Chapter 245 Ghost Tomb

When Zhang Yang and Hu Bayi walked to the stone wall that made the sound, they found that there was no one there, and the sound disappeared at the same time.

"How could this be?"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes quickly scanned the stone wall in front of him.

Just now it was clear that the sound came from here, but now there is nothing, this is impossible.

And it's even more impossible for him to hear wrong.


"Mr. Zhang, why did the voice suddenly disappear?"

Hu Bayi also opened his mouth in fear, and the muscles of his whole body began to tense up.

He was really afraid that something would jump out suddenly, wouldn't that scare him to death?

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal Hu Bayi to keep silent.

Hu Bayi nodded in understanding, then shut up instantly.

Zhang Yang raised his head slightly, raised the flashlight in his hand and looked in the direction of the top of his head.

Hu Bayi also looked up.

This is the location above the Hades of the Tang Dynasty tomb. It was originally a place with a round sky. The dome-like tomb above is covered with auspicious stars on the top of the tomb. Looking at it, I didn't find anything unusual.

However, Zhang Yang discovered something unusual.

The sharp-eyed Zhang Yang noticed that there were stone walls of ghost tombs on the edge of the top wall of the Hades Hall. They were faintly visible. If you didn't look carefully, you really couldn't see anything unusual.

"Mr. Zhang, what's wrong here?"

At this time, Hu Bayi, who hadn't seen why yet, asked Zhang Yang curiously in a low voice.

"Hand out."

Zhang Yang suddenly turned his head to look at Hu Bayi.


When Hu Bayi was told by Zhang Yang, he was still a little shocked.


Zhang Yang spoke again in a low voice.


Only then did Hu Bayi pass his hand over unresponsively.

Zhang Yang raised the Big Dipper Knife in his hand and swiped lightly at Hu Bayi's palm.

Immediately, blood flowed out, and Hu Bayi grinned from the pain.

"Mr. Zhang, you?"

"Don't move."

Zhang Yang suddenly grabbed Hu Bayi's arm, and directly pressed the blood in his hand against the stone wall beside him.

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, it hurts, hurts, hurts."

At this moment, Hu Bayi was sweating profusely from the pain.

Because he didn't understand what Zhang Yang meant, he felt even more uncomfortable in his heart.

Could it be that Zhang Yang was bewitched?Actually scratched him?
"Be patient."

Zhang Yang's voice carried a bit of sternness.

Hu Bayi was so frightened that he didn't dare to scream anymore.

After that, Zhang Yangyou smeared the blood from Hu Bayi's palm on Hu Bayi's face and eyelids and said:
"Would you like to take a look at the entrance of the robber's cave now?"


Hu Bayi turned his head inexplicably to look at the entrance of the robber's cave just now, and was so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

"Why, how did this happen?"

Hu Bayi also had a surprised expression on his face.

The place that had been completely turned into a tomb passage had completely disappeared at this time.

At this time, the cave was full of piles of soil, which was the previous robbery cave.

and so.

Is this what they mean by blundering by mistake and coming back after a crooked hit?
"Let's go out first."

After speaking, Zhang Yang walked out first.

Hu Bayi didn't dare to waste time, so he quickly followed Zhang Yang.

He was worried that if the ghost tomb reappeared in a while, it would be troublesome.

This thing is very strange, if it is accidentally caught in it, it will be really difficult to get out.

If it wasn't for Zhang Yang today, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get out at all.

Zhang Yang saw that the robbery cave here had completely restored its original appearance, and it seemed that the ghost tomb really existed.

And it was because their entry alarmed the ghost tomb, so it appeared and trapped them inside.

Fortunately, he was witty just now and knew how to use blood sacrifice to break the forbidden technique of this ghost tomb.

But once this ghost tomb is activated, it will be difficult to disappear.

Unless it is a huge sacrificial ceremony, it may be difficult to completely seal it back.

Zhang Yang and Hu Bayi walked in the robbery cave for about 5 minutes, when they suddenly heard the sound of water droplets not far ahead.

Zhang Yang even subconsciously slowed down his pace. There was a sound of water dripping here, which meant that there was a cave ahead.

So, do they mean to come back again?
However, because the voice was not very real, Zhang Yang did not dare to judge the result.

At this time, Hu Bayi was already sweating profusely, and when he realized that Zhang Yang had slowed down his pace, he also stopped.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, what's wrong? Is there something in front?"

Every time Zhang Yang was found to stop, it meant that there was definitely something new ahead.

"There may be a cave in front."

Zhang Yang opened his mouth quietly.

"Cave? Could it be the cave we met before?"

Hu Bayi seemed somewhat excited.

At this moment, the water bottle in his backpack has already bottomed out. At this time, his mouth is already parched, and he longs to go to the cave to drink to his full.

Where there is water, there is hope.

Zhang Yang shook his head and said:

"Not so sure right now."

"Mr. Zhang, let's go there quickly."

As he spoke, Hu Bayi stretched his neck subconsciously and looked forward.


Zhang Yang nodded, and then quickly walked over.

According to his thinking, there must be a karst cave ahead.

As for whether it is the previous cave, it is not known.

Soon, the two arrived at the mouth of the cave.

It was found that this place is really a cave, but there are some differences from the previous ones.

The section of the robbery cave here was cut off directly by the gap in the karst cave in the mountain.

And this section of the karst cave connecting the bottom of the mountain looks a little unfathomable, and it is impossible to see the bottom.

Because, even if there is any sound from above, there will be an echo from below.

"Mr. Zhang, this karst cave is really deep. If you fall, I'm afraid you will lose your life."

Hu Bayi opened his mouth with some guilty conscience, and dared not approach the cave entrance.

"Let's go, the road here doesn't work, change to another."

As Zhang Yang said, he turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly, the strange sound came again not far behind him, it was still the sound of 'meow meow meow'.

"Mr. Zhang, is there really a cat or something here?"

Hu Bayi spoke weakly.

No matter how you listen to this voice, you will feel a sense of panic in your heart, especially in this ancient tomb, if there is a cat, I am afraid that the corpse will be picked up.

This made a layer of dark clouds weigh on Hu Bayi's heart.

In a place like this, once a corpse is removed, it will be blocked directly, and there will be no place to escape.

Zhang Yang was not in a hurry, and followed the voice directly to find the past.

He was curious as to what was making this sound.

If someone intentionally played a prank, it was extremely possible.

Although Hu Bayi was afraid in his heart, seeing Zhang Yang walking away, he didn't dare to stay longer and continued to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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