side road without knowing it.

And we just go around in circles on this fork in the road, and finally lose our sense of direction completely, and then we feel that we have been walking the same steps repeatedly. "

"Anything like this?"

Hu Bayi was also shocked.

He suddenly remembered that the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Art" in his hand once mentioned this kind of thing.

Just like the extremely powerful eight-array map in the Three Kingdoms period, a few random stones can trap people in a situation where there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

Even Cao Cao, who was awesome at the time, was trapped and had difficulty getting out.

Therefore, metaphysics is still very mysterious, and not everyone can understand it.

Then this "hanging soul ladder" is also mentioned in that book, although it is only a few strokes, but it also explains the essence of it extremely thoroughly.

Hu Bayi never imagined that there would be such a powerful trap in this ghost tomb in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

If it was an ordinary tomb robber who accidentally strayed into this stone step, he would definitely be trapped to death.

Zhang Yang didn't bother to pay attention to Hu Bayi, and began to calculate with his fingers, preparing to calculate the data.

Hu Bayi is also a sensible person, and he understood Zhang Yang's meaning in an instant, and even stood quietly by the side, waiting patiently for the result.

After about 2 minutes, Zhang Yang stopped slowly.

Hu Bayi said anxiously:

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter? Have you calculated the result?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said:

"Well, just follow me."

After speaking, Zhang Yang raised his foot and walked down.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi also walked down quickly.

"Close your eyes, don't look at anything, let alone think about it."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth to remind.

"Huh? Is that so?"

Hu Bayi still has some uncertainties in his heart.

After all, if Zhang Yang's method is followed, wouldn't his eyes be smeared and he would be unable to see anything?
"Just do what I say."

Zhang Yang's voice seemed a bit harsh.

"it is good."

Hu Bayi didn't dare to say much, he closed his eyes obediently, and followed Zhang Yang.

I just feel that I can't see anything in front of the pitch-black side, and there are some bumps and bumps under my feet, for fear of bumping into something or something.

But it was strange to say that just following Zhang Yang like this made me feel more at ease in my heart.

After walking for about 5 minutes, Zhang Yang's voice came slowly.

"Okay, we're out now, you can open your eyes now."

"Are we out yet?"

Immediately, Hu Bayi was overjoyed, and when he opened his eyes, he found that they had walked out of the stone steps, and there was a tomb in front of him.

At this time, Hu Bayi secretly felt relieved.

There was an illusion in his heart that he would survive the catastrophe, which made him feel comfortable and at ease.

Sure enough, if you follow Zhang Yang, you can't go wrong.

"Mr. Zhang, isn't this the tomb from before?"

Hu Bayi was also surprised.

Unexpectedly, after a circle, they came back again. I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing?


Zhang Yang nodded, and then shone the flashlight in his hand on the surrounding stone walls of the Hades.

There are still various patterns and other things depicted on it, but white mist keeps appearing all around.

Under the irradiance of the flashlight, it looks ghostly, which makes people feel only hairy in the bottom of their hearts.

"Then, how do we get out?"

Hu Bayi suddenly became a little discouraged.

Originally thought that they had successfully escaped from danger, but it seemed that they hadn't escaped at all.

He just stepped out of the restriction of the Hanging Soul Ladder, but now he is back to the previous starting point.

If this goes out, it is not the same as being trapped here to death.

"Going out, of course there is a way, but it just takes some time."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

Since he can even handle the hanging soul ladder, the tomb is naturally a no-brainer.

"Still have to wait?"

Hu Bayi was already so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back, if he continued to toss, I'm afraid he would be starved to death.

Right now, he can only drink more water to fill his stomach.

Thinking of this, Hu Bayi picked up the kettle in his hand and poured himself a mouthful of water.

Unexpectedly, the more I drank, the hungrier I became, and my stomach was only rumbling.

This made Hu Bayi even more depressed.

If I knew it earlier, I might as well not drink it. The more I drink, the hungrier I feel.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm almost starving."

Hu Bayi spoke with some embarrassment, while he was speaking, he stretched out his hand to touch his belly that kept ringing.


Before Zhang Yang finished speaking, he suddenly heard a strange voice coming from the darkness not far away.

It was a strange sound, a strange sound, 'meow meow', it felt like the voice of a night owl.

However, the sound came from the empty and silent underground palace, and it was extraordinarily harsh and creepy.

"Mr. Zhang, there must be zongzi here?"

As Hu Bayi spoke, he felt his scalp tingling for a while.

Because there is nothing here, not even a coffin board, and the owner's bones in the coffin have long since disappeared, so is this sound made by a human or a ghost?

It is unknown.

Zhang Yang said coldly:

"Let's go and have a look."

As he said that, Zhang Yang walked slowly towards the direction of the sound, holding the Big Dipper Knife.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, are we really going there?"

At this time, Hu Bayi was extremely scared in his heart, but he didn't dare to stay alone and wait.

Instead of this, why not follow Zhang Yang to see what happened?

If there is an emergency, he can get asylum as soon as possible.

Right now, Zhang Yang is his only umbrella.

(End of this chapter)

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